FCC adds banner to complaints page inviting comments on Kamala Harris interview on "60 Minutes."
Last edited Fri Feb 21, 2025, 01:03 PM - Edit history (5)
Reposted by Domestic Enemy Hat
Mike Masnick
Just as we warned, Brendan Carr is establishing himself as America's top censor, and he's not being shy about it.
And a hearty "fuck you" to anyone who insisted Carr was a "free speech warrior."
Melissa Gira Grant @melissagiragrant.com
someone has added a banner to the FCC Complaints page so that anyone going to file a complaint first gets asked if they want to join in a complaint re: investigating news distortion at 60 Minutes consumercomplaints.fcc.gov
Consumer Complaints at the FCC
Interested in adding your comments to the proceeding investigating news distortion in the airing of a 60 Minutes interview with then Vice President Kamala Harris? Learn more here.
The FCC recently opened a proceeding investigating news distortion in the airing of a 60 Minutes interview with then Vice President Kamala Harris. You can read the notice about the proceeding
To have your concerns become part of the record for this proceeding you will need to submit them in the FCCs Electronic Comment Filing System following the steps outlined below.
1. Go to the FCCs Electronic Comment Filing Systems page for submitting an Express Comment: https://www.fcc.gov/ecfs/filings/express
2. In the first box, *Proceeding(s): Specify the FCC proceeding(s) to which your filing refers, enter the number specific to this proceeding: 25-73.
3. When a box with the following text appears, click on it to auto-fill the Proceedings box: News Distortion Complaint Involving CBS Broadcasting Inc., Licensee of WCBS, New York, NY
4. Complete all required boxes, type your comment in the box labeled Brief Comments, and then review and submit your comment to the FCC.
5. The deadline to file comments is March 24, 2025.
For more on filing a comment with the FCC, you can visit
When you get to
Welcome to the FCCs Electronic Comment Filing System
Try this:
https://www.fcc.gov/ecfs/search/search-filings/results?q=(kamala) or something like that for a search term.