The Democratic National Committee filed a brief in the 9th Circuit Court on Thursday challenging the Republican National Committees efforts to tank mail-in voting legislation in Nevada.
In July, a federal judge dismissed a lawsuit filed by the RNC, President Donald Trump, and Nevada Republicans attempting to bar the state from counting mail-in ballots received after the election. Current Nevada election law allows for the state to count ballots that were received up to four days after the election, so long as they were postmarked by Election Day. The RNC filed a notice of appeal in August of last year.
In a statement provided to Rolling Stone, the DNC argued that Republican attempts to appeal the decision and continue attacking Nevada voting rights is not just about the receipt deadline but an effort to lay the legal groundwork to challenge all early and mail voting a grave threat to the rights of working people and to military voters and their families.
Recently elected DNC Chair Ken Martin wrote in a statement: Today, we filed an opposition brief in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals asking the Court to shut down Republicans bogus case. Voting by mail and voting early is safe, secure, and empowers even more eligible voters to participate in our elections. That is a good thing for our democracy. The DNC will fight like hell for the rights of Nevadans and every other citizen to make sure their voices are heard and their votes are counted.