Sumter Penny for Progress ballot question released early
In 2022 when the Capital Projects Sales Tax Referendum, also known as Penny for Progress, was included on the ballot, there was confusion surrounding the phrasing of the ballot question.
For the 2024 election, the ballot question has been released early so Sumter County residents know what to look for on the ballot. The word "penny" is now clearly put in the header for further clarification.
Following is how the Penny for Progress ballot question will look on 2024 ballots:
Capital Projects (Penny) Sales Tax Referendum
Must a special One Percent Sales And Use Tax be imposed in Sumter County (the "County"
for not more than eight (8) years, to begin May 1, 2025, to raise the amounts specified for the following purposes and in order to pay the costs (including rights-of-way acquisition and architectural, engineering, legal, administrative costs, and related fees) of the projects described below; pending the receipt of such sales and use tax, must the County also be authorized to issue and sell, either as a single issue or as several separate issues, General Obligation Bonds (the "Bonds"
of the County in the aggregate principal amount not to exceed $40,000,000.00 to be paid from the Sales And Use Tax to be received and to pledge The Sales And Use Tax to be received to the payment of the principal of and interest on the Bonds?,419302