Teamsters Celebrate Women's History Month
The Teamsters proudly celebrate Womens History Month and the achievements and contributions of women in our union, the American labor movement, and our country. This month and throughout the year we honor the women who make the Teamsters the strongest union in North America.
For more than 120 years, the Teamsters have led the charge for gender equality in the workforce. Since our founding in 1903, the Teamsters have welcomed workers of all backgrounds, genders, and creeds into our union. Women have always been, and will continue to be, essential to the fight for a better future for the working class. Their dedication to this vision, combined with their strength in organizing, has served to benefit Americans of all walks of life for generations.
Every day, Teamsters organize, negotiate, picket, and raise their voices for justice and equality. Our members enjoy the best wages, benefits, working conditions, and representation in the country thanks to gender-blind contracts that ensure fairness. We honor the selfless sacrifices women make every day to fight against greed and protect the disadvantaged in all workplaces.
While progress has been made, the fight for workers and womens rights continues. Together, every Teamster will continue to work together to build a bigger, faster, stronger union for everyone.