Related: About this forumAnti-Biden flag flap may spark protests in Indiana city, mayor says

A southern Indiana group of Donald Trump supporters is planning to protest outside Hammond City Hall and the home of Mayor Thomas McDermott Jr. Saturday in response to McDermott's efforts to have an "obscene" anti-Biden flag removed from the front yard of a home located adjacent to Riverside Park. (Editor's note: An obscenity has been blurred by The Times in this photo.)
HAMMOND, Indiana A flap over a profanity-adorned flag in Hammond is prompting the mayor to muster possible police security and prepare for threatened protests by conservative groups outside of his home and City Hall, he said Wednesday.
An Evansville-based group of Donald Trump supporters say theyre planning to drive more than five hours to Hammond Saturday to protest outside City Hall and McDermott's home.
The Young Conservatives of Southern Indiana claim to be organizing a Trump Caravan/Rally in response to McDermotts efforts to get a Hammond homeowner living adjacent to Riverside Park to remove a flag flying in his front yard featuring the words "F--- Biden" in large type, and in smaller type: "And f--- you for voting for him!"
A photo of the mayor's home and his address have been posted on the group's social media page.
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(43,049 posts)why can't a few concerned citizens chop down those flags?
I would think maybe some sort of firework with a timer to blow them away. With no one around.
(11,355 posts)TreasonousBastard
(43,049 posts)mahatmakanejeeves
(63,588 posts)blueinredohio
(6,797 posts)Walleye
(38,692 posts)mahatmakanejeeves
(63,588 posts)Delarage
(2,387 posts)But I guess I'm fuddy-duddy enough that I don't spew curse words in public and DEFINITELY would not have them on a bumper sticker or flag (or in music that I blasted, if I were to blast music). I pity this asshole's neighbors, though, more than anything.
(37,555 posts)homemade one "Biden Blows Goats". How do you deal with adults with the mind of a 10 year old. They are paying
for those things and I suppose The Loser is profiting from it. Most places I see with flags like that are run down shacks
with a rusted out heap in the driveway.
Sibelius Fan
(24,664 posts)flying that obscene flag and selling tRump merch. Ive called city hall a couple of times. I always ask if they think its proper for a Fuck Biden sign to be flying where kids can see it. I make sure to use the words fuck Biden at least five times during those conversations.