Related: About this forumAnyone know of a high quality MIL SPEC "no pull" harness strong enough for Pitties?
I'm finding what looks like a bunch of garbage online. Very disappointing. Vet had no recommendations for me, other than to go search something up.
This dog is incredibly strong. He has literally broken the very heavy clasps on horse lunge lines I use for "leashes." He's a very good boy, until something triggers him. He is a rescue, so I have no idea of his life before Mother Nature directed him to my door.
Thank you in advance!

(23,579 posts)They are strong and they *love* to pull. I used to joke about renting out our pitbull as a tow truck.
We were told to use the badly mis-named choke collar by our first trainer. You train the dog by snapping the leash. The sound of the chain gets the dog's attention.
Our most recent trainer suggested a martingale collar as it is impossible to pull out of but basically comfortable for the dog.
on edit: There are training collars with spike on the inside. They are supposed to mimic the mama dog disciplining her puppies by biting on their neck. We tried them on our dogs and they immediately got this sad guilty look like "Why are you punishing me". You may want to try one - make sure it is fitted properly so it only "bites" when you tug on it.
(64,202 posts)Thank you for your response. I know how to train dogs and tried when he first showed up here some 5+ years ago. I used to show dogs in the state fair when I was a kid. But I don't believe there is any "training" that will hold when this dog gets triggered. It's like a Dobe with an exceptionally high prey drive. Training only goes so far.
Problem is he pulled so hard on Saturday, he hurt his neck. Vet checked him this morning and it's just inflammation, but I'm DONE with this thick, nylon collar. She also suggested I might consider a trainer who uses "shock collars" (gawd I HATE those things), but I know it would not work on this boy -- not when he gets triggered.
A choke collar would be GREAT, but where do I get one that is not Chinese pig metal? Vet could not recommend anywhere local or online. She even suggested we try a prong collar, but I know NOTHING stops this dog when he gets triggered. (Bicycles, motorcycles, scooters, some cars...)
This is not a breed I would ever have chosen and, in fact, I retired from keeping Doberkids decades ago because I was sick to death of playing Alpha. At least this Pittie boy doesn't seem to want to drive the car like the Doberkids did. Sigh...
If you know of a manufacturer of QUALITY choke collars, please advise. It's ridiculous that I cannot walk into a store and purchase a QUALITY product...
Thank you.
(23,579 posts)There are canine weight pulling competitions and outfitters sell the harnesses for them. Pitbulls can pull up to 5,000 pounds! They actually could be a tow truck.
(64,202 posts)I'd never heard of weight pulling competitions for dogs! WOW!
Thank you so much!
Fingers crossed they have the "no pull" one.
(23,579 posts)SheltieLover
(64,202 posts)I'm trying to find one strong enough to hold this "tow truck" - lol. One that won't break, which excludes 100% of retain products made with Chinese pig metal. (He's broken huge clips on horse lunge lines I use to let him out to do his business.)
Thank you so much again!
(70,772 posts)SheltieLover
(64,202 posts)Unless we take him for a ride in the car.
He pulls so badly when he gets triggered, even my adult grandson who is a strong guy has trouble holding onto him.
The dog still has to go outside to do his business and that's when he could easily get triggered and pull terribly. As the poster above stated, this boy would perform very well as a tow truck. LOL
Thank you for your reply.
(6,872 posts)Our two pitbull/staffy crosses used to pull like mules, yet the 'stop' and 'sit' commands were always obeyed.
Stop, sit, look out for traffic, 'go', and the mule train was back into full action.
(64,202 posts)Thanks for the encouragement, Aussie! LOL
This boy showed up on our doorstep about 5 yrs ago and was neutered shortly thereafter, which helped, and vet says he is about 8. The mule trainn is still in full effect.
Have you found any brand of harness that will hold them? I'm really looking for a no-pull harness, one with the ring on the front to pull him sideways.
Thank you!