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The 77 million Americans who voted for Trump should be ashamed of themselves and have trouble sleeping at night.
And if they aren't experiencing any guilt about voting for this horrible, despicable traitor, I sincerely hope they personally feel the pain of his cruel policies.
I don't care if they're nice people or mean well. The fact they could actually vote for someone as cruel and corrupt as Donald Trump is all you need to know about their moral character.
I'll never forgive them for the irreversible damage they've inflicted on our once great country and the rest of the free world.

(2,346 posts)BonnieJW
(2,785 posts)Met her during covid. She is a retired educator, administrator, master's degree. The spring before the election she made her political leanings apparent and I was shocked.
How could a woman with her education and accomplishment be so stupid? Now I am cordial and polite but nothing more.
(13 posts)I just ignore. I'm not polite or even cordial, just basically act as if they don't exist.
(2,346 posts)Phoenix61
(18,146 posts)They have no moral character. We are the unwilling subjects of their stupidity.
(36,576 posts)They don't care who it is
(8,920 posts)CrispyQ
(39,213 posts)& yet they keep voting against their best interests, proving they aren't that bright. Owning the libs is going to cost them more than they thought.
(8,920 posts)walkingman
(8,920 posts)but it is costing all of us.
(13 posts)As far as the rural people, they don't like city-slickers. It's the old country mouse city mouse thing, it's been around forever. So often they would say....well it's not done that way here in Nebraska. I was from Denver, Colorado. People were also called down if they didn't like their gun culture. They didn't like the way of life in the city.
Guns are very important in the rural areas. So much of their social life is about guns. Pheasants Forever, Quail Forever, Ducks, Geese, Annual Coyotes Hunts, A gun a week raffles, Events for Kids to Learn How to Shoot, it's all hunting and guns.
It's cultural.
(8,920 posts)I own guns and use them when necessary for varmits. Very common to hear gunshots usually just target practice and because I have acreage am constantly asked by people from the city if they can come out and shoot. I decline because I do not care for the gun culture of today versus what it was when I was growing up - seems more dangerous to me. But I think the "They want to take my guns" is phoney - they know that no one wants to take their guns - except for assault rifles whose only purpose is to kill humans - I think it is an excuse to support their politics versus the threat that they tout.
(9 posts)Told her that her R husband betrayed not only his daughters and granddaughters, but everyone in our family as well.
Didn't go well, she couldn't believe I wouldn't accept this just because he's "family" and none of this affects me personally. Which is absolute bullshit, of course. Pretty Republican thing to say.
So, I'm the bad guy now. Just tired of holding this in just to make her comfortable. Still heartbreaking.
Goddamn these people for destroying so many relationships.
(2,571 posts)CountAllVotes
(21,445 posts)
I hear you and there any many others here in the same situation, me being on of them.
Greed and hate are their gods.

(9 posts)Lurked and read for many years, time to join the fray!
Always said, greed, hate and ignorance will be our downfall if we allow it. And it seems we are.
(21,445 posts)Their President is the one that will make them money, the more better. That is all they care about.
what a sad reality to live in.
Glad you opted to de-lurk!
Hope to see you around.
Take care and know you are not alone!
Gary 50
(429 posts)I heard he has disappeared 4 trillion from the stock market. He says it's only temporary. He's probably right. It will be 10 trillion or more before he is done.
(122,596 posts)more from you. So sorry about your family members.
(9,993 posts)and too brain dead to notice it.
Canada Kid
(10 posts)Railing about Trump and lambasting 77 million voters is not the problem. The rest of you Americans did NOT get out there and vote! Kamala Harris did not get the support she really needed to bypass the "ASS"! Now you all are stuck with 4 years of anarchy. The true "elephant in the room" is ELON MUSK!. He is engineering a takeover the the US economy so you the taxpayer will supply him with billions through the annual taxation of your earnings. Think not? The funds collected by the IRS are utilized for the running of the various departments of government. If the gardians of those departments have been fired, then who is looking out for the proper handling and dispersement of those monies. Don't forget, Trump gutted important watchdog committees, did away with checks and balances put in place by congress years ago. Now Musk (THE CAT) is watching your money (THE MOUSE). He will stuff his pockets, and he has his doofuss Trump doing all the dirty work for him. The man is a genius, he is manipulative, cunning, and extremely intelligent. He knows how the game will play out before it is over! No one should estimate him. He already squirrelled his way into government with absolutely no political credentials. THINK ABOUT IT!!!
(28 posts)It's the 75-100 million that didn't vote but could have. At least the people with room temperature IQ's participated in the system even though they have a f'd up ethos.
Aye Walter?!
Oh Dude, don't go! This affects us all Man!
(1,524 posts)They want to break this country down to its foundations, and the technofascists want to rebuild it into monarchial network states. Putin wants Americans to feel the pain that Russians felt in the 90's after the breakup of the U.S.S.R. The United States of America of the past 250 years will be dissolved.
(162,433 posts)the people who didn't vote are very much to blame too - they AND the people who actually VOTED for that fascist POS - THEY CAN ALL GO FUCK THEMSELVES
(23,578 posts)Hotler
(12,801 posts)Be aware your surroundings and keep an eye on your six. MAGAS are itching to bring violence to us.
(21,445 posts)They don't care about me or you.
All they care about is $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and how to get more!!!!!
That is their GOD.
Sickening I agree and SHAME ON ALL OF THEM.
& recommend!
(33,599 posts)And, there are few "nice" or well-meaning ones in the lot, if any. Every last one of them knew goddamn well who they were voting for, and what an utterly vile, horrific excuse for a person he is. They're all okay with it. Or, worse, they love him BECAUSE he's a cruel, disgusting man, which makes them just as vile and horrific as he is. They knew what they were getting, and they fucking wanted it. Fuck them all. May the pain he's inflicting on us be a million times worse for them. I will never forgive them, either.
(11,260 posts)if anything they are even further emboldened after the Election, and the Inauguration.......And acting out in Public and on the roads.
The Colorado State Patrol has stated that they have seen a definite increase in Road Rage and Reckless Driving since the Election........
(82 posts)They threw our country away
(3,729 posts)voted third party should be more ashamed because they knew how bad Trump would be but wanted to punish democrats because they didnt meet their standard of perfection.
(17,517 posts)kimbutgar
(24,480 posts)A long time friend of my husband voted for him and my husband wrote him a detailed email why his vote will hurt him in the future. The guy texted hi to never talk to him again, I read theemail and it was detailed and well researched. But that guy probably has a screw loose anyway. I lost two long time friends in his first reign of terror who will never admit they made a mistake.
(48,017 posts)Many MAGAts are dumb enough to blame Biden for the current stock market and believe Musk uncovered rampant fraud without evidence.
(34,618 posts)Joinfortmill
(17,517 posts)1WorldHope
(1,081 posts)CrispyQ
(39,213 posts)mahina
(19,535 posts)no doubt much of this was in response to emotions inflicted by the firehose of malign foreign influence.
2 Meow Momma
(6,797 posts)I also reluctantly believe now that shame is dead on the right. I think millions and millions are happy to own the libs and are not ashamed of whatever happens to that end.
(6,969 posts)Time for them to feel some regret.
(2,776 posts)ButchMcMuffin
(28 posts)LisaM
(29,034 posts)I don't know why we have to keep pandering to these assholes.
(321 posts)The rest of them just dont care.
(45 posts)Most people that voted for Trump gave more thought to the 7 Layer Bean Dip that they were going to serve at their Super Bowl party this year than they did to the prospect of a Trump presidency
(19,535 posts)I don't have time to search through her excellent videos at present but it is simple math. We lose without bringing these people into the light. Obviously? Feel however you have to feel but understand without them we keep losing.
(124 posts)That couldn't be bothered to show up. Cruelty and ignorance abound.
(754 posts)live love laugh
(15,026 posts)From CSPAN:
Trump pre Inauguration rally Jan 19, DC Capital One Arena
3:28 Trump introduces Musk
he journeyed to Pennsylvania where he spent like a month and a half campaigning for me
. he knows those computers better than anybody all those computers those vote counting computers and we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide so it was pretty good it was pretty good so thank you to Elon
3:49 Mentions rigged election
and you know it's only because they rigged the election that I'll be your president
I got both of them I got the Olympics and I got the World Cup and I said you know it's too bad one in 2026 and the other in 2028 I said I won't be there I won't be your president but then they rigged the election and now we won so I'm gonna be your president for the Olympics
thank you for the World Cup
CSPAN link to YouTube:
(5,898 posts)don't discount that gaslighting does work on those who are vulnerable.
(44,214 posts)nowforever
(463 posts)A black woman is so scary...fuckin morons
(11,357 posts)I will never forgive those who made it possible, nor those who could not think through to the correct decision, i.e. those who voted for the (4 x indicted, convicted in NY for fraud & again in NYC for rape) thug. I'm not forgetting about those who "just stayed home" either.
WTF more info would one need to know who to vote for? The 2024 election was purely about morals.
Shame on them all.
Blue Owl
(55,577 posts)Id like to personally punch each one in the face
(1,025 posts)Skittles
(162,433 posts)they utterly DISGRACED America
I will NEVER forgive them, UGH
(23,578 posts)that never went to Harris against Trump in '24?
(7,711 posts)Unless perhaps they have been directly affected by the crap etc.