South Carolina
Related: About this forumImpending blindness makes man who rejected Obamacare demand it
A 49-year-old man in South Carolina who declined to enroll in the Affordable Care Act because he has always eschewed insurance in favor of paying his medical bills himself now needs an expensive eye surgery that he can't afford. His doctor says he'll go blind without it.
Despite his deliberate decision to refuse Obamacare when he had the opportunity -- the mandate -- Luis Lang tells The Charlotte Observer that he assumed help would be available to him when he needed it. His diminishing eyesight has left him unable to work. His inability to work makes him ineligible for a federal subsidy to purchase private insurance. And his state's opposition to the Affordable Care Act means Medicaid was not expanded, so that's not an option either.
Guess who he and his wife blame for his predicament. President Barack Obama, of course, and the Democrats who passed a bill that doesn't allow conscientious objectors to just jump into the Affordable Act when their medical bills overwhelm them. The bill Obama and the Democrats came up with is too complex, too confusing, the Langs say, and it's causing the 49-year-old to suffer.
Conceptually, the Affordable Care Act is quite simple. Everybody buys health insurance or pays a penalty for his or her refusal to do so. People who buy in get treated when they get sick. People who don't buy in and who live in states like Louisiana that are too Obamaphobic to help its folks, well, they get to put their dedication to self reliance to the test. Back when this was a Republican issue -- i.e, back when then Gov. Mitt Romney was pushing for its implementation in Massachusetts -- the emphasis was that there is no such thing as a free lunch. The idea of mandated health insurance was based on the conservative notion that people who have the resources and should have had the foresight to buy medical insurance shouldn't expect treatment after they get sick.
" My husband) should be at the front of the line, because he doesn't work and because he has medical issues," Mary Lang said. "We call it the Not Fair Health Care Act."
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Response to TexasTowelie (Original post)
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(119,356 posts)The idea that your health care insurance should be linked to your employment status is ridiculous in my opinion. People wouldn't want their auto or home insurance coverage linked to where they work so why should health care be tied to where you work?
And since I see that you are new here, welcome to DU!
(14,177 posts)I can't so I will just read the classy comments later.
(119,356 posts)
Still, we shouldn't be amused by the irony of the man's health problems. Some people just can't figure things out though.

(753 posts)For the simple reason that there are so many damned lies that people believe incredible BS. People keep voting against their interests.
Here have this it'll help you in life. No I don't want it because it comes from a socialist....
(3,284 posts)"I hate socialism, but now that I need it, give it to me, or you are doing me wrong!"
So much that is wrong about America is encapsulated in the man's complaint.
Incredible lack of self-awareness, and an amazing feeling of entitlement from someone who
opposed the policy in the 1st place.
If a person could DIE from hypocrisy, I swear, 50-million Americans (at least)
would drop-dead immediately.
Another 50-million would be on life-support.
(1,127 posts)line
(16,595 posts)Why does this remind me of Wall Street?
Here's another article.
If a grown man doesn't understand the concept of an insurance.
If he declines on ideological grounds an offer that could help him.
If he then complains that this evil system doesn't pamper freeloaders like him.
If he THEN demands special treatment because his situation has deteriorated due to his own fault...
Would you be okay with establishing such a precedent?
(4,150 posts)Sorry, that's about as classy as I can be with stories like this one. And believe me, I toned it waaaayyyyy down.
What is so complicated about health insurance? It seems pretty simple to me: get it, and you get your medical care covered; don't get it, and live with the consequences...blindness. Blaming Obama for this is simply ridiculous. He should be blaming the morons in the Republican party who refuse to consider single-payer an option.
This feels like all of those other idiots who demand that we "keep the government out my Medicare!"
(5,876 posts)if his (Republican) Governor expanded Medicaid. But that simple fact seems to allude them as well
(1,127 posts)Kip Humphrey
(4,753 posts)Romeo.lima333
(1,127 posts)Koinos
(2,798 posts)Other people have compassion, and the suffering of others is enough for them to "see."
(12,529 posts)Seems to me that his complaint is that Obamacare isn't sufficiently socialist. Now he'll have to wait for Sanders' plan.
(3,595 posts)"Stupid Shit !"
(11,843 posts)Nay
(12,051 posts)they say they desperately need money for his operation. Also, they live in a $300,000 house in a fancy subdivision, but have not sold or mortgaged their house to save his sight. I will bet they have possessions they could sell to raise the dough and aren't doing that, either.
And the operation will cost between $20 and $30,000, which, frankly, is not very much money for someone who owns an expensive house and probably some newer cars/SUVs.
He won't apply for disability because "it takes too much work."
You want to talk about entitled assholes? He and his wife are the poster children.