African American
Related: About this forumTim Kaine has belonged to a black church for more than 30 years.
Kaine and his wife, Anne Holton attend St. Elizabeth Catholic Church in a poor, predominantly black working-class neighborhood in Richmond, Virginia. It is the same church that they have been attending for 30 years, and where they were married in 1984. Kaine is also a Tenor in the church choir. In an interview with NPR, Father Jim Arsenault, the priest at St. Elizabeth, had the following to say about Kaine as church parishioner and member of the close-knit community:
This past Good Friday, we were about ready to start the procession for the veneration of the cross. And Tim was in back of church. And I said to him, hey Tim, we need your help. Help us carry this cross. It was sort of life-size. And he said sure. And gospel choir was singing some gospel spiritual songs. And Tim was there as people with tears in their eyes would venerate the cross. And theyd come up, and hed help them up after they were kneeling or something. And hed shake their hand, and hed practically pull them up. And then theyd give Tim a nice hug. Everybody knows Tim Kaine.

Tim's wife, Anne Holton,
As a schoolgirl in 1970, she was on the front lines of the fight to desegregate Virginias public schools. Holton is the daughter of Virginia Gov. A. Linwood Holton (R), who championed integration in a state that was known for its vigorous efforts to resist it. To drive home this point, he sent his daughters to a historically all-black Richmond City public school, escorting Anne Holtons sister to class in a gesture captured in a historic photograph.
I have spent much of my working life focused on children and families at the margin, with full appreciation of the crucial role education can and must play in helping young people escape poverty and become successful adults, Holton wrote in a Washington Post op-ed in June 2015.
Holton and Kaine also sent their three children, who are now grown, to Richmond public schools.

(135,425 posts)brush
(59,254 posts)The choice reflects well on Clinton's judgement.
I did like Rep. Becerra of California also.
(1,606 posts)HeartoftheMidwest
(309 posts)Who cares about his "star quality;" this is politics and our lives are at stake. This isn't some shallow reality show.
But I do wonder why Clinton thought he was a "terrible" VP pick in 2008:
"According to Game Change, John Heilemann and Mark Halperin's book about the 2008 election, Clinton dismissed Kaine as a potential No. 2, referring to him as a "terrible" choice. But the Virginia governor made it to Obama's final three...."
I'd be interested in knowing why she felt that way in 2008, and what's changed her mind since then.
(91,558 posts)this is one reason i'm impressed with her picking him now.
and Kaine's endorsement was one of those things which could have made a difference in such a close race. for example while Clinton won the hispanic vote big in the 2008 primary in most states, Virginia was one of the few states where Obama beat her with hispanics and cut into her support among other groups she was mostly winning with.
Kaine's endorsement may played a big role in that. plus he was one of the earlier major endorsements for Obama .
plus she never reached the point where she actually did a VP search as she did this time and seriously consider him.
it speaks well of Clinton and Kaine that she picked him now.
Wellstone ruled
(34,661 posts)Hope their campaign runs with this story. This will really piss off the Rethugs. And Con Man Don will really out due himself with some of the wall Stupid comment.
(34,648 posts)babylonsister
(171,904 posts)sheshe2
(90,503 posts)I do weep, for joy.
mountain grammy
(27,598 posts)tclambert
(11,156 posts)Of course, it might be a little disruptive what with him shouting, "I hear you!" every time the congregation says, "Lord, hear our prayer."
(3,510 posts)Good one.
(409 posts)I have to say that the more I learn about him, the more I like him. He seems like the real deal. I'm beyond glad to have him on the ticket.
(15,544 posts)but it is so many of these lesser-known points that really brought me on board with great enthusiasm.
All things considered, he is a stellar selection and only serves to strengthen the ticket!
(125,021 posts)is "the frozen chozen" as Bill Clinton would say.
(23,340 posts)Episcopalians, though we have thawed. Our church is highly integrated, too.
(125,021 posts)brer cat
(26,858 posts)As a woman, I really appreciated his appeal to the Pope to allow ordination of women:
I agree with that statement.
(9,605 posts)BlancheSplanchnik
(20,219 posts)Great choice, Hilary.
Looks like both candidates made their VP choices as a clear statement.
I like what her choice of Kaine states.
(122,729 posts)bigdarryl
(13,190 posts)Even walked in a black church.And yet I'm hearing a lot of progressive saying Kaine was a bad choice because he isn't progressive enough.Like Ari Rabin-Havt
(73,759 posts)JustAnotherGen
(34,590 posts)JI7
(91,558 posts)which means it would have been on home page so people see and click. and since it was around convention, vp announcement even more people were coming on this site than usual.
(5,644 posts)