Related: About this forumIt would appear the repug party in Alaska is eating itself.
How Sen. Murkowski was booed by Paul supporters at Alaska GOP convention
It was supposed to go smoothly for U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski on Friday night when she took the stage to give a speech and introduce guest speaker U.S. Sen. John Barrasso, a Republican from Wyoming, at the Alaska Republican Party Convention.
Murkowski has faced some tough crowds in the past, particularly in 2010 when she was running for re-election against Joe Miller in the midst of a tea party uprising. But all of that was supposedly behind her. Her win in an historic write-in campaign against Miller seemed to take the wind out of the tea party movement in Alaska. For various reasons, like Alaskas weird economy and geography, the tea party wasnt gaining as much ground as in other states.
That all seemed to change as Murkowski stood before her fellow Republicans at the Hilton in downtown Anchorage on Friday.
Dozens of Ron Paul supporters -- who would ultimately get their man, Russ Millette, the votes he needed to become the next chair of the Alaska Republican Party -- found common ground with Joe Miller and his supporters. And Murkowski paid the price as they heckled her on stage.
Hahahahaha! Couldn't have happened to a nicer group of douchenozzles.

(70,823 posts)Confusious
(8,317 posts)hlthe2b
(108,489 posts)
Now as somebody who absolutely DESPISES the Republican party in Alaska, I at first welcomed this as good news. I am NO Ron Paul supporter, but I could NOT imagine how anybody could run the party worse, or make it any more corrupt, than Randy Ruederich.
But then I read this:
... after the party delegates votes were tallied Saturday evening, a cheer erupted from Paul supporters on the second floor of the Hilton. Others looked crestfallen. Some blamed failed senatorial candidate Joe Miller and his wife, Kathleen, who spent much of their time Saturday huddled with Paul supporters. Miller was largely expected to jockey for a party leadership position, but it was Kathleen who, sporting a Ron Paul sticker, won a seat on Alaskas GOP Electoral College.
The Millers were nowhere to be found at the party afterwards at Ron Pauls Alaska campaign headquarters in downtown Anchorage, where both Millete and Brown spoke to supporters.
They tried every maneuver they could, but God prevailed, Millete told the crowd, many who were half his age or younger.
To be sure, not all Paul supporters believe in God, but a certain alliance between the tea party and Paulites was necessary for an upset in GOP politics on the Last Frontier, as evidenced by Joe Miller backers aligning with Paul supporters at this weekends convention. And so, regardless of religious beliefs, they cheered for Millete.
Oh shit!
(45,694 posts)Considering everything $arah touches eventually goes down in flames like the Hindenburg, this takeover could be immensely entertaining.
(46,436 posts)I'm not taking him too seriously these days.
Ken Burch
(50,254 posts)Which one?
Ken Burch
(50,254 posts)We've come close to being a state where the 'pugs control the House as if by divine right.
Control of the state will come down to the court challenges on redistricting. It will also be interesting to see how the new Rep Party Chairman Russ Millette runs the show.
(46,436 posts)I found it interesting that Joe Miller was on OUR side when it came to the bungled Anchorage election.
Arctic Dave
(13,812 posts)Ken Burch
(50,254 posts)the Uncle Ted-Don Young-Frank The Bank types who ruled the party through Ruedrich for all these decades(and who, of course, guaranteed his defeat by refusing to threaten any retribution whatsoever for 'Pugs who covertly supported Lisa Lisa's fall write-in campaign in '10).
It wouldn't surprise me to see Joe try to borrow the AIP line to stick it to Don Young this fall, or to whoever gets nominated to run against Mark Begich in '14, OR to Lisa Lisa herself in her next re-election campaign. He'd have to realize by now that he'll never be able to count on getting regular GOP support in any race where he happened to get THEIR nomination.