Related: About this forumSo, my dear Hoosiers, I do believe you are getting a President.
I truly believe that the powers that be have now decided they can not stick it out with Trump.
I think that they will force him to resign possibly even before Muellers report is released.
He's doing too much damage to that oh so important Republican "brand".
So, the power will soon be turned over to the former Indiana Governor.
All I really know about Mike Pence is that he is a staunch Evangelical and looks like a funeral director.
What other things can you tell me? What kind of Governor was he?

Bob Loblaw
(1,900 posts)the circumstance as God's will and would claim that to be the origin of his agenda. The evangelicals would finally have their man in the Oval office and will feel justified in all their sanctimonious endeavors to evangelize the country. School prayer cases will make their way to the Supreme Court, parochial charter schools will siphon off education tax dollars and any non profit with the word Christian in it's name will have preference in receiving federal tax dollars. It will be against the law for men and women who aren't married to have meetings without their spouses present. All federal properties not currently named for Ronald Reagan will be renamed. The New Deal will continue to be dismantled and unions will be outlawed. Voting rights will be eroded with renewed vigor and the Koch brothers will move in to the West Wing.
More after breakfast...
Chipper Chat
(10,232 posts)Unmarried people could not live together under the same roof. Two members of the same sex and over 18 cannot live together. Boys and men may not cook because that is women's work. Gays? Well forget living anywhere in indiana. Oh, and everyone must attend church Sunday morning AND evening. Muslims may not be seen in public. And Republicans need never answer a direct question on TV (because he doesn't )
Bob Loblaw
(1,900 posts)After renaming all federal assets to honor Reagan they will be sold to the highest bidders. All federal agencies except the Department of God and the Department of Discrimination will be privatized because the government has no business in the others. The free press will be brought in house so the truth can be told and breast feeding even in private will be outlawed. All art will be replaced in favor of the works of Thomas Kincade and there will be two categories of music allowed, styled after either Pat or Debby Boone. Tighty whities will occupy all underwear shelves and bras will return to being pointy.
Who knows what the second week of a Pence administration will be like?
(1,403 posts)He was a pissant governor from what has become,a pissant state ( sorry Indiana) who was so unpopular he wasn't even going to get the nomination FROM HIS OWN PARTY to run for reelection. He cost Indiana money because of his anti LGBT views. I imagine when he and "mother" kneel down for their evening prayers she pinches him on his bum because they can't believe he's the VP. He was, and I guess, still is, against women having control of their own bodies, there was a campaign where women used to call and let the governor's office know when they got their periods. If I remember right, some were even sending used tampons to his office , which is gross. He's a sanctimonious little shit. IMO.
(11,832 posts)Who doesn't have a religious bone in his body?
(4,220 posts)Not only do I think it unlikely that Trump would ever go down without a fight, but in some circles it is thought tha Pence is tied up in the Russia scandal and is in Meuller's sights