General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsRep. DeLauro's two Fact Sheets on what this Republican bill does should be read in order to
actually make better determinations on whether risking a govt shutdown and standing up to TrumpMusk is worth the battle.
Fact Sheet]
Small piece
Clink link for full details on what gets cut, gutted and transferred.]
A small piece
even more leeway to shutoff and repurpose funding as they see fit.
Among the many problems, the bill forces evictions of more than 32,000 households, jeopardizes Social
Security, slashes infrastructure investments, and cuts nutrition assistance.
This Republican full-year continuing resolution reneges on veterans medical care and creates future
uncertainty. More veterans are enrolled in VA care than ever. This bill fails to include $22.8 billion in
fiscal year 2026 advanced funding for the Toxic Exposures Fund to care for veterans exposed to burn
pits, Agent Orange, and other toxic substances.
Courts rely on Congressional directives to understand the intent of laws omitting those directives in a
full-year continuing resolution would abandon our allies engaged in litigation to protect American
families and businesses.
The bill cuts funding for nondefense programs and services by $13 billion while increasing defense
spending by $6 billion compared to fiscal year 2024 enacted levels. It cuts nondefense funding by
$15 billion and defense by $3 billion relative to the fiscal year 2025 levels in the Fiscal Responsibility
Act agreement.
Clink link to read full details

(92,545 posts)Think. Again.
(21,843 posts)Nanjeanne
(5,960 posts)opinion.
Think. Again.
(21,843 posts)yardwork
(65,826 posts)CousinIT
(11,111 posts)BComplex
(9,317 posts)Key Takeaways
Ensures a costly government shutdown does not befall the American people.
Fully funds core government services.
Maintains government operations without increasing the spending of taxpayer dollars.
Upholds responsibilities to our nations veterans and ensures full funding for their healthcare services and benefits.
Enhances defense investments and includes the largest pay raise for junior enlisted troops in over 40 years.
Supports federal wildland firefighters and their work to protect our communities and public lands.
Protects Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid recipients from the disruptions and confusion a shutdown will cause.
Increases funding for air traffic control priorities over FY24.
The bill fully funds the program that provides important nutrition assistance to mothers, infants, and children. It includes a more than $500M increase for WIC, as requested by the Trump Administration, for a total of $7.6B.
Safeguards legislation from any poison pills, ensuring a clean CR.
Like I've been saying: THIS BILL SUCKS, but it's better than a total shut down, because some of us need the government services that WOULD DEFINITELY be shut down if the CR bill doesn't pass.
(5,960 posts)BComplex
(9,317 posts)There are issues in the bill that are better for many people than a total shut down would be.
(9,317 posts)If you are so sure this is a total give-away, please post which parts dip into social security and medicare. That is the financial stability most seniors depend on.
(5,960 posts)no idea what you are even saying. But you know it doesnt matter. My concern is this:
Fails to lower the cost ofhousing and instead cuts rent subsidies for low-income and working Americans by more than $700 million, leaving landlords to foot the bill for or evict more than 32,000 households including veterans, survivors of domestic violence, seniors, and families with disabilities.
Would allow Elon Musk and President Trump to fire thousands of employees at the Social Security Administration, which would result in closures of Social Security offices, increased wait times, and unacceptable backlogs for Americans trying to access their earned benefits.
Enables Elon Musk to direct contracts to his companies like Starlink and SpaceX, while unvetted SpaceX employees have burrowed in the FAA, with no requirement for public transparency, fair competition, or Congressional approval all while mission-critical jobs have been cut at the FAA and Elon Musks spaceships exploded during two failed space launches since January, causing major disruptions to air travelers.
Cuts Army Corps of Engineers construction projects that keep commerce safely flowing on our waterways, manage flood risk, and restore ecosystems by $1.4 billion, or 44 percent, and Elon Musk and President Trump, not Congress, will determine all project funding levels.
Reneges on veterans medical care and creates future uncertainty. More veterans are enrolled in VA care than ever. While the bill includes $6 billion in mandatory funds to address an immediate funding shortfall, it fails to include $22.8 billion in fiscal year 2026 advanced funding for the Toxic Exposures Fund to care for veterans exposed to burn pits, Agent Orange, and other toxic substances that House Republicans included in their own funding bill last year. It also frees Elon Musk and President Trump to redirect funding meant for homelessness assistance grants, mental health care, rural health, opioid and substance abuse programs, some oncology programs, and caregivers support, however they see fit.
Gives Elon Musk and President Trump broad discretion to eliminate individual programs of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), including programs impacting coastal and Great Lakes areas, as well as funding for climate change research and for improvements in the forecasting of severe weather, after they already fired hundreds of weather forecasters.
The bill cuts funding for nondefense programs and services by $13 billion while increasing defense spending by $6 billion compared to fiscal year 2024 enacted levels. It cuts nondefense funding by $15 billion and defense by $3 billion relative to the fiscal year 2025 levels in the Fiscal Responsibility Act agreement.
Among other things.
(25,141 posts)orleans
(35,756 posts)Escurumbele
(3,736 posts)But this is what dictators do, they give lots of money to the military, not only to the organization itself but directly to the brass.
Someone has to do something to end this, we are moving VERY FAST into a dictatorship, and once we get there they will be unstoppable, they already accomplished phase 1, even before the buffoon was elected, they bought the Supreme Court, now they are going for the military, and if that is accomplished it will be extremely difficult to stop them.
This comes next: