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Tried to edit this puppy down, but it's the sheer quantity of the crazy that makes my point.Weve been subjected to costs that we shouldnt be subjected to. In the case of Canada, were spending 200 billion a year to subsidize Canada. I love Canada, I love the people of Canada. I love I have many friends in Canada. The great one, Wayne Gretzky, the great. Hey, how good is Wayne Gretzky? Hes a great one.
But we have I know many people from Canada that are good friends of mine. But, you know, the United States cant subsidize a country for $200 billion a year. We dont need their cars. We dont need their energy. We dont need their lumber. We dont need anything that they that they give. We do it because we want to be helpful.
But it comes a point when you just cant do that. You have to run your own country. And to be honest with you, Canada only works as a state. It doesnt. We dont need anything they have as a state. It would be one of the great states anywhere. This would be the most incredible country visually. If you look at a map, they drew an artificial line right through it between Canada and the U.S. just a straight artificial line. Somebody did it a long time ago, many, many decades ago. And it makes no sense.
Its so perfect as a great and cherished state. Keeping, Oh, Canada, the national anthem, I love it. I think its great. Keep it. But itll be for the state. One of our greatest states, maybe our greatest state. But why should we subsidize another country for 200 billion, costs us $200 billion a year? And again, we dont need their lumber. We dont need their energy.
We have more than they do. We dont need anything. We dont need their cars. Id much rather make the cars here. And theres not a thing that we need. Now therell be a little disruption, but it wont be very long. But they need us. We really dont need them. And we have to do this. Im sorry. We have to do this.

(11,387 posts)mush for brains.
(4,367 posts)As a matter of fact, there is now word in the DSM 5 that has a dx to describe this monolithic mental patient a name.
We need a new name/dx
(7,597 posts)He's nuts. If he picks a fight with another NATO member, the aggressor will be put down in a hurry. We'll be lucky if Canada doesn't make us a province of theirs.
He clearly thinks that this posturing of his is going to do something for HIM. My guess is he is after the shared waterways. But, he has misjudged Canada! They are NEVER, EVER going to somehow turn into our 51st state. That's an absurdity.
I don't know if anyone else remembers this, but Obama signed some document that allows the UN to enter the US in the case of conflict inside our borders. Those peacekeeping troops can come in to stop conflict. The UN is traditionally weak, but they are another military component that can prevent any stupid thing that rumpy does.
His constant agitation will get him nothing. Maybe he'll have a heart attack and he'll drop dead. What's Canada got that is equivalent to McDonalds? Or KFC? Let's feed the fat ass more cholesterol.
central scrutinizer
(12,458 posts)Or a link to The Onion but he actually fucking said that. Jesus fucking Christ
allegorical oracle
(4,316 posts)Only a sick mind would entertain such an absurdity and then say "sorry". Seems to have a thing about that artificial straight line separating the two countries. Guess he figures state boundaries, especially Kansas, is just another artificial artifice.
(17,591 posts)senseandsensibility
(21,294 posts)anything he says long ago, but my blood boils at the white house "press" corps that just smile and accept these kinds of statements. What do they think their purpose is?
(14,101 posts)I have never heard anus mouth trump give the correct definition of a trade deficit.
He didn't do it the first time he was president.
He hasn't done it so far this time.
I have never heard the media call him out on live TV about these 2 lies.