Related: About this forum**Thread for VOLUNTEERS to HOST Photo Contests in 2021!**
Last edited Sat Jun 12, 2021, 04:28 PM - Edit history (10)
We have had a very successful first year with the new practice of asking VOLUNTEERS to HOST the photo contests. Thanks go to
Mira, Soph0571, Adsos Letter, Callalily, Dyedinthewoolliberal, California Peggy, and urbanhermit for volunteering. Some have volunteered to do two months! Both a la izquierda and I (mnhtnbb) rounded out hosting in 2020 as "winners" from contests in 2019 prior to implementing the new practice.
Now it's time to think about organizing VOLUNTEERS to host in 2021! Please, if you are a frequent visitor, member, or devotee of the Photography Group, think about signing up to HOST a monthly contest. There's a thread which is helpful if you've never hosted
and there is usually someone around you can ask if you have questions.
Here are the months. If you would like to host, please respond and identify which month you would like to host. The SEASONAL Contests run in March, June, September, and December. All other months are theme oriented contests where the winner will be awarded the prize of choosing the theme for the contest in the next theme oriented month. As in the past, the winner--because of selecting the theme--does not get to participate in the next contest, but hosts are allowed to participate (unless by chance the person who is scheduled to host also happens to win the previous month and selects the theme!) As an example, the winner of this November's Contest (2020) will choose the theme for the January 2021 contest because the contest for December 2020 will be a Seasonal Contest (AUTUMN)
It would be really wonderful if some of the winners from this past year would VOLUNTEER to HOST!
As people respond with the months they would like to host, I will put the names together with the months so that we can refer back to this thread to see who has volunteered for hosting any particular month in 2021. Just indicate in a response to this thread which month you'd like to VOLUNTEER to host, and I will match your name to the month.
JANUARY --Dyedinthewoolliberal
MARCH (Seasonal Contest for WINTER)--CaliforniaPeggy
JUNE (Seasonal Contest for SPRING)--mnhtnbb
SEPTEMBER (Seasonal Contest for SUMMER)--CaliforniaPeggy
NOVEMBER--Tom Kitten
DECEMBER (Seasonal Contest for AUTUMN)--CaliforniaPeggy

(153,137 posts)

(32,343 posts)

(153,137 posts)Now that I've got my feet wet, I'm ready to carry on. I'm glad you posted this as I have been expecting it.
(32,343 posts)in the hope people would be stopping in to the Photog group and see it.
Once you've done a couple of contests, they aren't too hard to do. It just takes some time.
(9,685 posts)Hell i would them all!!!! LOL
Although as I KNOW you need me to commit to a month April looks like a plan, and any other month you need to back fill.
(32,343 posts)and let you know about others. You shouldn't get to have all the fun!
I am looking for distractions love. You know what that is like Just got back from the funeral and getting drunk! Hurrah.
(32,343 posts)I'll add you to the calendar.
(22,507 posts)without your commitment, diligence and follow up. I thank you so very much.
I will take February and July
I realize I've been absent for a bit, my camera simply rests in the cobwebs. But once this election is behind us, life will begin again. I'm going to do November - and realize it's almost upon us!
Gracias a Dios.
One does what one can. This is my favorite spot on DU and I have become a better photographer thanks to the photogs here. The contests are a bright spot each month and hopefully encourage others to participate.
So, you're on for February and July and I will slot you in on the calendar! Thanks!
Tom Kitten
(7,371 posts)I've hosted a couple but my laptop is now going through a slow motion downward death spiral it's so old and slow. If not for that I'd volunteer for sure.
(32,343 posts)Any chance a new laptop is on the horizon? If so, come back and see what months are available.
Tom Kitten
(7,371 posts)Or later... Why not put me down for November, that gives us over a year and I know I'll have something new by then.
(32,343 posts)mnhtnbb
(32,343 posts)and we'll have the first 6 months of 2010 covered.
(32,343 posts)How about it? I'm probably moving in January, so I'm hesitant to take it.
We also have March, August, and October open. Please think about signing up for a month ( or more).
(32,343 posts)Dyedinthewoolliberal
(16,015 posts)

(32,343 posts)On to the schedule you go!
(32,343 posts)Please volunteer!
(32,343 posts)to volunteer!
Thanks to all who have volunteered to host 2021 already!
(9,685 posts)Not sure I could do March and April in a row now I am back in a full time job!!!!! Hurrah.... Director don't you know. New year. New life... gulp
(32,343 posts)Getting ready to move had me completely distracted.
Thanks for volunteering to take a second month!
(32,343 posts)which is the Winter Seasonal Contest.
Anyone? Please?
(153,137 posts)Now that I've got the routine down pretty well, it's not bad at all.
And Seasonal Contests are a snap! No theme to come up with, and I can submit a photo!
Wins all around.
(32,343 posts)