Related: About this forumMadoc is such a JERK!!
Carys has been spending most of her days under the kitchen table. This morning she finally ventured into the living room. I carefully and slowly started to open the curtains. She was very calm.
Then Madoc RACED into the room, jumped up on my little carved table, knocked THAT over, then jumped on the coffee table and slid the wooden tray to the floor.
Poor Carys! She FLED. I call that a step or two backwards.

(3,673 posts)Fingers crossed that Carys stays strong.
(24,655 posts)One cat is strong and only 6 so still playful. Finley, the dog, doesn't like that and chases him when he tries to play. For 2 years Foggy didn't play a lot except at night when Finley was in the other part of the house. Now Finley still runs up to Foggy and will bark or boop him with his snout and Foggy runs away, but not far, and continues playing. It doesn't bother him anymore, he just expects interference from his bigger brother from another mother. Hopefully Carys will soon become used to her rambunctious brother and he won't scare her so much.
(4,112 posts)I hope she gets acclimated to to the hyper-bonkers on springs antics of the resident felines. I hope she can come out of her timid being and play. Although, with less boisterous fervor, than Madoc.
(3,055 posts)He just turned 5 this summer, but had been picking on his brother and sister. My old cat Miss Bitsy Bones popped him in the face and gave him a cut on his nose. He also went after Cujo, a very large stray tom cat from the neighborhood. Luckily I was right there stop that. We took Monty to the vet and it turns out he had some bad teeth. Once we got the dental work done Monty turned back into the sweet cuddly boy that he had been before. I guess he was in pain and acting out. It's weird that he had bad teeth, but his two litter mates were just fine. I don't think Madoc old enough to have bad teeth yet. He probably just got the zoomies. Monty does that all the time too. I do love reading your posts! Thanks Siwsan!
(95,927 posts)They can be such beasts!