Today, Monday, February 17, 2025, is Washington's Birthday.
George Washington Day? Presidents Day? Washington’s Birthday?
Post Published: February 10, 2020
The Federal Holiday Celebrated the 3rd Monday in February is "Washington's Birthday"

Edward Penfield, illustrator. Library of Congress's Prints and Photographs division, cph.3g12932.
But if you live in the Metro DC area, keeping track of this holiday's name can be confusing...
In Virginia, the official state holiday celebrated on the third Monday of February is named
George Washington Day.
In Maryland, they now celebrate the state holiday
President's Day on the third Monday, but until 1996, MD celebrated Lincoln's birthday on Feb. 12 and Washington's Birthday on the third Monday of February.
In Washington D.C., the Human Resources Department matches the federal holiday and marks the third Monday of February as
Washington's Birthday (pdf p.14).
The United States Office of Personell Management (Federal Government) marks the third Monday of February as
Washington's Birthday.