New Hampshire
Related: About this forumshea-porter is down in the polls
while hassan seems likely to win by a healthy margin.
such a shame as she (shea-porter) is such a good candidate. why people would vote for guinta I can't imagine. his webpage reads like a sorry rehash of failed republican policies.
still too close to call but crossing our fingers b/c a lot of people have worked really hard for this one.

(135,425 posts)With all the lunacy across the nation, I was happy to see that.
Sorry about Shea-Porter, it's got to hurt if you've been out there on the barricades pushing for a candidate. And everything I've heard about Giunta leads me to believe that he is a walking, talking criminal enterprise.
(1,615 posts)she's been around a long while.
and hassan's involvement in fairpoint and market basket won her many supporters. talked to this one dude who said he had switched sides b/c of her.
I never found out what was the excuse for that $70k which mysteriously showed up in mr guinta's bank account.
I told another volunteer that I thought we'd end up with an acceptable result in NH tho I wouldn't bank on the rest of the country. there are some real diehards out there. some of these people are downright abusive even.
(135,425 posts)I'm sick about the MA GOV (near) results. I say (near) because Martha hasn't conceded yet. It's not a landslide, it's down to "What? You didn't vote? You ASSHOLE!! You stuck us with Phoney Boo Hoo!" conversations with other Democrats.
I will say this--best speech Scott Brown ever gave was his CONCESSION speech. He does better when he doesn't lie!
(1,615 posts)y'all are some pretty smart people.
(135,425 posts)We've never had a female governor who was elected to that office by We The People. We've had a LTGOV (Swift--an uninspiring Republican) fleet up when her boss quit--then she got tossed under the bus and spun to a pulp when Mitt Romney decided HE wanted the corner office. The GOP leadership refused to give her even the OPPORTUNITY to run in the primary...they basically told her to go home, sit down, and shaddup if she knew what was good for her. It was one of the most obvious examples of political bullying I've ever seen in my life.
Liz Warren was our FIRST female senator.
On the "woman thing" we are not all that and a bag o'chips. We're, well....assholes. Way behind the curve.
It's something I just don't understand.
(1,615 posts)mra's and other 20something ignoramuses keep telling me that because I'm not being genitally mutilated I should just shut up and get with the program already.
liz warren does y'all credit tho.
what can you do but keep fighting the good fight? things are changing, if far too slowly.
(135,425 posts)Now compare with MA.
Liz Warren is our first female Senator. You'd think Liberal Massachusetts would have a delegation that looks like the population--but no. It's mostly an old boy's club, and the other Old Girl (Tsongas) is the wife of a deceased Old Boy. Katherine Clark won Markey's seat, but that's IT. And diversity? Fuggedaboutit. It's a bright white crowd--they all look related:
Liz Warren had deep, deep pockets and the DNC behind her. She had star power early on, with her previous appearances before Congress and all the Big Wigs doing fundraisers for her. Money was poured into her campaign non-stop. Everyone GOTV'd like crazy for her.
She also had the advantage of poor Martha fighting Scottie first, so she saw how to handle him.
Even at that, Liz almost lost. It was only when Scottie went smirky (perfesser) and racist (Pocahontas) on her that the polls started to break against him. It was neck-and-neck up until the last month or so.
Martha didn't get the Big Money like Liz did. She couldn't compete with Phony Boo Hoo Baker in ad buys. He was constantly on TV and radio.
I read somewhere today that the GOP outspent the Dems by 120 MILLION in this last cycle. I'll bet they left a lot of that money in NH. I know they left plenty in MA.
(1,615 posts)because they recognize quality, even thru gender.
despite their rightwing views, I'm giving these guys a lot of credit.
haha, massachusetts sent out an all-democrat delegation to the house and yet elected an R governor. was coakley really so bad? I was not paying attention.
poor carol did not have any money behind her at all, which probably explains her loss. such as shame, as she was such an excellent candidate, and guinta is such a poor one. I am still feeling sick about that result.
ah well. at least we got shaheen and hassan. b/c of our very dedicated political activities, my town voted for them by nearly a 20% margin.
haha there was an article in the boston globe which read that scott brown had made american history the other night by being the first senate candidate to lose to women, twice.
(135,425 posts)a great platform, but Phoney Boo Hoo (who cried on TV) outspent her. His ads were everywhere. Hers were not. She didn't have anywhere near the cash for media saturation like he did.
And MA is sexist. In order to elect a woman in MA, we have to work ten times as hard and spend ten times as much. It's a sad truth.
Deval Patrick, Ed Markey, and Liz Warren campaigned for and stood with Martha when she conceded. If you have any regard for them, know that they had very high regard for Martha.
Giunta is a sleaze of the first order. That was a criminal election result, in more ways than one.
Since Scottie was born in Maine, maybe he'll return to the state of his birth, and lose against a woman up there!!! Three-peat!!!!!!!
(1,615 posts)and still the same across many industries; not just politics.
oh and fuck you citizen's united.