South Carolina
Related: About this forumAnyone planning to raise Cain on Saturday?
Alas, South Carolina native son and Greatest Living American Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA was unable to get on his own state's ballot because of a minor technicality involving filing deadlines. This even though the Dear Leader is polling ahead of both Jon Huntsman and Gary Johnson!
Fortunately, there is a silver lining. The same arcane ballot laws that kept Colbert off the ballot have kept Herman Cain on it! And since Colbert and Cain have so much in common, including a love of pizza and... well, anyway, a vote for Cain is a vote for Colbert!
And the beauty part of it is, it's an open primary! That means anyone -- even you -- can vote in it! I have no idea how Lee Atwater let that happen...

(135 posts)FSogol
(47,234 posts)A vote for Cain (Colbert) was a vote against the front-runners. Dick Harpootlian, former state Democratic chair, said, "South Carolinians have chosen the evil of two lessers."
(135 posts)Nobody seems to be reporting vote totals for anybody except Gingrich, Romney, Santorum, and Paul. If you add up their percentages, though, you get 98%. Wonder where the other 2% went?
It's not as if it matters. Those ES&S machines can be manipulated to show whatever results you want.