African American
Related: About this forumI was asked to remove my sigline
the part about the banner "murdered by police" I left it up, fuck sitting down. I don't condone killing cops but I won't pretend they haven't been killing black folks for as long as there had been police. This started with paddy rollers during slavery

(2,286 posts)rbrnmw
(7,160 posts)Warpy
(113,131 posts)Sucks to be him.
I suppose he thought that with cops being attacked in more than one city, it was inflammatory. He's wrong, of course.
He might have a point if you found a photo of some hippie in 1968 with an "OFF THE PIGS" sign, but you have more class than that.
(7,160 posts)Warpy
(113,131 posts)to add more names and faces.
Some days I just want to get off this planet.
(20,620 posts)bravenak
(34,648 posts)rbrnmw
(7,160 posts)make people uneasy.
(34,648 posts)rbrnmw
(7,160 posts)bravenak
(34,648 posts)sheshe2
(90,503 posts)
(96,069 posts)sheshe2
(90,503 posts)father founding
(619 posts)The only way is to retire ALL the politicians and replace them with politicians who only want to serve the USA.
(20,219 posts)Yeah there is a lot of skullfucking going on in amurka.
Uh, let me rephrase that... The people who have been fucking skulls hither and yon are the people YELLING BACK at FACTS now.
The trouble is, there's a demographic of people who seriously don't want their fantasy America to change.
That's the people who seriously cling to their central, primal fantasy of the "official" Republican/Conservative party, with a proud resolve to protect that white-hot television sized image. It burns in the place between the brows, that some call the Third Eye.
They salute and grovel to the Party Networks that claim to fight for those sentimental engrams that run hot in deep gorges of neuronal tissues.
They're the people we see way too frequently. The skullfuckers.
(7,273 posts)Not being African American, I have never posted in this group before. We have got to be better than this.
raven mad
(4,940 posts)I'm disgusted you'd be asked to remove it.
(73,759 posts)It's the truth!
(90,503 posts)Leave it and add to it.
(7,010 posts)Squinch
(54,672 posts)How ignorant.

How could anyone be offended by this?
(16,881 posts)And that the perpetrators get off scot-free.
(37,549 posts)sheshe2
(90,503 posts)Feeling the Bern
(3,839 posts)63splitwindow
(2,657 posts)Just don't allow yourself to become a one issue person. There are other issues of great importance that need your support also.
(7,160 posts)Hekate
(96,716 posts)irisblue
(34,840 posts)Recursion
(56,582 posts)What bullshit.
(31,849 posts)SheriffBob
(552 posts)It's the truth.
(15,359 posts)Ken Burch
(50,254 posts)Truth should never be censored.
And your sigline had nothing to do with what happened in Dallas. That was due to some major issues with one man's head having a lethal chemical reaction with the racism in this society.
(96,069 posts)I find it most appropriate given the current events and long term continuing tragedies.
Sorry someone accosted you with their objection to the facts of life in Murika.
(53,544 posts)Ignoring the facts doesn't make it go away.
(43,371 posts)don't be bullied by anyone.
(160 posts)for the sake of full disclosure, I'm white.... and I think that cops have entirely too much UNACCOUNTABLE power.... a cop can shoot someone and claim they felt their lives were in danger and never be convicted.... never be held accountable....
me in my car and a cop... the cop shoots the only other witness and guess who doesn't go to jail....
should I be shot because I tell a cop to kiss my a$$...? slapped up side the head maybe but shot dead....?
if a cop is a cop who shoots first and lies later then that cop shouldn't be a cop....
and I was banned once from democratic underground.. my old login still isn't usable.... i pi$$ed someone off with a reply.... this was about 5 years ago.....
so don't get banned... your voice is better as an active voice... just find a way to persuade that isn't considered abusive and you can do so...
so do cops murder people? based on my observation YES.... and I'm guessing the cops who do so simply shouldn't be cops.... but if a cop does shoot someone without cause that cop should be held accountable...
so the failure is when the person is hired as a cop.... it's a tough job, pay that isn't the best..... and you can be killed in an instant if you make a mistake....
it's a tough job but that doesn't mean that cops have to shoot first and ask questions later...
(3,580 posts)Do what is right.
I've honestly never been mesmerized by someone else's Sig line. Sometimes I'm curious but it's a short statement for some people that helps me understand where they're coming from.
It's bad enough being stalked for a post
Telling truth to power is indispensible in the modern world...
(90,503 posts)Hope you are not mad at me.
(7,160 posts)

(90,503 posts)No one should disrespect those that died.
I love ya too.
(71,265 posts)one_voice
(20,043 posts)Leave it. There's nothing offensive or against TOS. It's very appropriate.
(32,886 posts)pnwmom
(109,771 posts)had its origins in England where the stereotype was that the police wagons were full of no-account Irish. (paddy being a nickname for Irish -- from the name Patrick.)
(7,160 posts)PatrickforO
(15,182 posts)done that and have the scars to prove it. In the American colonies there were plenty of Irish slaves as well as AA ones. Only the Irish slaves were called 'indentured servants' and their term of slavery was 7 years. Unfortunately, the AAs did not have that.
This country still needs to heal from slavery, and we haven't yet.
(109,771 posts)than 7 years if you had a baby while you were in service, because that child then belonged to the "master."
Also, most of those people never signed any contracts. They were simply swept off the streets in Ireland or England and shipped off to the colonies.
(2,657 posts)Women have Irish beat by thousands of years. If Christian Fundamentalists are correct with their creation myth then the second person created was the first person oppressed.
(109,771 posts)63splitwindow
(2,657 posts)Hoppy
(3,595 posts)This changed by 1639 when Africans were listed in law as servants for life. There is no record of when the change was formalized.
Irish criminals were sent to the West Indies as slaves. The poor in England, Ireland and so forth were sent to northern colonies as indentures.
(15,182 posts)csziggy
(34,189 posts)For someone with a slow connection. Unfortunately it is not big enough to clearly show the victims.
For anyone who objects, they can get an ad blocker and use it to block the image.
Keep your signature images!
(6,913 posts)csziggy
(34,189 posts)Whether the image hits too close to home because it is true or whether they don't believe that when police kill it is murder, someone doesn't want to look at the issue.
It should stay.
(15,438 posts)I support you keeping your sigline just the way it is.
(15,429 posts)JustinL
(722 posts)We already have plenty of posters chastising the protesters for being too disruptive. Now this shit?
What the fuck are people supposed to do? Sit quietly at home and wish real hard until the powers that be decide it's finally time to make the 14th Amendment a reality?
(7,160 posts)Loki
(3,826 posts)No way do you take it down.
(62,598 posts)Everyone should see it.
Bobbie Jo
(14,344 posts)Consider the source.
(25,540 posts)I'm tired of trying to explain racism to folks..
(4,713 posts)
(5,610 posts)If there are those who are unable to look at what is true, maybe they would be happier elsewhere
(8,291 posts)sheshe2
(90,503 posts)If it bothers them, they need to ask themselves why.
(4,558 posts)It's ticked me off enough to add it to my own sig line.
When this "civilized" nation gets its head out of its ass, and starts treating ALL citizens equally with dignity and respect, then there won't be a need for such signatures.
(90,503 posts)
Maru Kitteh
(29,789 posts)To the depths of hell with racist a-hole bullies.
(162,551 posts)now that *IS* offensive
Maru Kitteh
(29,789 posts)
(162,551 posts)seriously
(22,336 posts)HA!!!
radical noodle
(9,615 posts)Skittles
(162,551 posts)It was carried in Seattle today too.
(90,503 posts)Craig234
(335 posts)I think there are too many wrong killings of people, especially minorities, and some of those by police.
We need to do more to improve things - from the culture to the accountability of police and prevention to de-militarizing police.
However: I also think it's important we remember the larger issue and recognize this is one part of the issue, not the whole issue.
Far more people are wrongly killed by non-police and that's an issue as well things can be done to improve, but there's not a movement about those killings. There probably should be or rolled into this one.
But on police specifically, we should also remember what's missing from this picture - including that a similar banner could be made of police wrongly killed by people.
I'm not equating them - we should have a higher standard for police behavior, of course - but they deserve respect also.
And we should remember that most police do not do the wrong killings, but they do serve us at risk to themselves, and deserve oour appreciation.
Our approach needs to be one of 'we the non-violent people excluding the murderous people want to join with the majority of police who serve the public, and demand the issue of when police do wrongly kill people be addressed and reformed.'
Not one of 'the police are all wannabe murderers and the enemy', because it's not correct, or far - and by the way, would prevent the reforms we want.
That's a danger in movements like this - for a movement rightly against a problem to start to generalize and include the innocent police as much as the guilty, and that'd be a mistake. Let's fight the legitimate problem.
Person 2713
(3,263 posts)What is the issue?
(11,014 posts)were probably from the members of the hate site spun off by banned former members of DU.
(34,210 posts)If any?

(7,160 posts)They said I was insensitive and disrespecting their loved ones
(34,210 posts)I get it that there may have been conduct reviews or grand juries who said the Black people in that banner weren't murdered, but still...that's no reason to ask you to take it down.
I don't think you were being insensitive or disrespectful.
herding cats
(19,659 posts)I'm glad you left it up. The people it makes uncomfortable are the ones who need to be reminded the most.
(27,637 posts)I think of the speech Chief Seattle gave in 1854 (translators needed to translate from Chief Seattle's native Lushootseed to Chinook Jargon and then to English) at a reception for the new Commissioner of Indian Affairs for Washington Territory. Dr. Henry A. Smith took notes and his version was published in the Seattle Sunday Star a few decades later.
Every hillside, every valley, every plain and grove
has been hallowed by some fond memory or some sad experience of my tribe.
Even the rocks which seem to lie dumb along the seashore in solemn grandeur thrill with memories
of past events connected with the lives of my people.
And when the last red man shall have perished from the earth
and his memory among the white men shall have become a myth
these shores will swarm with the invisible dead of my tribe.
And when your children's children shall think themselves alone
in the fields, the store, the shop, upon the highway,
or in the silence of the pathless woods,
they will not be alone.
In all the earth there is no place dedicated to solitude.
At night when the streets of your cities and villages will be silent
and you think them deserted,
they will throng with returning hosts that once filled and still love this beautiful land.
The white man will never be alone.
Let him be just and deal kindly with my people
for the dead are not powerless.
Dead -- did I say?
There is no death, only a change of worlds.
(The whole speech, different version, can be seen at the Suquamish Tribe's website)
(7,963 posts)They don't even want to see it. Jesus. We can't fix it if we can't talk about it. Maybe they feel like they're having to pick sides and are ultimately on team blue? I don't know. I can't figure out why people are having a hard time looking at this.
(72,300 posts)riversedge
(74,511 posts)riversedge
(74,511 posts)BumRushDaShow
(149,020 posts)Alot of folks uncomfortable around here who want to hijack the narrative.
Surya Gayatri
(15,445 posts)stonecutter357
(12,820 posts)
(5,644 posts)I love you sigline!
(12,471 posts)Many are offended by facts, and seek to censor those who provide them the facts. They just want to be happy, keep their heads in the sand, and not realize what is happening. Many have been banned from this site for truthfulness, stating that they were offending others with their statements.
marble falls
(63,821 posts)ismnotwasm
(42,612 posts)JustAnotherGen
(34,587 posts)
(63,449 posts)Leave it up.
(17,748 posts)And you can always add this one.
(11,076 posts)Lochloosa
(16,500 posts)Ask me to remove it. PLEASE.
(28,336 posts)Actually, they will just remove it.
Ignore the poster -- those people WERE murdered by police.
(873 posts)'nuff said
(13,218 posts)If not downright stupid. I mean for somebody to ask you to do that. Free speech and true speech. Only the guilty should be irritated!
(122,725 posts)silverweb
(16,402 posts)[font color="navy" face="Verdana"]I'm neither a member of this group nor African American, but I hope you allow me to contribute a most excellent video I saw yesterday. It really deserves to go viral to help knock off the blinders of those who still refuse to see.
This strong African American woman lays out the whole situation in a way that simply cannot be misunderstood by anyone:
(7,160 posts)silverweb
(16,402 posts)[font color="navy" face="Verdana"]To make things right takes all of us, so I'm happy I could contribute.
(387 posts)Put it back.
Idiocy to take it down.
(57,596 posts)geardaddy
(25,381 posts)and for keeping it up.
(6,970 posts)Please don't remove it.
(7,908 posts)at worst a statement of opinion and, at best, the FRIGGIN TRUTH? (Lawyers might debate the definition of 'murder' but Michael Brown opened my eyes.)
raven mad
(4,940 posts)DU'ers should know better than to argue with truth, and that pic is truth.
we can do it
(12,851 posts)BlueCollar
(3,859 posts)guillaumeb
(42,649 posts)were added.
Rather than take offense to an image, the public should take offense to the slaughter of black lives.