South Carolina
Related: About this forumDemented gettin geared up to endorse Rmoney
The rumor mill has it that Jim Demented's loyalists and advisors are going to endorse Rmoney today. Perry's top campaign donor in the state has jumped off the Perry boat and landed on the Rmoney Yacht.
The freeper heads are exploding. This shocks them that their teabagger supporter is going to endorse Rmoney. I seriously do not know why, he endorsed Rmoney in 08.
Is Demented vying for the VP slot? I have no doubt about it.
I think it was during his initial run for Senator that he said he would only run for reelection once. Last April he introduced a bill "Term Limits for All"

Lint Head
(15,064 posts)mercuryblues
(15,474 posts)I thought that was a given. Now the teabaggers are slowly catching on. He used them to advance his own agenda.
This morning I would have said the Jenny Sanford was behind exposing Mark's hiking trip. Now I highly suspect Demented. The Sanfords made no secret of their national ambitions, neither has Demented. But you can't have 2 politicians from SC running for president.
Demented was not polling well against Rawl for the general election. In comes Alvin Greene to beat Rawl in the primary, securing demented's win.
(33,617 posts)I have no doubt he had it rigged. It is unfortunate that the Democratic party is so weak in this state. They didn't even fight it, most likely because they realized what an act of futility it would be.
I'm willing to bet that Romney will put this turd on the ticket to keep religiwhacko wing happy. Also, I have seen polls that have President Obama beating Romney here. I think it would be egg on DeMented's and the GOP's face if Romney were to lose this state in the general election.