Related: About this forum**Thread for VOLUNTEERS to HOST Photo Contests in 2022!**
Last edited Sat Mar 12, 2022, 01:13 AM - Edit history (10)
We have had a very successful second year with the practice of asking VOLUNTEERS to HOST the photo contests.
Thanks go to
Mira, Soph0571, Callalily, Dyedinthewoolliberal, CaliforniaPeggy, and urbanhermit for volunteering. Some have volunteered to do two months!
Now it's time to think about organizing VOLUNTEERS to host in 2022! Please, if you are a frequent visitor, member, or devotee of the Photography Group, think about signing up to HOST a monthly contest. There's a thread which is helpful if you've never hosted.
and there is usually someone around you can ask if you have questions.
Here are the months. If you would like to host, please respond and identify which month you would like to host. The SEASONAL Contests run in March, June, September, and December. All other months are theme oriented contests where the winner will be awarded the prize of choosing the theme for the contest in the next theme oriented month. As in the past, the winner--because of selecting the theme--does not get to participate in the next contest, but hosts are allowed to participate (unless by chance the person who is scheduled to host also happens to win the previous month and selects the theme!) As an example, the winner of this November's Contest (2020) will choose the theme for the January 2021 contest because the contest for December 2020 will be a Seasonal Contest (AUTUMN)
It would be really wonderful if some of the winners from this past year would VOLUNTEER to HOST!
As people respond with the months they would like to host, I will put the names together with the months so that we can refer back to this thread to see who has volunteered for hosting any particular month in 2021. Just indicate in a response to this thread which month you'd like to VOLUNTEER to host, and I will match your name to the month. I have already picked out the two that I will run this coming year.
JANUARY --Callalily
MARCH (Seasonal Contest for WINTER)--CaliforniaPeggy
APRIL--Grumpy Old Guy
JUNE (Seasonal Contest for SPRING)-- mnhtnbb
AUGUST--Grumpy Old Guy
SEPTEMBER (Seasonal Contest for SUMMER)--CaliforniaPeggy
DECEMBER (Seasonal Contest for AUTUMN)--urbanhermit

Grumpy Old Guy
(3,706 posts)I can do two months. I'm pretty flexible as to which months, but at this point I would say summer is best for me. That is when we will probably do the least amount of travelling. Why don't you put me down for June and August? I can always switch with someone if necessary.
(153,137 posts)I will put you down for June and August, and of course, adjustments can be made!
Grumpy Old Guy
(3,706 posts)Thank you for all that you do.
These contests are a hoot! I'm amazed at how involved i get each time. They are a lot of fun.
(153,137 posts)I have compiled some notes to help me get organized when I run one. Let me know if you'd like to see them, and I'll email them to you.
Grumpy Old Guy
(3,706 posts)CaliforniaPeggy
(153,137 posts)Soph0571
(9,685 posts)I can't do March/ April
Other than that have at it!
(153,137 posts)CaliforniaPeggy
(153,137 posts)Soph0571
(9,685 posts)CaliforniaPeggy
(153,137 posts)CaliforniaPeggy
(153,137 posts)urbanhermit
(801 posts)Count me in for December.
(153,137 posts)I will add your name!