Hundreds of top state officials fail to file financial disclosure, now Franklin lawmaker wants a $5K
Hundreds of top state officials fail to file financial disclosure, now Franklin lawmaker wants a $5K fine
CONCORD — A state law requiring hundreds of upper-level state employees and commission appointees to file financial disclosures appears to be routinely ignored, with little or no consequences for those who fail to file.
State Rep. Werner Horn, R-Franklin, has filed a request with House attorneys asking them to draft a bill that would require more robust enforcement of the law (Chapter 15-A Financial Disclosures) that has been in effect since 2006.
“I plan to put legislation in that requires the attorney general to put an eyeball on this list and chase down whoever is not in compliance,” said Horn, “and it adds a $5,000 civil penalty.”
Gov. Chris Sununu says he will also be pushing for legislative action on the issue.
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