Related: About this forumHow to post photos to DU (Rev. June 2020)
Last edited Mon Jun 22, 2020, 09:37 AM - Edit history (6)
As you have discovered probably by now, you cannot paste photos into the message text box here on DU. Hey, no worry! Even experienced DU members with thousands of posts have to sometimes ask this question, so... welcome!
For a photo (image, video, etc.) to display on DU, the hyperlink (also called the URL or web address among other things...) must be placed in the message box. The image will display when you click Preview (always test!) and when you post it.
SITUATION ONE: I want to post an image I found on the internet.
Depending on which internet browser you use, you may see different options when you right-click on an image you have found while browsing.
If you use Chrome or Firefox, a right click on the image will display Copy image address.
Then paste the copied address into the DU message box. Bam!
If you use Internet Explorer/Bing, right click the image, click Properties, and you will see Address (URL). Select the address (htt p://blah blah...jpg (or png, gif, etc.) and copy it. Paste it into the message text box on DU.
If you use a different browser, Google how to find the image URL for that browser. They are all slightly different.
NOTE: If you try the method above and you don't see the copy image address or Properties/Address/URL, it can't be done this way. You will have to get a screenshot of the image (Windows has Snipping Tool) and save it on your computer as a .jpg file (or .png) and upload it to the image hosting site, as detailed below.
SITUATION TWO: I want to post a photo that I have on my own computer. It is NOT on the internet (yet!)
First, get that image from your computer uploaded to a web-based image hosting site. There are many. Photobucket was very popular until just recently when it became unaffordable. Imgur is a free site. There are more explained in this document (valid as of 8/2/2017) .
Because of the different places to put your image, I can't give you step by step on how to upload your image. Once you have uploaded your image to your upload site, you will see that it may offer you various types of links. You need the Direct Link, as indicated in the screenshot below. Click the copy button. Then paste into your DU message box. Done!

YIKES! WTH? But it just shows the URL in the DU message box and not the photo!
The image you are trying to link to may be part of a slideshow or gallery. If when right-clicking on the image you want you don't see the copy image address or Properties/Address/URL, it can't be done this way. You will have to get a screenshot of it and save it on your computer as a jpg file (or png) and upload it to the image hosting site, as shown above.
The URL you pasted into DU must end with one of the standard file format extensions such as .jpg, .gif, .png, etc.
What about YouTube videos?
Easiest way is when you are on the YouTube page viewing your video, simply click in the address bar for the page and copy that URL. Then paste it into the DU message box. NOTE: DU does not recognize the 'start at' x seconds command, so you will have to literally type in the instructions something like "the relevant part starts at the 4:20 mark" See screenshot:

Solly Mack
(94,364 posts)I appreciate you doing this. It did need to be updated because of photobucket.
(10,074 posts)
(19,345 posts)AllaN01Bear
(24,166 posts)

(1 post)The image you are trying to link to may be part of a slide show or gallery. If you don't see the copy image address or Properties/Address/URL, it can't be done this way. You will have to get a screenshot of it and save it on your computer as a jpg file (or png) and upload it to the image hosting site, as shown above.
(19,345 posts)a kennedy
(32,966 posts)
(22,020 posts)might have something in photobucket.
(19,345 posts)Message box is this box right here where you are entering the URL for the image and any other text you wish to add.
(74 posts)Could you give an explanation for using a Samsung Galaxy A53 5G , please?
Because I see no "Message Box."
Help would be so appreciated. .png
(19,345 posts)
(74 posts)...that I cannot see the Message Box?
Check this link to a screen shot of what I see when I click on Edit Avatar, please.:
And thanks so much for your prompt reply above
(19,345 posts)I am describing posting an image in a post. That's what my screen shot shows.
I am sorry I confused you.
For the AVATAR business... the file you wanna use has to fit in these confines as listed on the screenshot AND the file MUST be uploaded to DU. In that way it's NOT like posting a photo. If you are using your phone, the avatar photo MUST be on the phone.
(74 posts)Last edited Sat Oct 22, 2022, 01:07 PM - Edit history (1) on Edit Avatar:
And I see no place to insert this (my) image or this Internet URL to it: .jpg
I fear that I may have to take a wheelchair trip... (I had an operation for spinal stenosis 8/3/2022 to "snip, starting from the top, vertebrae 3, 4, 5, 6 & the top of 7 on the back of my neck where they fuse together, to relieve the pressure on my spinal cord" [pinched nerve(s).] Then a swollen testicle and a blood pressure reading of 209/109 resulted in a 911 trip to the hospital where they took a scan that showed my urethra closed off & needing my prostate to be reamed out. They then inserted a Foley catheter into my penis 9/2/2022, to remain until I heal from the operation I had 10/22/2022 that drained my swollen testicle.)... to my computer to insert my images, because my Samsung Galaxy A53 5G doesn't seem to let me upload my images directly, & instead wants me to go through their site:
Sorry for the probably wrongly done insertion into the middle of a sentence above. I like to tell true stories from my life, because I believe it helps my memory, mightbeinteresting to others, & in this case, maybe helps or enlightens somewhat others with nerve pain.
Anyway, if you can help me here, I will so appreciate it.
(445 posts)3Hotdogs
(13,968 posts)How can I post them on D.U. ?
(19,345 posts)Same as this section above: I want to post an image I found on the internet.
(735 posts)Mozilla Firefox - it works! right click on image, select "Copy link location", then right click and "paste" at the destination...
Lucky Luciano
(11,589 posts)To get this, I pasted the link they gave without a proper picture extension and put it into my safari browser. Then I pressed the picture to get a “copy image” hitch provides a link.
I then have to delete everything past the “.jpg” and delete the “_d” before the jpg to make the image the proper size.
What is the way to do this now if this hack isn’t it?

(19,345 posts)
I am not sure what you mean by 'link they gave me'
If someone (or the internet) provides an image link it needs to end with .jpg or .png etc. DU doesn't recognize past that.
Are you trying to paste an image from the net? If so, display the image in your browser and (I don't know Apple stuff) right click and you should see get image link or some such.
Good luck
Lucky Luciano
(11,589 posts)Not very useful of course...but if I paste this link into the browser of my iPad, then press and hold the image for a second, I get the option to “copy” which provides a jpg that I have to modify as mentioned in my first post.
(19,345 posts)Display the image (click your name, then images) and THEN click the COPY button next to Direct Link
Copying the address bar URL just takes you to the image in Imgur.
Lucky Luciano
(11,589 posts)Last edited Sun May 5, 2019, 10:52 AM - Edit history (1)
Maybe because I’m using the imgur iPad app. All I get is “copy link”.
I’ll keep looking for it - I hope it can be done easily in-app as using the web browser is inconvenient compared to what the app could be.
The browser on iPad does get me a direct link albeit with a different menu and a little extra work to copy it. I guess that will do for now.
My laptop with chrome might be easier, but obviously that is less convenient than relaxing with the iPad!
...but thank you for all the quick responses!
(19,345 posts)MagickMuffin
(17,454 posts)Hold down on the pic, a Copy link appears and next to it there are 3 dots, click it, then the pop up window appears, there are several options to choose from but the one you want is the BBCode (forums) hit the green button and Copy Link, then use that to paste in the forum.
It was somewhat frustrating but I didn’t give up until I figured it out. Using my google photos saving them to my iPad photos and then I’m able to upload.
I hope this helps.
Lucky Luciano
(11,589 posts)I only use the iPad for DU, but the better solution is
(17,454 posts)I don’t like all the ads on the postimage site.
Perhaps others will like it.
(42 posts)ohhellyes previously known as ohheckyeah

Response to CurtEastPoint (Original post)
ohhellyes This message was self-deleted by its author.
Response to CurtEastPoint (Original post)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(6,281 posts)It is very comprehensive.
(23,215 posts)tried to do it over in GD and I've actually never been able to do it.
(19,345 posts)Here is the image URL from a FB photo. Doesn't work. As you know already!
Response to Maraya1969 (Reply #22)
CurtEastPoint This message was self-deleted by its author.
a kennedy
(32,966 posts)and I can’t find info anywhere, or maybe I’m just so ill equipped to do it. But shoot would love to show the plant AND the monarchs.
(19,345 posts)Since I don't have those devices or s/w, when I wrote this I could not outline the steps.
(19,345 posts)Go here if you have further questions:
Hold Control key down, click image, select 'Copy Image Address'
Mobile device:
Press and hold image, select copy, paste into DU post
(Sometimes you need to paste that into the address bar of a new tab to get the image URL in older iOS versions, then copy and paste that into the DU post.)
BTW - I highly recommend people get the iCab Mobile browser for iOS devices (I think it's two dollars). There is a 'Copy Address (Photo)' option when pressing and holding.
(49 posts)CurtEastPoint
(19,345 posts)William Seger
(11,460 posts)When you view a photo on Flickr, there is a "Share Photo" button (an arrow icon) in the lower right. When you click that, there are several options, the first of which is a plain https URL, but it's to a page on Flickr, so it's no use -- that page won't give you a direct link to the image file. But there is also a "BBCode" option for sharing, and when you click that, it gives you a text string with several URLs embedded in tags that are commonly used on forums, such as [img] and [url], but those don't work here. However, the URL between the [img] and [/img] tags is a direct link to an image file, which is what you want here.
So, go to "Share Photo", click on "BBCode", copy the whole string, paste it into a posting box here, and delete everything except the https URL for the .jpg file.
(19,345 posts)SorellaLaBefana
(291 posts)
Had to make an image file to show the code, as even with [xmp] DU removes some tags (including [xmp] with the angle brackets).
Here is the code which survives, missing bits can be copied from the above image.
Flickr Image Tag Extractor
body {
font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
margin: 50px;
textarea {
width: 400px;
height: 200px;
padding: 10px;
font-size: 14px;
display: block;
margin-bottom: 10px;
button {
padding: 10px 20px;
font-size: 14px;
display: block;
margin-bottom: 10px;
#result {
padding: 10px;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
width: 400px;
height: 100px;
overflow: auto;
Flickr Image Tag Extractor
Extract Image Tag
Copy Result
function extractImageTags() {
const input = document.getElementById('input').value;
const regex = /[img](.*?)[/img]/g;
const matches = input.match(regex);
let result = '';
if (matches) {
result = => match.replace(/[img]|[/img]/g, '')).join('n');
document.getElementById('result').textContent = result;
function copyToClipboard() {
const result = document.getElementById('result').textContent;
.then(() => alert('Result copied to clipboard!'))
.catch(err => alert('Failed to copy result: ' + err));
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)from way back, and way back further...(oh, and some are really good, if I do say so myself)
Stuart G
(19,345 posts)Response to CurtEastPoint (Original post)
Applan This message was self-deleted by its author.
(8,178 posts)Best, or preferred (why)?
Had an old Photobucket acct but haven't used for ages.
(19,345 posts)cilla4progress
(26,244 posts)Is this doable on an Android phone or best to use windows pc?
Thanks, Curt!
Midnight Writer
(23,496 posts)sunflowerseed
(388 posts)Oops
viva la
(3,986 posts)There was 'junk' after the .jpg-
I previewed like you said, saw the junk under the image, came back to the post and deleted everything after jpg. Worked!
(24,480 posts)I’m bookmarking
(12,521 posts)When I post the copy the link must be clicked to display, is that right?
(19,345 posts)I don't know what you mean by tracking.
If you see an image when you post it, it worked.