Some Thoughts on Civil Liberty, on Civil Responsibility, from an often forgotten Emperor
"Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted, the indifference of those who should have known better, the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most, that has made it possible for evil to triumph."
Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia

Haile Selassiethe Lion of the Tribe of Judahwas born on this date in 1892.
...One of the seminal figures in Ethiopian history, he was a member of the Menelik dynasty that traced its ancestry to the union of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. As emperor of Ethiopia,
he introduced the first written constitution, abolished slavery, presided over the formation of the Organization of African Unity, the precursor of the African Union, and served as its first chairman...
Yes, the same Haile Selassie who Rastas have identified as the Second Coming of Christ. The actions and achievements of this Emperor lend some credit to that belief.
Admittedly though, his abolition of slavery did go against the teachings of Christ. After all, belief that slavery is "an institution of heaven" is why the Southern Baptist Church schismed from the Triennial Convention before the US War of Northern Aggression as the Civil War is often called here in The South.
In the current MAGA non-civil war on our democracy YOUR support, YOUR vote counts.
Do not be sulking in your tent like Achilles just because your favored person might not be running on the Democratic ticket:
Support the Democratic ticket; Support Democracy; band together (as did the left in France just now) and Keep the Fascists OUT.