Related: About this forumMy best friend is fading away.
I used to have a human best friend, my mother. But she died. Now my little doggie best friend is leaving me. My heart is already broken. Can it possibly break any more?
I'm wondering if chichi will make it until her birthday, October 8th. She was born in 2008. She was rescued from a dumpster. The breeding operation she was rescued from had been shut down. So many dogs in need remained. No one wanted her because she was born with so many birth defects.
A friend told me about her. She convinced me to go see her before it was too late. She was not going to be kept if no one adopted her, I was told. The thought of that still chills my bones.
All it took was one look, and she had stolen my heart. She was a fuzzball with huge ears, and she was mine. I knew I had found a companion and a friend.
I lost my pomeranian of 15 years just months before to a massive stroke, and the space he left was enormous. He was my baby. Literally.
When my former husband and I lost our baby to a physician's medical mistake, I wasn't able to get pregnant again, and my new doctor told me to "get a dog." So, I put the money aside and made a plan.
Like everything else I embarked on then I did my research. I read about breeds and life spans and peculiarities. I decided on a pomeranian. He was amazing.
I named him after a famous French general. You probably know the one. Because this pooch was a little guy with a huge personality. He immediately had me conquered.
The same thing happened with chichi. All ears and attitude but never barking. Eventually, she learned to bark and found her voice.
She would sing when I sang and we had a song list. I had so much fun "singing" with her, but now I can only try to remember the sound I know I'll never hear again.
She only occasionally barked. But when she did, it was a sound so large that believing it came from a four pound Chihuahua was difficult to reconcile.
Now, I'm holding a vigil. There will be no more barking. She hasn't been able to stand on her own for a couple of weeks. I've been anticipating all of her needs, carrying her around like a baby. The one I lost. The one I couldn't have.
Yesterday she ate very little for the first time and drinking has become very difficult for her. It's been so hard to watch. It's so hard to try and mitigate.
I want more than anything to see her fight for her life. But now she just cries out for me. She literally howls to have me hold her. So, I do.
It's a sound she's never made before. A sound I will probably miss and not want to really hear again, but one I will try to remember. It means she's still breathing. It means that I still have a friend.
Because she has been stuck to me like glue from the first time we met. I took her everywhere. So small and quiet and stealth no one ever really knew. She stole hearts when they did.
So to work, the bank, shopping, everywhere. I didn't want to leave her and now she's leaving me.
I don't want to lose her. I don't want to disappoint her. She's been a friend, and so will I be, until the end.
I made a commitment. I don't break promises.
She's been my everything since my mother died, and now she's leaving me too.
I am overwhelmed. Watching her fade. I keep checking to see if she's still breathing. I've barely slept, afraid I won't be there when she goes.
I think I may be broken. I'm so sad.

(54,464 posts)Response to sinkingfeeling (Reply #1)
littlemissmartypants This message was self-deleted by its author.
(26,803 posts)niyad
(122,596 posts)littlemissmartypants
(26,803 posts)Deuxcents
(21,277 posts)I will hold you close in my heart that you will have some comfort and peace. ((💐 )
(26,803 posts)Sucha NastyWoman
(2,991 posts)Ive lost my Roxanne four days ago. She was also born 2008. But her 16th birthday was August 26 so she did make it to that. Which amazed me because she was diagnosed with kidney disease that was untreatable three years ago. I thought I was losing her several times lately because she also had develop heart problems and was so weak that her legs would splay out when she tried walking on the slippery tile. She was so thin her hip bones just were like two pointy things, and the terrible coughing she had developed from the heart problems, and her breathing was very rabid and shallow. Tragically, this time she seem to lose her joy and interest in anything all so I decided to let her go. I never expected that she would make it to her 16th birthday, so I feel I got a big bonus.
I have three others of the same breed, Coton de Tulear, between the ages of 11 and 14. Ill just say that its probably a lot easier for me than its going to be for you and Im sorry for that but of course its still hurts. Right at this moment she would be snuggled right up next to me if she were still here.
(9,616 posts)niyad
(122,596 posts)loving arms, and send peace and comfort to her grieving love one.
I am so very sorry for the loss of your precious little girl.
(26,803 posts)
(9,616 posts)littlemissmartypants
(26,803 posts)SheltieLover
(64,202 posts)

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radical noodle
(9,564 posts)but it's something most of us have experienced, so we can understand your pain. Comforting hugs for you, and may little chichi have a gentle journey into the beyond where she will be waiting for you... because she knows how very much you love her.
(26,803 posts)
(2,275 posts)but I've been through a number of pets passing on, and it always got to me emotionally, and in a bad way.
It seems like yesterday, but as I count the years it's been more like seven, when we had to put another of our beloved cats down. Our vet came to our house around 2pm to put her out of her misery (she was blind and lost her hearing) and I told myself, SELF, you are so blessed. This is a time of joy, you were blessed with almost 20 years of knowing her, think of how fortunate you were to have had her in your life for all of these years. She is passing on, but your happy memories of her will stay with you forever.
And you know what? It worked.
(26,803 posts)TommyT139
(1,054 posts)littlemissmartypants
(26,803 posts)Tadpole Raisin
(1,561 posts)You develop a routine so natural you dont think about it.
And if you go to a party, when you leave - saying you have to get back to your dog, non dog owners will look at you funny while dog owners will say oh yes of course! They know.
Its the big things. Its the little things. Its the unspoken agreement. You have always been there for her as she has been for you. You made a promise. The last gift.
I understand.
(26,803 posts)
(6,877 posts)and you have been for 16 years. Hold those memories dear.
(26,803 posts)virgdem
(2,244 posts)I know how hard it is to lose a best friend, as I've lost 7 kitties over the years.
(26,803 posts)
Lulu KC
(7,347 posts)I have been there. It's the worst. Total sympathy. So sorry.
(26,803 posts)StarryNite
(11,389 posts)Though we know death is inevitable it doesn't make it any easier when the time comes. Keep doing what you are doing for her. She will be with you forever. You are bonded and always will be.
(26,803 posts)
Backseat Driver
(4,663 posts)My grandma had a Pom; she was a fuzzy furball and very protective of her mama and very highstrung around children. We were not allowed to play with her as she would snap at us.
(26,803 posts)
Roy Rolling
(7,269 posts)Your words are truth. Facing the same situation, I did the same as you until my sweet Krusty passed from his mortal body. My wife and I were devastated.
Spend time and be with her. Just *be* with her. She needs your help and appreciates the time you are devoting to making her final moments of life in a dog body a loving experience.
And for creating that love I wish you peace and a loving embrace from all of DU. ❤️
(26,803 posts)PortTack
(35,363 posts)littlemissmartypants
(26,803 posts)JMCKUSICK
(1,407 posts)sharing all of ChiChis life.
She didn't break you, she fixed you.
She made it safe to feel, to play, to laugh, to sing, to belong, to give,
I had the honor of helping my Pookie, (cat) cross the Rainbow Bridge and I'd a thousand times prefer that to finding my baby Snuggles on the sider of the road already deceased. Or worse yet, having sweet and courageous Freddie Bear just disappear without a trace mid July.
Freddie found me a month after My Snuggles crossed and I swear he was there to help me cope.
Please know I share your exquisite pain as only one who has travelled a few steps in your shoes. Please find a way to celebrate 15 wonderful years of joy, for surely that was a fair price to pay for todays sorrow.
I always talk to my crossed babies whenever I see Dragon Flies or Butterflies as they both have spiritual connections to souls.
It's hard, but the smiles that absorb my tears that I cry at this moment are all courtesy of the same beautiful creatures whose sorrow at their loss I can only carry with gratitude.
Take a selfie with her, have it plated and build a wind chime that will sing to you only as she could.
My heart is with you filled with love and hope.
(26,803 posts)
(853 posts)littlemissmartypants
(26,803 posts)wendyb-NC
(4,112 posts)Loosing our little pets is so hard. I know you made her life the best, and she knows she is loved and she loves you back 10 fold. May she go peacefully. Hugs.
(26,803 posts)
(708 posts)My (tenth) dog died in February. It was the first time in my adult life I didn't have a dog. I didn't mean to get another one but I was just so sad and lost. I lost three people shortly after losing my dog, and my senior cat was also dying. Anyway I got a puppy. She is one of the most difficult puppies I have ever had. I'm really struggling with her.... but I'm not heartbroken anymore. Crazy, demented, exhausted, and injured ( she's strong! ) but not depressed.
There are other rescue dogs, or cats, or rabbits, or whatever you can cope with, that need a good home.
There are also really good people in the world. You need human friends too. Do what you can to reach out, find good people. Maybe volunteer at an animal shelter since you are full of love yourself.
Take good care of yourself. You're having a horrible time but it will pass, and if you keep your heart open, other people and animals will walk with you. Also stay here and let us know how you're doing.
(26,803 posts)70sEraVet
(4,388 posts)
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brer cat
(26,838 posts)will bring you comfort and put a smile on your face. She was loved and cared for which is all our pets ask of us.
(26,803 posts)CousinIT
(11,084 posts)I guess all you can do is ensure she doesn't suffer and that you are there for her until the end. She is lucky to be loved by you!
(26,803 posts)Basso8vb
(754 posts)Your doggos were so lucky to have found you and it's always so hard when it's time for our furry friends to leave us.
Hugs to you.
(26,803 posts)
rockbluff botanist
(360 posts)You're pain is palpable. I am crying.
He certainly has lived his very best life with you. You are a wonderful dog mom.
(26,803 posts)Judi Lynn
(163,098 posts)I'm convinced it's simply meant to be continued, little miss smarty pants.
Please take good care of yourself, and don't give up. None of this experience has been in vain.
(26,803 posts)Figarosmom
(4,734 posts)But please make yourself rejoice in the wonderful life you gave Chichi. The most wonderful thing we can do is to make life worth living and you did that. You'll still have your memories so Chichi is not leaving you and you have not lost her, she'll be in your heart.
(26,803 posts)Bayard
(24,444 posts)I get that.
I've lost so many fur kids of various species over the years, and its never gotten any easier. Your heart hurts, and its hard to breathe because your chest feels so constricted.
She wants you to hold her because she still feels your love. You are a great comfort to her in this scary time that she doesn't understand. Its the best we can do.
Please keep us posted. I'd love to see some pics of both your pupsters when you're ready.
Lean on us.
True Dough
(22,168 posts)I hope you and chichi were able to get some rest.
From the dumpster to your loving home. What more could chichi have ever asked for? You literally turned her life around, and she enriched yours.
Saying goodbye is heartbreaking. That companionship means so much to you both. I'm glad you were able to savor it all these years.
You're in my thoughts.
The dog is a gentleman; I hope to go to his heaven, not mans. Mark Twain