Related: About this forum**Thread for VOLUNTEERS to HOST Photo Contests in 2025!**
Last edited Mon Mar 3, 2025, 02:01 AM - Edit history (13)
We've had four very successful years having volunteers running the monthly contests.
Now it's time to think about next year, 2025!
If you've never hosted a contest, here is a thread that will describe that:
Here are the months. If you would like to host, please respond and identify which month you would like to host. The SEASONAL Contests run in March, June, September, and December. All other months are theme oriented contests where the winner will be awarded the prize of choosing the theme for the contest in the next theme oriented month. As in the past, the winner--because of selecting the theme--does not get to participate in the next contest, but hosts are allowed to participate (unless by chance the person who is scheduled to host also happens to win the previous month and selects the theme!) As an example, the winner of this November's Contest (2024) will choose the theme for the January 2025 contest because the contest for December 2024 will be a Seasonal Contest (AUTUMN)
It would be really wonderful if some of the winners from this past year would VOLUNTEER to HOST!
As people respond with the months they would like to host, I will put the names together with the months so that we can refer back to this thread to see who has volunteered for hosting any particular month in 2023. Just indicate in a response to this thread which month you'd like to VOLUNTEER to host, and I will match your name to the month. I have already picked out the two that I will run this coming year.
March--(Seasonal Contest for Winter)--CaliforniaPeggy
April--Grumpy Old Guy
June--(Seasonal Contest for Spring--)Mousetoescamper
August--Grumpy Old Guy
September--(Seasonal Contest for Summer)--CaliforniaPeggy
December--(Seasonal Contest for Autumn)--WalkerinSC

(54,461 posts)CaliforniaPeggy
(153,137 posts)
(5,836 posts)
(153,137 posts)
Grumpy Old Guy
(3,706 posts)We haven't nailed down our travel plans for next year, other than D.C. in October for a wedding. I may ask to swap with someone later on. As of now, these should be good.
(153,137 posts)I'll put you in for April and August.
(801 posts)CaliforniaPeggy
(153,137 posts)bluescribbler
(2,299 posts)Should be some great pictures for that one, don't you think?
(153,137 posts)The theme is different for each month, except for the seasonal contests. And October is not a seasonal month, so the theme will be decided by whoever won the previous month's contest! However, there will be wonderful photos! We have some very talented folks here.
I will pm you my instruction/cheat sheets to help you figure out how to do the contest. And as always, I am here to answer any questions you may have!
(26,796 posts)May. If you'll have me.
I've never done it before but I've been meaning to dig my camera out and I have no excuse not to do it. Hopefully, the battery will still charge. If not, I'll be hanging out here for help.
I need to get out more before the world goes completely to hell anyway.
I will understand if I'm rejected as a host. But I am still going to try and be a contributing member going forward.
(153,137 posts)I am happy to accept your offer, but I want to make sure that you understand what we need you to do.
I need you to host a contest. This means you post a thread where the theme for the month is stated, so that our members can post photos that work with the theme.
Then, when a sufficient number of photos from our members have been posted in the Submission thread, you get to post the polls so the membership of DU can vote on which one they like. I see you have a star, and that's good since you will need that in order to post the polls that record the votes.
I will put some links in my post that will show you what you'll do.
Here's an example of a Submission Thread:
Here's an example of a poll thread:
Running a contest does not mean that you must take photos. Please ask me if you have any questions!
(26,796 posts)But I also hope to post some pictures. I'll study anything you send me. Thank you. ❤️
(153,137 posts)I just wanted to make sure that you understood what hosting actually means.
And you are more than welcome to post your photos! If you enter a contest, any photo you post there must be your own work.
Eventually, I will send you via PM my notes on how to physically run the contest. I won't do it tonight--it's late for me! But I will send the notes well in advance of May.
One thing you will need to host May: either a laptop or a desktop computer. Some folks have tried to do the contest on a phone, and it cannot be done that way. You need a much larger screen than the phone has.
Thank you!
(26,796 posts)littlemissmartypants
(26,796 posts)CaliforniaPeggy
(153,137 posts)Dyedinthewoolliberal
(16,015 posts)Assuming I, and DU are here to see that date!
(153,137 posts)You just made my day!
I'll put your name in.