Related: About this forumUpdate on Patches. I found my collapsible cat carrier
I dug it out of the closet and zipped it up and he crawled right inside, so I think I can get him to the vet now. There’s a vet in my neighborhood so I made an appointment for Thursday, which is as soon as he can get me in and I’ll just hope he’s OK until then, thanks everybody, I really appreciate your concern.

Blue Dawn
(970 posts)Good luck at the vet's. I hope it goes well for Patches. Please do update us!
(38,642 posts)I let him live out there for a few months because I still had my old kitty inside. When she died and Patches got bitten by another cat in a fight, I had to take him to my friend’s sister who is a vet. She neutered him and vaccinated him and I brought him inside. I don’t think he was feral to begin with, he kept trying to get in my house when I had him on the porch. I just love that guy.
Blue Dawn
(970 posts)We have somehow been blessed through the years by having two abandoned kitties "adopt" us!
One was a precious, tiny, black-and white fur-baby, probably not more than 6-8 weeks old, who was cowering and meowing pitifully in our storm drain. How she ended up there, we will never know. She may have been deliberately abandoned.
She was afraid of us, at first. We fed her and allowed her time to adjust to our presence for well over a week, until one day she climbed right up into my husband's lap. He fell in love with her. We named her "Sprinkles."
She was such a lovely presence in our home. Your Patches is so beautiful. Cats are special. Ours have certainly enhanced our lives.
(38,642 posts)
Blue Dawn
(970 posts)
(54,466 posts)Walleye
(38,642 posts)He did go in the kitchen and munch on some dry food last night. I can’t worry because he’s been sleeping all afternoon, because cats just do that.
(36,223 posts)Looks like Patches is saying, I’m ready to go get this done! Let’s go, Mom!
brer cat
(26,838 posts)I hope it is all ok.
(64,239 posts)Thursday? Good grief! Well, at least there is a vet nearby.
He is such a handsome gentleman!
TY for sharing the update and the pix of this sweet guy!
(9,628 posts)Walleye
(38,642 posts)AltairIV
(786 posts)He's one handsome fella. Sending hopeful vibes and thoughts to you both
(38,642 posts)R. P. McMurphy
(853 posts)Hope all goes well on Thursday.
(38,642 posts)calimary
(85,386 posts)Please do let us know how he’s doing! Thanks for keeping us updated.
(5,126 posts)Walleye
(38,642 posts)Top of the fridge to relax. So we’re holding our own here.
Fla Dem
(26,343 posts)Ladythatvotesblue
(230 posts)Looks like a furry angel.
Hope he is ok.
My dog is named Patches.
(38,642 posts)Also, Tiger‘s name came from then. I think names of pets should be simple.
(230 posts)my cat's name is Turkey he is 14 pounds of lovebug. Another cat is George it is his brother.
hope Patches is well and lives a long and happy life.
(38,642 posts)Reminds me of that TV series called Doc Martin, where his little boy names his dog Chicken
(26,335 posts)...come Thursday morning (he is a cat, after all), it might be wise to close the doors to most of the rooms in your house so as to limit how many places you have to search if he tries to pull a disappearing act.
Some years back, a now--departed cat found a really good hiding place. The poor guy had a number of chronic illnesses, which led to frequent vet visits, and going there was definitely not his favorite thing. This particular time, we were in the middle of having our main bathroom redone, and the double size shower had been taken out, down to the plywood floor boards. there was a pretty big open space. He manage to get in there and crawl all the way to the back of the opening. Fortunately, I have long arms and was able to just reach him. If the space had been any bigger, or my arms any shorter, I would not have been able to grab him.
Patches is so handsome, and he looks alert and attentive - not listless.
(38,642 posts)Cats are very good at figuring out when they’re in danger of doing something you want them to do and then not doing it. Just the opposite of dogs.
(37,148 posts)If bribes work with your cat.
Polly Hennessey
(7,734 posts)Patches is gorgeously handsome.