Neighborhood Council Elections April 15 - How to Get Your Ballot
Voting in our neighborhood council elections is an easy and important way to participate in the most local grassroots level of Los Angeles city government. Neighborhood Councils are part of the Los Angeles City government and have annual budgets funded by taxpayer dollars. Neighborhood Council board members are City officials who are elected by the members of their local communities, but they donate their time as volunteers.
The Neighborhood Council system was established in 1999 as a way of ensuring that the City government remains responsive to the different needs and lifestyles of Los Angeles rich variety of communities. There are currently 99 Neighborhood Councils in Los Angeles, each serving about 40,000 people. The Buzz reports on the work of the two councils closest to our neighborhoods, the Greater Wilshire Neighborhood Council and the Mid City West Neighborhood Council.
While neighborhood councils are advisory, they can have an impact on policy and the actions of our local elected leaders so its important that residents and other stakeholders participate in the bi-ennial elections.
This month, youll have a chance to do just that, becuase both councils are conducting elections on Tuesday, April 15.