African American
Related: About this forumThere is something deeply repulsive watching young white kids booing Cummings and Lewis
Yes, losing a primary sucks. But, when you boo civil rights icons you demonstrate that you really do not give a shit about understanding how people aside from you are oppressed.
These people (apparently, most of them are from the California delegation) have really actively repulsed me. They have been the worst part of this convention.
Elijah Cumming and John Lewis are heroes. If you cannot respect them, I cannot respect you or what you stand for.
PS: i posted this in the african american group, so if you are not a regular poster here, please don't show up just to say that you are ok with these kids. nobody here cares.

(12,608 posts)tonyt53
(5,737 posts)leftofcool
(19,460 posts)It is not only disrespectful, it show a lack of understanding of how these Civil Rights icons paved the way for them to demonstrate and protest.
(23,916 posts)I'm just curious if that is less deeply repulsive to you. I have a friend who is a black woman Sanders delegate and I believe has undertaken in protest as a delegate. I don't know whether or not she protested during those particular speeches.
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)to boo those who have made your life and existence better, but it not as morally reprehensible.
(23,916 posts)Thanks for the response.
(18,876 posts)They kept going on against almost impossible odds. These kids have much to learn because you really don't always get what you want the first try. These men, and so many other men and women went through insurmountable hardships just to get basic rights, and the job is still not done, but they keep pushing and working. The BoB's booing during their speeches could stand to study these men's lives and emulate their grace, courage and strength.
(113,131 posts)while they try to start shit with kids who are genuinely upset that they didn't get everything they wanted.
Of course, the operative word here is kids. They don't know there are heroes who did great things before the universe popped into being at their birth. They don't know their own heroes are less than perfect. And they certainly don't know that politics is getting what you can get, when you can get it, from somebody else who doesn't want to give it to you.
I think the only racist shit there is from the Trumpers. The rest of it is only ignorance and ignorance can be fixed.
Lewis and Cummings have been around long enough to know this.
Lisa D
(1,532 posts)I wonder if they'll cringe at the memory after they mature.
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)beachbumbob
(9,263 posts)Pull....many the many who died and to see these white kids boo....was shameful....
brer cat
(26,858 posts)To dis these men who literally risked their lives should be below even republicans, but for democrats it is morally and ethically bankrupt.
(42,649 posts)They truly are heroes, a word often overused but it applies, that are still mainly unrecognized by the country.
(6,852 posts)... who has read John Lewis's memoir from cover to cover I find the people who did this to be scumbags of the highest order.
Chitown Kev
(2,197 posts)1) From what I've seen of the Bernouts at the Convention, there are predominately white but not overwhelmingly so.
2) Sure, Cummings and Lewis are civil rights heroes but they are also elected officials...being civil rights heroes, I am sure they have done more than their share of booing at times (along with other vitally important work).
3) Elected officials being booed and criticized goes along with the job description and I do think that it is a little unfair to attribute all of that to race...having said that, one does have to question why these same kids didn't boo...say, Michael Bloomberg.
I get what you're saying..but I don't think that black elected officials (or unelected officials, for that matter) should be off-limits from criticism by anyone...although people should be aware of the optics of how they do it.
(37,748 posts)"I don't think that black elected officials (or unelected officials, for that matter) should be off-limits from criticism by anyone.."
Has anyone put forth the premise they are in fact, off limits from criticism?
Chitown Kev
(2,197 posts)Elijah Cummings was heckled for his pro-TPP position on Monday but so was Tim Kaine last night...that seems pretty fair to me.
Also, yes, they are "civil rights heroes" but they are ALSO elected officials that are currently in office. Let's not blur those two lines there...
(37,748 posts)I discount "repulsive" as an indication that X or Y is off-limits to criticism, as it's a subjective term indicating merely distaste. Insert any of its synonyms in its place (e.g., noxious, disgusting or disagreeable) and it remains an editorial rather than a command.
Chitown Kev
(2,197 posts)Last edited Thu Jul 28, 2016, 07:50 PM - Edit history (1)
"Disagreement" is rather mild and doesn't belong in that group.
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)i frankly think this is resentment coming from knowing how massively Bernie lost the black vote.
When John Lewis was talking about his sharecropper parents, these idiots yelling NO TPP, sounded like incredibly entitled fools.
I have criticized Obama many a time, so i def dont think black politicians are above criticism.
Chitown Kev
(2,197 posts)I will say, however, that even some of the DNC protests had more POC than the entire Republican convention though...although the POC participating in the protests overwhelmingly skew young (from what I can tell) so I don't think that people should bury their heads in the sand and assume that ALL of this is about's not.
I do think that the degree to which even young POC approach certain situations with an appropriate level of couth is about race...but also about home training.
(1,045 posts)I can also see some of these folks don't know the difference between Cummings and Lewis, so they're doing that equal opportunity boo'ing.
Had to put it out there...
(15,805 posts)They might be party officials, but when they are being interviewed or on stage as invited speakers, are they acting as spokesmen on behalf of the DNC, or speaking as lifelong Democrats who made history and shaped the direction of our nation?
If those agitators felt the need to protest, they should have targeted of DNC committees during the pre convention meetings. Or joined any of the outside groups that organized to stage various protests, not disrupt the proceeding for no other purpose than to harass the speakers.
Chitown Kev
(2,197 posts)Both.
I'm simply a person that very rarely feels comfortable with quelling dissenting speech in any form; hell, I don't even mind the Tea Partiers and their vitriol...that doesn't mean that dissenting speech can't be criticized and countered (and the OP here does a fine job with that) but unless that speech poses an immediate and present danger, I all for letting them speak even if they look like fools, as a general rule.
Starry Messenger
(32,376 posts)They are horrible. It's like every pathetic grand-stander from every event I've attended here to do with politics is there bloviating and screaming like an asshole. And yes, the fact that they did not protest Bloomberg is deeply suspicious to me.
Chitown Kev
(2,197 posts)1) I don't particularly like Bloomberg but I would take him as a mayor over Rahm Emanuel (even though technically Rahm isn't my mayor, either).
2) Bloomberg totally eviscerated Donald Trump last night even though he isn't the greatest speaker...Bloomberg's speech was a beauty to hear, though
Starry Messenger
(32,376 posts)*I* would have booed during Bloomberg, they would have had to tie me down. As it was, I muted him so as not to spoil my mood. I dislike both him and Rahm intensely for the same reason (education.) (I would vote for either if it were them against Trump, I'd just be sobbing and probably have to be tranked.)
I heard he was funny, but my heart wasn't in to give it a listen. I would have preferred to hear Cummings' story about his dad, which I had trouble focusing on because of the noise.
Chitown Kev
(2,197 posts)for this election cycle, Bloomberg will be useful, though (besides, I don't think that Trump would DARE to say or tweet anything directly to Bloomberg
(1,151 posts)These people couldn't class struggle out of a paper bag.
It's really ridiculous how these so called "socialists" could be so disrespectful to people who actually bled to fight oppression but then I figure a lot of these kids are former Paul voters who want to "rebel", or ineffectual hippies who only know how to shout slogans but not how to organize.
Starry Messenger
(32,376 posts)Hopefully not a lot from the Bay Area. I'd have a hard time concealing my scorn.
(91,558 posts)and then held a candlelight vigil for themselves and the horrible injustice committed against them by democrats.
and thinking what was done to them by dnc, DWS, Clinton etc is same or worse than what happened to the kids of those mothers.
Starry Messenger
(32,376 posts)Psycho.
(44,193 posts)63splitwindow
(2,657 posts)world wide wally
(21,836 posts)brand.
I wonder if they feel proud of themselves.
Another thought just crossed my mind. As hard as Bernie worked to prove himself to the black community, it was some of his asshole followers like these that pushed them away.
(4,518 posts)I adore Elijah Cummings, and admire him so.
Disrespectful kids with NO SENSE of history....(also why they had erroneous notions about HRC)
(16,309 posts)it's just uneducated ignorance of who they are. If not, then, well.....privileged assholes at best, racist bigots at worst. Motherfuckers.
(12,614 posts)They also booed the invocation one night. These spoiled brats should be banned from being delegates in the future.
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)DonCoquixote
(13,797 posts)But this election has reminded me how utterly angry I was whenever an affluent white self-labeled liberal would lecture me on my experience as a Latino, or other people about begin black. Some people can have ignorance, and if they are the good people they think they are, they can listen, learn, and a problem is fixed. But there is also arrogance, a remedy for which there are no medicines. They do not want to admit that maybe the reason our left did fall so hard is because they are the same people who let the unions fall because they had dirty hands. Or, they were also the people for whom Unions could no no wrong, even as they excluded brown people from them.
I have some very rude news for the sorts of people that tried to turn the Convention into a WWE act, liberalism, will be saved all right, indeed, we will take it farther than even the old gray heads you worship meant to, but that is because the work, and oh yes, a good portion of the power, will be taken by the sort of people you expect to keep pouring your coffee at Starbucks. Oh yes, there will be a revolution, but it will not be on YOUR terms, with you becoming the leader like some Dances with Wolves/avatar/tarzan fantasy of the great white king.