Related: About this forumconversation i just had with a mobile pet vet place.
I figured I might as well put this out there for shits and giggles.
No reason to Identify the people I talked to, not looking to cause drama.
Enough to say that my kitty has pink eye.
I know! you are thinking cats get pink eye?
as many cats as ive had hell if i knew that.
its actually a thing.
not fun either if you havent seen it before.
the eyes cake up with gunk. if you can open them its like they are vampires. blood red. holy moly. i thought my cat was hours from death its that scary.
i called a mobile vet place to come look at his pink eye and give him his first vaccines.
the nice lady there said they wouldnt be able to because my kitty might have rabies.
well.......doesnt seem like it. guessing id have seen it by now?
yeah but we just cant take that risk with our staff members.
i mean i could hold and pet him and give him hugs while yall do your thing?
yeah no just too risky......
ok, so bring him in physically then?
yeah no. not gonna work either, the rabies thing. but feel free to try those other mobile vet places im sure theyd be glad to get your business and make your kitty all healty again!! have a nice day!
ok.....??????............. really? ........... did that just happen?.......
and yeah it really did.
but kitty is getting better now. it takes about a week of suffering for a cat to develop the anti bodies to fight off the virus. thats why older kitties tend not to get it, they get it early like our children with viruses.
be safe out there!

(27,870 posts)She had surgery on both eyes and another one was required after we adopted her. Im acutely attuned to anything that appears out of the norm regarding her eyes. As her eyelids are never fully open, its hard to monitor her health. I would freak if this kitty got conjunctivitis.
(708 posts)Besides, why isn't the vet vaccinated? My daughter's entire veterinary class had to be vaccinated for rabies before they started vet school. I was a mere vet tech and I was vaccinated. I also took care of 3 quarantined, rabid animals (2 cats and 1 dog) before vaccines for humans were available and I didn't get rabies, because it's not airborne and I made sure I didn't get bitten. Still, I was quite happy to get the vaccine when it came out. It's a really awful way to die.
My alma mater once exposed the entire vet school to rabies when they thought this horse had a really cool and rare neurological disease and had everyone examine it. Turned out to be rabies. So the whole vet school had to go through rabies shots, back in the day when they were horrible. Fun times.
Anyway I think you want a different vet.