Less than half of your open school board seats may be decided by Delaware voters in 2025
The state of public education is one of the hottest topics in Delaware right now.
It sparks fervor from various angles. It could be the state's 45th ranking for education outcomes in the national KIDS COUNT Data Book. It could be struggling reading scores, still starving for pandemic rebound. Maybe it's the ongoing debate on updating public school funding, after an independent report called out an "alarmingly clear and negative relationship" between high-need students and their achievement. It could be around recommendations to spend $600 million to $1 billion more, while updating the state formula to follow students.
But you wouldn't see it at school board elections.
The filing deadline for Delaware's 2025 School Board Elections across 16 traditional public school districts is 4:30 p.m. on Friday, March 7. There are some 28 different seats up for grabs across the state, as voters head to the polls this spring.
Right now, 10 would go to election.