African American
Related: About this forum*** Posted to the African-American Group ***
Has anyone else noticed that less than a generation of economic oppression merits progressives' calls for all peoples to unite in populous revolution; but, 2 centuries of death at the hands of "the authorities" warrants "measured" and "reasonable" responses of the community suffering?
Tell me I'm reading this wrong.

radical noodle
(9,615 posts)I've said as much to my husband.
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)Some just matter more.
(5,714 posts)Some are more equal than others.
Surya Gayatri
(15,445 posts)
brer cat
(26,858 posts)People get involved when it hits home, and then it is "omg, everybody, we have to do something." Generating a sense of urgency when it is someone else's ox being gored is difficult to achieve, as we have seen repeatedly for generations.
(2,286 posts)And it's absolutely infuriating. I actually self-deleted post in this group yesterday. I think it was the first time I had done so in all my time on DU. But I am so sick and tired of the burden being put on our community for finding a solution to these problems. It's funny how we are always being lectured at about our so-called failure to accept responsibility yet the lecturers are completely blind to the blood on their hands and the fact that THEY need to something about it.
(1,846 posts)It's hard for many people to come to grips with, and accept the guilt / sins of the community. Call them sins, whatever you want. I see it every day on my FB feed, "Blue Lives Matter"! "All Lives Matter"! Yeesh! It's depressing.
To accept real, rather than "reasonable" or "measured" change means acknowledging and accepting that societal racism is still a very large problem...not so easy for most to do.
I see it here on DU all the time, self reflection and a willingness to really hear others is often in short supply.
White authority structures indiscriminately kill black people in HUGELY disparate numbers; that's the truth, simply put. White people enable these structures by continually voting in politicians who dog whistle the status quo. It would take hundreds of incidents like we had in Dallas last week to make a comparison relatively equal.
Measured reform will do nothing but maintain some form of the status quo, because we (white people) are in power, without the capability to see the world thru the prism of the black community, IMO.
The only rational solution is MAJOR reform, one involving not just reform for police, but gun control, changes to drug laws and funding for communities who need it to advance law enforcement reform.
Tweaking around the edges is a waste of time.
(37,748 posts)And make sure that whatever you do, never-ever-ever make an unnamed, unidentified and unsourced individual of anecdotal myth late for work by blocking a street for a protest of national concern--- as there are never alternative routes available.
It's simply far too concerning to many half-wits (and others as well, my disingenuous little alerter) who never allow us the grail of actually listing someone fired due to a protest causing traffic problems.
(1,045 posts)The anger has to be exactly right for some folks. In addition, one has no right to be angry unless it's justified by them.