Santee Cooper's chairman files lawsuit to prevent Gov. Henry McMaster from firing him
COLUMBIA — Leighton Lord, Santee Cooper's chairman, filed a lawsuit Wednesday challenging Gov. Henry McMaster's decision to remove him from the 12-member public utility board.
The lawsuit, which was filed in Richland County Circuit Court, asks to delay Lord's termination until it can be determined whether McMaster had grounds to fire the Columbia-area attorney.
The legal dispute stems from a Dec. 8 decision by McMaster to remove Lord, who served as the head of Santee Cooper's board since 2013 and helped lead the utility's failed attempt to build two new nuclear reactors at V.C. Summer station.
In a letter, McMaster accused Lord of not cooperating with legislative committees that were investigating the $9 billion nuclear fiasco. He also alleged that Lord withheld information about the nuclear project from the governor's office.
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