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This message was self-deleted by its author (bigtree) on Fri Mar 14, 2025, 10:13 PM. When the original post in a discussion thread is self-deleted, the entire discussion thread is automatically locked so new replies cannot be posted.

Think. Again.
(21,843 posts)That's weird.
(3,141 posts)Think. Again.
(21,843 posts)...the CR will pass and will give the executive branch unconstitutional power which they will use to mess with SS.
What schumer has done with the cloture vote, is put the Democratic Party in the position of enablers and collaborators on the CR.
(7,227 posts)That's hilarious.
Think. Again.
(21,843 posts)OilemFirchen
(7,227 posts)If this CR negatively disrupts the lives of citizens, the Republicans will be held solely accountable. It really is as simple as that.
Think. Again.
(21,843 posts)OilemFirchen
(7,227 posts)The Republicans control the government. The general populace, if they understand anything, understand that. They don't know, nor give a whit about cloture or CRs. They will hold the party in power accountable and, accordingly, give the Democrats a pass.
It really is that simple.
Think. Again.
(21,843 posts)Celerity
(48,622 posts)has little skin in the game now.
(7,227 posts)Your response is irrelevant.
(48,622 posts)under Biden.
King and Sanders are part of the Democratic Senatorial Caucus, which is and was very relevant.
(44,182 posts)I agree with you that FOTUS and emperor Musk are going to do what they will do.
Had the government shut down, how would that have stopped them from doing this?
Think. Again.
(21,843 posts)...from being complicit.
regnaD kciN
(26,842 posts)It was based on Neville Chamberlain's declaration of "peace in our time" after caving to Hitler over Czechoslovakia.
(9,016 posts)Think. Again.
(21,843 posts)Eko
(9,016 posts)And shut down entire federal agencies and not reopen them if he wants to.
Added, show me what law will make dump keep the SS admin open. The directions on how to do a shutdown is from an EO, and dump can change that to how he wants to.
Think. Again.
(21,843 posts)This cloture vote and CR just protects him from any legal challenges, even better for him.
(9,016 posts)Think. Again.
(21,843 posts)Eko
(9,016 posts)A emergency declaration wont let him shut down federal agencies. Also, the CR wont let him do that either.
I'm sorry but you are incorrect on both counts.
Think. Again.
(21,843 posts)Eko
(9,016 posts)Think. Again.
(21,843 posts)Eko
(9,016 posts)5) Social Security AdministrationSupple-17
mental Security Income Program, for benefit pay-18
ments under title XVI of the Social Security Act,19
$22,100,000,000, to remain available until ex-20
Page 11
Here is the link for the bill, can you show me where it lets dump do what you said about SS?
Think. Again.
(21,843 posts)...if a sequestration is ordered by the president... the spending expenditure, or operating plan required by this section shall reflect such sequestration.
The departments and agencies to which this section applies are as follows:
(page 15, line 25) The Social Scurity Administration
(Sorry it took so long, I couldn't copy/paste from the live pdf on my tablet)
(9,016 posts)Great work reading through that, it wasn't easy.
Social Security spending is considered mandatory spending, not discretionary spending, meaning it's funded by permanent appropriations and not subject to annual congressional approval like discretionary spending.
Page 13 makes it clear this is about discretionary spending.
for which advance appropriations were provided for fiscal5
year 2025 or 2026 in an appropriations Act for fiscal year6
2024, in addition to amounts otherwise made available by7
this division, advance appropriations are provided in the8
same amount for fiscal year 2026 or 2027, respectively,9
with a comparable period of availability.
The SSA's administrative costs, including salaries and benefits for federal employees and state employees at disability determination services, are funded through discretionary spending, which requires annual congressional approval.
So dump could indeed cut off the pay of SS employees but he cant shut it down.
If Social Security loses discretionary spending, the Social Security Administration (SSA) would face significant challenges in maintaining its current level of service, potentially leading to hiring freezes, furloughs, field office closures, limited service hours, and delays in IT modernization, all of which could negatively impact beneficiaries
While continued stoppage of the employees pay would most likely stop services down the road dump taking away the discretionary amount still leaves the SS admin open. Closing it down would be immediate. In the meantime while the discretionary part is taken away SS still works yet at a decreased rate and all hell would break out in the US. So, no , what he can do with the CR is way different that in a shutdown. But I have to give you major props for doing all that work. Having this kind of discussion with someone willing to do the work it entails is a sheer delight and helps me learn a lot of things and I 100% applaud you for doing so.
Thanks and Keep in keeponing.

Think. Again.
(21,843 posts)Eko
(9,016 posts)But this is about what would be worse for SS, the CR or a shutdown. Since the shutdown is governed by an executive order it can be changed by executive order and I dont think dump would make any good changes. He could say that he has the power to shut down SS entirely and there is no law or case law saying he cant do that. If he ordered it shut down then it would be shut down and it would go to the courts of which have way less resources because they are shut down as well and it would take time to get all the way to the Supreme Court. Meantime SS is completely shut down instead of just loosing its discretionary spending which will leave it open for a while.
Think. Again.
(21,843 posts)....(the automated deposit system can't run if the electricity bill isn't paid, or there are no IT employees to keep it running, or something) and now that trump is legally protected by the CR, the CR itself would have to be court-challenged before trump's defunding of the agency could be court-challenged.
Social Security's days are now numbered, unless trump gets nervous about how even his magats will react to his plans for it.
(9,016 posts)But the shut down would be immediate and not drawn out like the CR would be. Does it make a huge difference? I think so cause it would give the American people time to mobilize and hopefully stop it. While they are two different things in the long run it might not make a difference, unless you are on SS like the original poster was then it makes a huge one.
Once again thanks!!
Think. Again.
(21,843 posts)But I think if dump uses the CR to start de-funding SS then all hell will break loose giving people time to fight back including the courts. Closing it is just closing it.
Think. Again.
(21,843 posts)bigtree
(91,698 posts)...thanks y'all
Lol, welcome #2! Thanks for looking in.
...looking at you, number.
(27,081 posts)Thought its FEMA deposit was safe, it wasnt.
Your bank account isnt safe either.
Am going to bookmark your thread for later.
Comrade Citizen
(218 posts)Think. Again.
(21,843 posts)gab13by13
(27,081 posts)And Schumer kneecapped them.
Let me know when its bad enough to fight back.
(18,976 posts)Thanks for the hearty, big belly laugh. Much needed today!