Related: About this forumCurve flattening in Southern Nevada, officials hope peak is 'sooner rather than later'
The good news social distancing is working. The curve is flattening and the peak of COVID-19 hospitalizations is moving farther away in Southern Nevada.
The bad news the delayed peak could mean an extended time hunkering down.
I dont want to speak too far ahead, Dr. Vit Kraushaar, Medical Investigator for the Southern Nevada Health District, adding SNHD is determining the effectiveness of social distancing and he doesnt want to give false or preliminary information.
Models place the peak of the disease in Nevada at a number of dates in April. One, from the University of Washington, says the peak use of resources in the state was April 8.
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captain queeg
(11,780 posts)Wellstone ruled
(34,661 posts)We have a massive homeless Population which the disease has not yer hit.
(11,145 posts)for a while now. It should be much worse, and that is a consideration.
Wellstone ruled
(34,661 posts)pass laws forbidding and Homeless persons from setting up any Tents or Tent cities in side the Vegas City Limits. So,they just moved to the Unincorporated Clark County area and set up shop or moved into North Las Vegas.
It is only going to get ugly from here on out. We have been in a cool damp weather pattern which if a perfect breeding ground for Colds and flu. Top that off with heavy Pollen counts.
(11,145 posts)right as this started. Pollen and all. We are in the same place.
Wellstone ruled
(34,661 posts)Noticed our Conservative County Commissioners in Washoe County want all out of state people to be quarantined for 14 days. So,they really are going to piss off all those folks from Cali and Oregon who just moved into Reno Area and are still using their out of state License tags.
You just can not fix the Stupid.
(11,145 posts)when it came to unemployment. It is still in fail. But, as far as the disease itself, the West has done incredibly well.