African American
Related: About this forumI keep hearing that Clinton has a problem with men, but really she has no problems with black men
just white men. Why is that? Why are black men comfortable voting for her?
As a social scientist, this question has been flying around in my head for a while now, so i thought I'd ask you guys if you had any insight.
(Usual Disclaimer: this is posted in the AA group for a reason. Merely discussing race does not make something racist. Discussing why there are differences in races on voting is not 'divisive' no matter how many times some of you say so. This is a discussion board, we discuss social issues, race and racism is one of those issues, sexism is another one, the intersectionality of race and gender is a third valid issue.)

Arkansas Granny
(31,950 posts)There is a segment of the male population that will not accept a woman in a position of authority.
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)Arkansas Granny
(31,950 posts)the racial aspect before.
(15,544 posts)Most of these are the same men who have difficulty accepting ANYONE other than a white male in a position of authority.
Convergence of convenience ...
(91,557 posts)Also
(109,771 posts)Warpy
(113,131 posts)and that would be her only problem with men. You know, the ones who are smart enough to be angry about's been done to them over the last 40 years but too stupid to know who did it to them. They like Pox News because it thinks for them and gives them targets to hang their rage on.
Black men aren't a problem because the Moron Media are not aimed at them, they're aimed at white men.
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)uponit7771
(92,553 posts)MrScorpio
(73,759 posts)As long as they're competent, of course. We're a little bit more wary of sexism that you'd find in a lot of white males.
This transcends gender, there's quite a bit of difference in how black men approach gender equality than white men. We tend to see that equality is inter-sectional of course.
I'm not saying that we don't have out own problems with sexism... That's a general male problem. I'm just saying that there are varying degrees of it.
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)in that maybe black men are better with female leadership than white men are.
i should do a study on this
(73,759 posts)My own family has always been practically a matriarchy. That's pretty much all I knew growing up in a black family. And this arrangement is also quite common with other black families as well.
But when I went out into the world and started to realize how patriarchy was the norm in white society, especially with the dismissive treatment of women, I was shocked.
I'm still shocked by it.
(92,553 posts)... treated like queens while the men stood aside including my wife who was the director of the business district there.
I was shocked at the contrast also
Response to La Lioness Priyanka (Reply #8)
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(15,438 posts)who everyone respects, if not fears. Matriarchy is commonplace, and having a woman at the head isn't threatening in the least, but comforting that things are going to be all right.
This isn't the case among White Americans and the White British, although in "white" Europe - outside of the UK - women truly are equal in all ways and it's a matter of respect for the female gender and equal rights. White European women wear the pants in an organized and functional family, and their opinion is valued outside the house as well. She's never dismissed as "just being a woman".
What still amazes me today is that U.S. men actually hold the checkbook in American families and have control of the budget! My husband is astounded by it. He's a pro at using his debit and credit cards, but he couldn't write a check to save his life. lol
(92,553 posts)... is something us black men are attracted to cause that's who raised us.
I see that in Obama's "like" of tall women (his words) because he was raised by a strong woman, we usually are attracted to what's familiar.
(110,159 posts)DonCoquixote
(13,797 posts)on this? Not being a smart ass, just wondering if there were.
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)DonCoquixote
(13,797 posts)I would actually be very surprised if there were not
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)Liberal_Stalwart71
(20,450 posts)candidate in overwhelming numbers.
Barack Obama did not win the majority of the white vote in 2008 or in 2012.
...but neither did John Kerry or Al Gore. Only Bill Clinton in 1992 won with over 50% of the white vote.
The Republican Party has done a superb job since the Southern Strategy using race politics as a divisive tactic.
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)rusty quoin
(6,133 posts)I think white people, here in the US have a problem with common sense, because they have never experienced the other side. And it is so damn hard to admit you are wrong...Bill O'Reilly.
If you resist listening to people who actually are victims, you cannot learn. I listen. I'm white, and I can learn. It didn't take much with me though. I've always hated racism.
Ellen Forradalom
(16,179 posts)The family grouping may be the template for attitudes here. Younger whites will look at Hillary and think 'Mom', older ones 'my wife.' White America, liberal or conservative, is organized in a very rigid patriarchy. (I speak from being white and dealing with that organization).
There is no science here, but I see a lot of the white liberals in my circles react during elections in ways that reveal that their only consistent political discourse is "No Girls."
(10,893 posts)are intimidated by having a strong female leader, and they're afraid of change and of WMs losing their control on the country.
(42,612 posts)I'll be interested in the answers in this thread
(45,251 posts)but age.
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)The numbers I'm talking about refer to Clinton vs trump, but mostly to Clintons internal numbers. Between black supporters of hers there is no large gender gap, for white supporters there is a gender gap.
(45,251 posts)when running against a far better candidate than Trump.
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)I'm not sure why you seem to want to deny that
(45,251 posts)
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)And race.
(45,251 posts)JustAnotherGen
(34,587 posts)And the numbers are about Trump.
I'm over the primary - and thank you for posting this.
It's clear who is for Trump and who is for Clinton and the race stats are accurate.
(34,587 posts)From the link - The Washington Times
In the latest poll, Mrs. Clinton loses the male vote by 22 points to Mr. Trump, whereas he holds a 14-point deficit to her when it comes to the female vote.
To put this in perspective, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, in 2012, lost the female vote to now President Obama by 12 points Mr. Trump is essentially running even with the former GOP nominee, according to the poll. This is astonishing given all the bad press Mr. Trump has . . .
They've got their Knight In Shining Armor and intend to ride hard or die.
I think we'll find - come November - black men of all ages have voted for their lives against that cheap two bit dime store hood - Trump.
(13,304 posts)(born about 1885) was taught in school ( not completely accurately) in the BWI that Queen Victoria ended slavery in England and the Commonwealth by saying she would not rule over a dominion half free, half slave. For the rest of his long life he championed women in government.
My husband supported Hillary over Obama; this year he supported Hillary over Bernie, although Bernie more closely aligns with his beliefs.
Ideas learned young enough can have long-lasting effects.
Response to La Lioness Priyanka (Original post)
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(5,644 posts)that Democrats have that problem....
The Democrats' (White) Male Problem
The partys problem with males may be even worse than the GOPs troubles with women.
I dont think theres any news here that older white men vote Republican, says Joel Benenson, President Barack Obamas pollster for both of his White House campaigns. In fact, the last Democratic candidate for the White House to win the white male vote was President Lyndon B. Johnson 50 years ago.
More: usnews
Barney Frank on why white men dont vote for Democrats
More: Minnpost
White working-class males have been losing ground economically since the end of the post-World War II boom. This is at least partly result of the domination of the government and especially the Republican Party by the wealthy. But, Frank believes, this white, male, blue-collar population blames the Democrats for the decline in their fortunes because Democrats are seen as the party of government, and those workers blame the party of government for not figuring out some way to help end their long slide from prosperity.
And, my own considered opinion, Black men have always had a strong Black woman in their lives ...a parent or relative. Women that made good decisions for them when needed. I'm not sure, but it appears to me that white men have this macho thing they lean on.