African American
Related: About this forumI was just profiled by a white guy who pretended not to profile me.
This happened in Livermore, CA. (Good old liberal Bay Area/Alameda County/California) I pulled over to use my phone I needed to access the Internet. I pulled into a parking lot, I was there for 2 minutes when I noticed a 4×4 pickup truck exiting the property. Well he stopped at the edge of the street and waited for a few minutes, backed up behind a building and waited until I left. He pulled out when I did. I waved him up to question him, but he drove away I caught up with him at a stop sign and asked if he thought I was attempting to commit breaking and entering.
He said:"Nah, I watched a pickup truck with some guys in it." "White guys".
I replied:"Dude you're full of shit. You fucked up! You were caught and now you have a ridiculous excuse. You just happen to pull out when I did? GTFOH!
Then I said:"What you just did right there gets people who look like me shot to death. I'm tired of this shit it's old. All I want is to be treated like everyone else."

(22,507 posts)-cumulatively- and done over and over even when fear makes it difficult - the only way change will come. It's like sowing seeds under the snow. Some will sprout. It is when the citizenry stands up and forces equality, and shows up inequality and calls out racism in hundreds of ways and thousands of places, that is when we begin to see the light.
I wish we could start it right this minute, all over this country.
(7,010 posts)He knew what he did, and was embarrassed but afraid.
rusty quoin
(6,133 posts)I know what you mean but it is absurd these white guys acting as police. They are afraid of their own shadows because they are dark.
(7,010 posts)They believe we're all dangerous.
brer cat
(26,858 posts)will be white people confronting other white people over racism, and yes, it must happen over and over. JRLeft was courageous, but it was a dangerous situation; we all know it could have ended with the truck driver pulling out a gun.
It is very hard to get people to come out of their shell and speak up, especially in situations where there is perceived danger in confronting someone who is belligerent. I am a 69 year old woman, and I would not have even considered chasing down the driver who profiled JRLeft. Whether it is lack of courage or too much common sense, I don't think I would ever be that aggressive.
I am willing to speak up in other settings, although I often find myself hesitating when confronting a stranger. I believe that repetition is key for me, that I will reach the point where I am reacting without that moment where I stop to think "do I really want to get involved in this?" If not me, then who? needs to be first in my mind.
(7,010 posts)to react the way I did. That's just who I am. I'm like my father in confronting people.
brer cat
(26,858 posts)whether it is a racist or just a jerk. An elderly woman like myself can often create a sense of shame that a younger person or male can't. For me, it is a matter of quickly figuring out whether the situation is too dangerous to consider. Jumping in a car to chase him down is a no. Confronting him face to face in the parking lot should be a yes, but for me it is a maybe, and I often lose the opportunity while I dither about it.
(7,010 posts)I've been pulled over by police time and time again even in front of my house. The idiot asked me where I lived I pointed to my house. He called me a liar I told him to run my plates, then he told me to slow down. I wasn't speeding.
I know racism when I see it.
brer cat
(26,858 posts)and there is no question it is racism. Confronting it, calling it out is the only hope of stopping it.
(7,010 posts)Every time you see black people committing crimes in the eyes of a lot of people we all did it.
(66,283 posts)threatened him--and his automatic suspicion of you is the sort of thing that leads panicky white people, whethercops or wannabe cowboys who carry, to shoot first and ask questions later.
(7,010 posts)aren't many CW holders in the state.
(6,931 posts)and good citizenship. im a 62 year old white guy and i have FB friends that view BLM just like Guliani. They think the victims deserved it and the dallas massacre was committed by a BLM member. Or instigated the shooting. i posted a recent seth meyers piece on the subject that clarifies whats really going on with BLM.
I have a friend that said racism in America is now over because we elected Obama. I think racism is still rampant along with white priviledge, which I've experienced first hand.
We're moving forward as a nation, but, then again, racist Drumpf is neck and neck with Hillary.
-90% Jimmy
(7,010 posts)awoke_in_2003
(34,582 posts)thanks to the proliferation of smart phones, my fellow white people will wake the fuck up about what is going on. We saw a similar thing happen during the 60s when northern white Americans saw what was happening to those marching for equality (fire hoses turned on them, beatings, use of police dogs). One good thing is, because of social media, we don't have to depend on the media, which is likely to sweep such things under the rug these days. Cops may be turning off their cameras, but now cameras are everywhere.
(7,010 posts)awoke_in_2003
(34,582 posts)but it went off the rails in 08
(5,714 posts)that "racism in America is over because we elected Obama." Have they all been living under a rock for the past 7 and 1/2 years? Have they not noticed the way in which our first black President has been treated by white conservatives (and a shamefully high number of white liberals as well)? To say nothing of the routine and outrageously disproportionate murders of black and Latino men by police officers, or horrific hate crimes like the Charleston massacre.
Such a fucking ridiculous notion, and one that is quite frankly, deeply offensive to many people - especially black people and other people of color. The NERVE of these people...
(7,010 posts)greiner3
(5,214 posts)Or treat you as a member of American society. It's the AOWG's last gasp as in another generation he'll be powerless. But on second thought that will make him more dangerous
(7,010 posts)heaven05
(18,124 posts)on exhibit here. The pickup guy needed to hear every word. I hear him now cursing and damning black males who fits his racist view, which is probably all black males. I stare every one of these type ass***** down every can be in my foxhole anytime.......