African American
Related: About this forumTwo more black men cut down in 48 hours. Curse red America's lethal fascination with firearms,
curse racist, roided-up cops, curse a cruel and inequitable system of justice. Curse them all to hell.
Soulless...gratuitous cruelty bears witness to a soulless self or state.
I'm in constant and genuine admiration before the sangfroid and sanity exhibited by our AA brothers and sisters in the midst of this murderous maelstrom.

(35,156 posts)until our representatives can figure out, what the hell is going on. Unarmed cops are polite cops.
Surya Gayatri
(15,445 posts)forjusticethunders
(1,151 posts)I was held at gunpoint by cops and I wasn't even involved in whatever it was they were trying to do. I'm pretty lucky to be here still. I think a lot of them are being driven by the same thing that's driving Trump votes.
Surya Gayatri
(15,445 posts)atmosphere? Murder runs riot in the streets and you find the strength to face it down.
It is an act of inestimable bravery just to step out into a society that considers you as potential targets.
I am genuinely humbled.
(1,151 posts)And the same way we got through slavery and Jim Crow I guess.
Surya Gayatri
(15,445 posts)have my sincere and humble admiration.
We can only fight this battle together with linked arms and in total solidarity.
(44,173 posts)Actually in that case, it was the policeman NOT respecting the right of a black man to bear arms.
(1,739 posts)Heads would explode if the militia folks could even receive that, lol.
Surya Gayatri
(15,445 posts)Marengo
(3,477 posts)Surya Gayatri
(15,445 posts)You'd think they'd jump on these cases of extra-judicial execution of gun owners.
Hum, why aren't they rushing to question this gross miscarriage of justice?
What's keeping them silent? I wonder...
(3,477 posts)I'm the first to oppose lifetime bans on gun ownership based on felony convictions, but I doubt most of the RKBA orgs share that view.
(59,254 posts)Why would you jump to that conclusion?
(3,477 posts)psychmommy
(1,739 posts)Surya Gayatri
(15,445 posts)people reside in blue states (MN for starters.)
(2,178 posts)They train police like they are operating in Iraq or Afghanistan. Many of the Police are combat veterans and act accordingly. Then you add PTSD and other emotional problems. It's a disaster waiting to happen.
Surya Gayatri
(15,445 posts)We are seeing, in real time, the murderous effect of militarizing our police.
(59,254 posts)PeoViejo
(2,178 posts)It makes it a lot easier to make someone whisper: "I can't breath."
(18,124 posts)hate of black people is the driving force that has emboldened them and has been been encouraged by their fuhrer running for POTUS as a republican. NO DOUBT IN MY MIND. The rising tide of racial hate in this country makes me understand what the Jewish people must have felt at the ascension of Hitler to chancellor of germany. The brown and blue shirts of trump are already on the march. They will not be meeting a person here who will fear them. I detest a cowardly racist hiding behind a badge or a presidential nominee.
(17,621 posts)betsuni
(27,637 posts)AllyCat
(17,621 posts)We've been hearing it for decades. But the cold-blooded killing seems new. Am I just now paying attention? Has it always been this way for AAs? I'm horrified at what is happening and want to know what to do.
Surya Gayatri
(15,445 posts)Take an increasingly militarized police force, add more and more guns, plus a dangerously charged, racist environment, and you've got a recipe for mayhem and murder.
(2,639 posts)And I can tell you that not only has it always been this way, it will always BE this way. I am convinced that America is incapable of change when it comes to citizens who are not white.
(17,621 posts)Now starting to see. I want to make it better and don't know how.
Surya Gayatri
(15,445 posts)Does it always have to be like this? The under- 30s are cause for a little optimism, no? They don't see color the way their elders do.
Tell me there's reason to hope?
(18,124 posts)and I confirm your observation of our past, present and future.
(59,254 posts)is what's new. Now the larger society can see what the cops , the racist, murdering ones, not all, have been getting away with for forever.
(34,587 posts)Go to Tim Wise's page.
He has a link linking to 'Eve' -
It becomes VERY clear in that video that -
Cop #1 - What did you do that for man?
Cop #2 (Shooter) - It seemed like he shot fire , so I shot fire . . . FUCK!
So Cop #1 asks Cop #2 why he did that?
I hope Cop #1 turns against him and saves himself.
Surya Gayatri
(15,445 posts)One thing you can bet on--they'll be trying to save each other's asses.
(10,201 posts)Two cops on top of him, one with gun drawn and pretty much pressed up against his chest.
You then see the shooter fire several times, and then you get to watch Alton die as blood pools up on his chest.
You can't un-see that, and I wouldn't recommend it.
Surya Gayatri
(15,445 posts)JustAnotherGen
(34,587 posts)Will try later
Surya Gayatri
(15,445 posts)rbrnmw
(7,160 posts)tonyt53
(5,737 posts)They want to carry guns and have power over others. Those people are the worst choice as cops. You rarely ever hear of any state policeman doing these types of things. Sometimes we do, but rarely. The screening process used for those positions weeds out the people I first described.
Surya Gayatri
(15,445 posts)Aggressive personality tendencies and certainly PTSD should be immediate reason for elimination.
(1,000 posts)Waiting patiently for Obama to acknowledge to need to address this epidemic of police openly murdering AA's with little or no ramifications, other than being put on "administrative" leave, i.e. vacation.
Surya Gayatri
(15,445 posts)the AA community once he's a free agent.
Every time he's tried to express his outrage and grief at the present situation, he's been excoriated by the rabid right for being partisan and "playing the race card".
(18,124 posts)just paint him as the fearful "angry black man". Something he has not shown to these clowns in america who were hoping to debase his character and integrity by labeling his actions as thuggish or worse. America sucks sometimes and lately, for me, all the time. It was created by white people for white people and white people are trying and have tried their best, for generations, by murder and worse, at all levels of society, to hold on to that legacy. America will never be rid of it's slavery, segregationist and racist past, present and future.
Fear of PoC is driving a lot of these clowns crazy.
Surya Gayatri
(15,445 posts)And, the fearless, righteous Obama is there in the middle of the mad melée, trying to walk a fine line and be the "President" to all Americans.
He is a one-man profile in courage and fortitude.
I've never admired a public figure so much.
(308,646 posts)

Philando Castile and Alton Sterling~

11:12 PM - 6 Jul 2016
5,863 retweets 4,404 likes

Surya Gayatri
(15,445 posts)Last edited Fri Jul 8, 2016, 07:47 AM - Edit history (1)
new outrage in Dallas.
Trump and his racist, concealed-carry rabble have a lot to answer for.
If his public incitement to riot continues, I question whether the center can hold.
(308,646 posts)

(11,833 posts)I posted about this in general discussion in the afternoon. A few recs, no replies. Posted about it again this morning. No replies.
Everyone's busy posting about what's on television now - the shooting in Dallas. Dozens of new threads full of inane speculation.
I abhor all violence. My heart goes out to the families & loved ones of those murdered in Dallas. But it saddens me that most here get so entranced with whatever is the ongoing story that it seems like they forget all the pain and sorrow of the families of unarmed victims killed by police.
Dozens upon dozens this year and every year previous.
Surya Gayatri
(15,445 posts)that America's predominantly white, gun-loving culture has nothing to do with the present climate of murderous violence against the AA and other ethnic minorities.
Ignorant, armed racists can and will do serious damage, whether they're wearing a badge or not. How hard is that to understand?
This is the kind of cognitive dissonance we're up against.
I too am in despair today.
(11,833 posts)like you and others here who are aware of sensitive to these matters. As someone mentioned in another thread here, I read other parts of DU for entertainment & often bemusement. This is where my friends are and we always have good discussions.
I'm taking my girlfriend to surgery this morning. She's mixed race (as I think so many people are not only here in the USA but all over the whole wide world). So I'll be praying for her and for peace all throughout the day. Take care. There are many many good people out there!
Surya Gayatri
(15,445 posts)terms with that reality, the happier and healthier we'll all be. I live in France, and it too is getting browner by the day.
Best of luck to your GF, love. I hope it's nothing too, too serious. She's fortunate to have you at her side. I appreciate your voice SO much.

(18,124 posts)are killed outside of these recorded high profile events of murder and extrajudicial executions? I bet a lot.