African American
Related: About this forumfreddie gray
all remaining charges dropped against police off in Freddie Gray case in Baltimore. I was called a bigot for a post I made yesterday and that post, while maybe a little too real for the sensibilities of some at DU, is truth of how I feel at the privilege many white people take for granted in this society/culture. I know that yes I can be a bigot sometimes and it is anger at shit like this that bleeds into my compassion, reason and logic and makes me strike out at the race that if it wanted to could start ending murders like this TODAY. But 300 years from slavery, murder of innocent black people, men, women and CHILDREN, continues and only because of fear of the color of ones skin and the deep hate that melanin creates in all of the racist assholes that now have a fuhrer with the distinct possibility of becoming POTUS. Freddie allegedly eyeballed two white cops. Did nothing illegal. He died in the back of a steel caged paddywagon. Black and white officers were involvesd in this murder so don't get me wrong, those race traitors are no better than the white racist that initiated this process that ended in the death of Freddie Gray.
Will or can Amerikkka end racism?
I will vote in November and then I am out of here. It seems I fought for racism, hate based on color and now potentially, fascism and not democracy, life, liberty or the fucking pursuit of happiness that only a certain segment of this popuulation in america can take for granted. That is not what was intended by me. I am deeply ashamed of this country and of any PoC that first enables the racist to point and say "there's my AA" friend, voter, loyalist as they continue the generations long genocide against PoC.
I'm done lamenting the hateful nature of american culture/society that continues to grow to the detriment of ALL PoC.

(1,499 posts)here.
I have tried to post about Michael Brown's murder (and that exactly what it was) and it is amazing how little support he has here on DU. What's worse is how little support there is for people like Dorian Johnson, whose entire story has been deemed "incredible" for reasons that no one would accept if he was white, and for the only two eyewitnesses to the crime to see (most of) it start to finish (the "hands up don't shoot" witnesses), but who were questioned over and over by the cops until the cops had created enough contradictions that they were able to get them to say that they weren't really sure about what their original story.
Those of us who have lived in those kind of neighborhoods, who have had lots of interactions with the police, know this is what ALWAYS happens when we get beat down or when they want to beat us down. Our stories are NEVER accepted. We have to explain every little inconsistency. Most importantly, we have to tell the story that the cops and the politicians want to hear. Otherwise, we're liars (at best) and targets (at worst).
You're right, it's genocide and not nearly enough of us are willing to say it.
(18,124 posts)that has been proven wrong in my thinking as of late. There are many young PoC that are aware and angry at the current state of race relations in this country. They ARE talking about it, BLM is a prime example, and talking, I learned in the 60's, leads to action. May they destroy the racism that has generation by generation been perpetuated by those who are racially and culturally narcissistic. The young people will listen to us old codgers. We need to keep teaching and advising.
(1,499 posts)I join in your wish and in your cautious optimism.
rusty quoin
(6,133 posts)One thing about white privilege, you can be a white, mostly Republican, and say almost anything and get a pass. And I don't mean on DU of course.
Freddie Gray...they broke his back and it was not enough. Trump said the prosecutor should prosecute herself, because these good cops ended up with a dead Gray with a broken back.
I listened to a bit of Norman Goldman earlier explain the legal difficulties of proving the case against the cops. (He said you are not going to like to hear this ..but)
The family was given 6 million I think, by the city, so a broken back made a difference there, but the cops were protected. I don't live in Baltimore, but I would not want to pay that money for those cops. They aren't worth 6 bucks. 6 mil for the family...yes, but 60 years for the cops too.
A broken back is not enough...the video of Tamir Rice execution..12 y/o was not enough.
I am so disgusted with so much with America today.
Heaven 05, I wouldn't leave DU if that is what you meant by "I am out of here"
This is where like minded people are at.
(2,474 posts)Wow...
Who falls in that category exactly? Anyone who doesn't immediately fall in line with the way you personally perceive race relations?
The rest of the world is growing up and some folks are desperate to cling to the divisions of the past.
(34,606 posts). Black and white officers were involvesd in this murder so don't get me wrong, those race traitors are no better than the white racist that initiated this process that ended in the death of Freddie Gray.
I thought he was pretty clear. What's the issue with the statement?
(2,474 posts)... suggesting that members of any race (black, white or other) should all act as one unified block instead of as the individuals that they are.
It's the same term that white racists use when their daughter marries outside of their preferred color spectrum.
(34,606 posts)Suggesting we act in a block.
He's suggesting the Police Officers are so willing to 'fit in' they will murder black people to prove their worth to the force.
Group Host Mode:
TipTok -I'm going to ask you to leave the group. Do not PM about it. Please leave the group.
I've never seen you back here.
I noticed that heaven05 was called a 'racist' the other day and that he has post removed.
I then searched your history in our group since 2015. Your first time posting back here you basically called heaven05 a racist (which Skinner has said in the past is taboo/a personal attack). This happens up above.
I then dug into heaven's posts the past few days.
You got into it with him there.
Just leave the group - return to your normal posting places. I'm not one to alert for the sake of alerting (WAY too much of that happens here) - but technically calling him a racist is a personal attack. Just stop. You have the thread I linked to up above to debate these issues with him.
I can't tolerate it back here.
(18,124 posts)before I read this, sorry I won't say anything else......I do believe in fair and you are that.
(34,606 posts)It was directed at Tip Tok.
He needs to go. I saw the exchange between the two of you and I have a suspicion about who your removed post came from.
Proceed Mr. heaven05.
(18,124 posts)

(18,124 posts)supporting the NNPA(New Nazi Party of America and ANY 'good' police officer afraid to tell the truth about these murders such as that female police officer who spoke up about the two recent, media covered executions by white police officers. 2015: 15% of unarmed people shot by police were white, 25.4 Hispanic and 31.9 AA. These numbers are from 'The Counted' as publishedd by the Guardian. I am not nor is the OP author the ones keeping us on that tip. From Zimmerman to the recent murderers in blue, this is the dividing line between good, majority of american citizens, and a very evil, a very powerful minority with the state authorized power of extra judicial execution, for the uninitiated, the power of life and death.