Related: About this forumNotre Dame vs. the Ku Klux Klan
More than 90 years ago, the University of Notre Dame gained national attention when staff and students alike battled the Ku Klux Klan.

Tom Yossarian Joad
(19,275 posts)erronis
(18,257 posts)It's amazing that this hatred and irrationality can live on for so many hundreds of years (in the US) --- perhaps millennia across the planet.
Evolve Dammit
(20,302 posts)DaBronx
(635 posts)Very interesting history that is brand new to me.
(1,992 posts)...look pretty flammable. Just sayin'
(36,862 posts)The Notre Dame mascot is called the "Fightin' Irish" because the Brothers of the Holy Cross originally emigrated from Ireland to northern Indiana in the 1850's and established the university. There was never a question of their loyalty to any government or entity other than the USA. As an undergrad student at UND (many years ago) I learned about this skirmish with the KKK in the 1920's but I never saw the photos until now.
Thanks for posting this!
(178 posts)Throwing potatoes at the Klan when he was a student at Notre Dame. We all thought it was like most family stories, an exaggeration or simply not true. I read "Fever in the Heartland" by Timothy Egan and found out that it really happened.
(1,016 posts)Emile
(33,233 posts)I remember in the early 80's they burned a cross in front of the factory I was working at. A white girl and a black girl got into a fight at work. The company fired the white girl who started the fight. Three days later the KKK burned a cross in front of the factory. KKK printed propaganda literature was found all over the inside of the factory.