South Carolina
Related: About this forumNaNaNaNa, hey hey hey, goodbye.
The decision has finally been made by the republican politicians in SC to take down that pos flag from the state capitol.
That flag was a symbol misused and abused by the racist haters in the south and could even be considered porno-graphic.
Sad it took the deaths of some fine people to finally have the state do the right thing, and to the state's shame it is their history they shall forever have to live with.
Maybe there can now be a semblance of healing throughout the south?

(15,473 posts)decision is to write a law to take it down, the hopefully pass it. If it fails, Trikki Nikki can say "I tried"
(13,685 posts)I watched the speech and applauded. And cried tears of happiness. Finally that flag is about to be taken down and the republicans are being forced to do so.
(15,473 posts)a 2/3 vote per law to remove it.
They are not allowed to not without a two-thirds vote of both houses of the Republican-controlled state Legislature. A law enacted in 2000, which removed the rebel flag from the dome of the statehouse, prevents any modifications to state monuments without a supermajority.
(45,251 posts)requires a 2/3 vote.
They need to stop the helpless hand-wringing act and get it done.
(15,473 posts)2 separate bills.
Trikki Nikki could have removed it for the viewing today. She does have that power. Just claim it needed maintenance and it could have come down temporarily. She chose not to. Which says a lot about her and her real views.
(45,251 posts)You are right about Nikki, though. They are ALL acting helpless when they're not.
I am about ready to say no one should ever have to run for reelection. President, one six year term. Same for governors. With an impeachment or recall option for every office. That way, people can do the right thing without worrying about losing votes. Without fund-raising, too.
(15,473 posts)you know that. Have you ever seen a legislature make a law that easy?
I think Haley spoke the way she did so if it fails, she can shrug her shoulders and say "I tried".
(45,251 posts)including them.
Surya Gayatri
(15,445 posts)callow conniver--her crocodile tears at the Emanuel AME service were disgusting.
(1,127 posts)In a press conference including both US Senators the Gov said it is time to remove the flag from the Statehouse grounds. She said she would call the legislature back for a special session if they don't address it in the next couple of weeks when they reconvene to wrap up this years session.
(13,685 posts)The weight of the People pissed off and sick of that flag flying is what is forcing their hand.
That and the SC republican presidential primary clown car needed a new paint job.
(39,909 posts) not a semblance of healing throughout the south.
When was the last time someone pointed at you and said,
""NaNaNaNa, hey hey hey, goodbye"... and you felt "healed".
(13,685 posts)Time for healing comes when that pos flag is finally down. Until then, in their face.
The racists are not the ones who need the healing energy directed their way anyway, and the more people that stand with the oppressed and cheer this victory, the better everything shall be.
(39,909 posts)NOT a Healing Approach.
I understand that there are members here who want to Crush the South and everybody that lives there. That is their row to hoe.
(13,685 posts)I hate the sins.
Like I said, it is not the racists I feel for. F them. I hope they choke on the flag being taken down. One small step.
Do you get it now? The semblance of healing will be felt by those who have been oppressed. Actually, their courage and endurance is a remarkable feat.
(39,909 posts)[font size=3]NaNaNaNa, hey hey hey, goodbye.[/font]
is NOT a taunt, but a healing Hand?
I don't think so.
Removing a flag from the SC Statehouse is a good token gesture,
but the real work will be elsewhere.
BTW: I moved from Big Blue Minneapolis to deep Red Rural Arkansas.
The SOUTH is beautiful, and belongs to ALL of us.
(13,685 posts)You got that.
Now that the flag is going down, maybe the oppressed can heal a bit? We can hope. The good people of SC have been desiring that the flag go down for a long time. Too bad it took such an act to get it this far, but it does show some respect by the republicans. Some.
(13,685 posts)The actual quote is:
"Maybe there can now be a semblance of healing throughout the south?"
You keep trying to put other words on me. Words that are obtuse and meant to obfuscate. It's as if you are mad the flag is being taken down.
The flag being taken down will mean that the state no longer advertises it, and stands with it. It will make many a young person feel less oppressed, at the least.
(39,909 posts)It IS the disconnect between hurling taunts,
and then piously call for "healing".
(13,685 posts)What's up with that?
I don't want healing for the dumbasses, I want them to feel the pain of their bigotry. The only way they can learn is to suffer. Their flag going down makes them suffer.
The healing is hoped for the oppressed. The flag going down provides for a semblance of healing for them. Get that word: Semblance. ???
(39,909 posts)That is keeping the WAR & Hatred going.
Pieces of colored cloth is NOT the problem in this country.
The problem IS the Taunting & Hatred, between Races AND between sections of our country.
which you keep feeding in your OP and most responses.
You Say:
Yeah, we really "healed": Iraq and the Middle East with all that suffering we put on their ass.
Can you document or provide some support, or expand on your philosophy of "learning".:
"They only way they can learn is to suffer."
I would love to hear that.
(13,685 posts)And now that rag is going down.
Those dumbasses that wave the flag and forced it to wave over the capitol will now suffer because they can't use it to taunt the oppressed.
They will learn that their vision is not shared because their taunting using the flag over the capitol has come to an end.
One small step in a long journey. I hope the bigots choke on it.
(39,909 posts)Your approach doesn't work.
There is a short word for what you advocate:
REVENGE.....and that never heals.
Thank Gawd Lincoln had better sense.
You Say:
Yeah, we really "healed": Iraq and the Middle East with all that suffering we put on their ass.
(13,685 posts)I don't know what your problem is.
But I do know the bigots have one. F'em.
(39,909 posts)There are millions who can tell the difference between Taunts, wanting people to suffer ("The only way they can learn is to suffer", and bigotry.
I stand on the other side of the line from you. In a few years, we will all have to live in the South
as water disappears, and Winter heat continues to cost more.
The South is beautiful,
and belongs to all of us.
---bvar22 & Starkraven,
Changing the South one person at a time.
For those who "want the South the suffer",
please stay away. We already have enough people like that.
Everybody else is invited over for Cornbread & GreenBeans!
I have watched the idiots fly that flag with glee, and followed the story at the SC capitol for over 15 years.
I'm so damn happy that flag is going down.
Let this be a lesson to all those bigots: The day is coming.
One thing I will note is that probably 100% of those flag worshipers pee themselves with happiness at the damage the US caused in Iraq. So, stand with them if you like, as for me, they can just suffer knowing they have lost waving that flag over the capitol of SC.
(13,685 posts)Makes no sense and is illogical. Nonsense is an apt term. You should delete such posts and ponder your way of thinking?
(39,909 posts)You really must start reading more carefully.
I equated the flag of Iraq with "suffering", and they have surely suffered.
If what YOU profess is true, then the Iraqis must have "learned" a bunch.
(13,685 posts)It is as if you want me to suffer.
It find it really weird that you would equate what the Iraqis wet thru with what the bigots in SC are going through. Really weird.
(39,909 posts)I have taken care to be kind as someone can be on a BBS and still point out the incongruities in one's logic.
I hope you are able to let go of all those irrational internal conflicts ("the only way to learn is suffer" ) and find some peace.
I have.
One person at a time.
bvar22 & Starkraven
changing The South one person at a time,
and loving it here.
No, I have suffered your attacks here and been kinder than ever against such in-congruent and weird words.
Equating the takedown of the flag with dropping bombs on Iraqis? I beg you to stop going there, and to go back and delete your posts saying as much. Please.
(6,476 posts)The real work will indeed be elsewhere and the south does belong to all of us!
(39,909 posts)Some people here are under the delusion that "making people suffer" is the only way they will learn.
Thank Gawd I was raised better.
(45,251 posts)I love the accent, the lovelier behaviors, etd. However, I would like to crush the pride in the slave holding South.
I once saw a group of older African American musicians. They were working at a restaurant in Florida, going from table to table doing requests. Dressed in tails they could not have been more elegant or more gracious. A table full of grinning lowlifes aggressively requested Dixie.
I wanted to crawl out of the place. Imagine how the musicians felt. I had a feeling this was not the first time because, without consultation, they played very slowly and sadly, like a funeral march.
That memory burns my brain and will until I die. For those men, it was Tuesday.
For me, that sums up the pride in the antebellum South, in the Confederate flag, in the cries of state's rites rights, in the present day empty threats of secession, all of it.
Yes, I know racism exists everywhere, but everywhere did not have an economy that depended upon slavery and everywhere did not have Jim Crow laws until the 1960's. We must somehow come to terms with that. I sure don't know how but I am not about crushing the South, just the notion that it's for some reason still ok--even a point of honor--to flaunt that flag and other symbols of slavery and racism.
(39,909 posts)I heard it was BIG in New York.
(45,251 posts)I am not saying any part of the nation, or the original colonies, is perfect.
However, there were things in the South that did not exist elsewhere and, AFAIK, New Yorkers do not still celebrate or revere any symbols of the slavery era.
(39,909 posts)but you do know that the largest Slave Market in the World was on Wall Street, New York,
and the town that holds the all time American record for the most Black Men LYNCHED (Hanging from poles) was also New York.
I believe that was in 1863, while the War to Free the Slaves was in full swing.
(162,483 posts)I keep reading that the confederate flag is offensive to black folk, but it goes far beyond that, because many of us are in solidarity in opposition to that disgraceful display of racist history - ENOUGH ALREADY
(36,392 posts)Robertearl, get real. Hopefully it won't make the situation worse
(13,685 posts)Do you have any idea what it is like to live this racism in the south with that pos flag flying? I am fucking cheering this day!
(23,730 posts)Martin Eden
(13,981 posts)Methinks they'll see it as a major salvo in the war on White America and their fear & hatemongering will go into overdrive.
(13,685 posts)At least now, when I see some dumbass flying it, I can state that the State of SC has wised up, how 'bout you, dude?.
To those who are not real DA's, they will recognize that change is coming.
As for the rest, that's what cops are for.
I think (hope) things will actually improve and the songs will die down.
(39,909 posts)Minnesota (Bachmann's District just north of Minneapolis)
East Wash State
California (The Valley, Fresno & Bakersfield)
....but you have some work to do.
I've seen more rebel flags there than I've seen in the Ozarks.
After you complete your quest,
we have some talking to do.
How do you feel about Old Glory?
you know that this is the flag that the Army of the North used to murder all the Native Americans,
steal their land, and ethnically cleanse the West for the White Man?
(13,685 posts)I would hope that pos con-flag gets outlawed.
As for the rest of them, I have been fighting that stuff all my life.
I don't like the way you dump it all off on me as if you have no problem with any of it.
Like I say, you should delete all such posts and rethink your thinking?
(39,909 posts)especially:
Wanting people to suffer is just sick.
(13,685 posts)That my words on DU effect you so greatly.
Yeah, you get it. I do want the bigots to suffer for their bigotry.
(39,909 posts)An apology to those you wished suffering upon,
a fearless personal inventory to find the bigotry hiding in your heart,
(and, yes, wanting a whole segment of the population to suffer IS bigotry)
And then a Mea Culpa would go a long way to fix the turmoil you are in.
Yes. I am glad the flag is down, but it is just a piece of colored cloth
and does not mean the end to racism, bigotry.....or taunting.
BTW: You never answered my question about Old Glory.
This is the same flag flown by the Army of the North while they committed genocide and ethnic cleansing to make The West safe for "white" settlers.
Any thoughts or taunts about that?
Do you advocate taking THAT flag down?
(13,685 posts)Tell you what.... in high school I was sent to the principals office for not pledging allegiance to the flag.
Does that help you feel better?
The takedown of the con-flag from the capitol of SC is a good thing, and I can only hope the bigots who are hurt by that learn from their hurt. Seems that is all they understand is hurt, so be it.
Those who are not hurt and don't suffer from the takedown are those who grok what it means to see it go down. Good for them, eh?
(39,909 posts)..hat flew over the Genocide & Ethnic Cleansing of the American West?
(13,685 posts)Get them and read my post again, for the first time.
Are you suffering from the flag being taken down from the SC capitol?
Is that what your posting is about?
NANANANA, hey hey, goodbye
I just enjoy kicking the legs out from under High Horses.
(I'll be glad to explain that to you if you need the help.)
Still no response about the flag that flew over the army that murdered the Native Americans (men, women, and children), razed their homes, stole their land, and Ethnically Cleansed the West.
More Native Americans were killed than on BOTH sides of the Civil War.
(39,909 posts)and pointing fingers and and hurling insults is NOT the way to end it.
Thank gawd Lincoln was wiser than you and did his est to Heal the Nation instead of punish the South.
You should read what he wrote about the end of the War.
That flag is gone....where is all your extra venom coming from?
Was it the flag...a symbol...or something deeper.
(25,482 posts)will still fly wherever losers roam.
(104,141 posts)
(8,462 posts)It has been a symbol used correctly and with precision by racists, actually.