African American
Related: About this forumShout out to 1StrongBlackMan
Who continues to be FFR'd. Again.
Let me say, after the death of HOF, this is my favorite group. I've watched as racial issues pertinent to African Americans get belittled when inconvenient, held up like a flag when not. I've watched you all fight the good fight--even when you didn't agree on things like, oh, who should win the primary---the quality of posts here has always been apparent.
Watching the people from this group get silenced was one of the most disturbing experiences in my 12 years on DU.
Fighting inherent racism is never a comfortable or easy fight, and uncomfortable people tend to get reactive. I miss 1SBM's voice here.
I AM left wondering ... have the admins decided that he is more trouble than he is worth? I certainly hope not--this would be a shameful statement for a left-leaning site. Despite admins assertion, his problems with (and alert stalking by) DUers was not "partisan", it preceded the primaries, and largely revolved around discussions of racial matters. It, also, should be noted that his problems with (and the alert-stalking by) was with that segment of DUers whose primary home is now JPR. Finally, it should be noted that a quick view of JPR will reveal a/the number of JPR posts that are as racially and gender intolerant. It was those types of posts here on DU (by the same characters) that earned 1SBM their attention, and the alert-stalking and jury abuse that Admins finally had to acknowledge.
Now personally, I hope this is just an oversight, as 1SBM is an outspoken and passionate advocate for AA concerns, and a valuable DU member.

(160,029 posts)ismnotwasm
(42,612 posts)From way before the primaries,
Response to Gothmog (Reply #1)
rjsquirrel This message was self-deleted by its author.
His intelligent and articulate posts have helped me think a little differently about a few things.
Usually that takes a billy club and/or stick of dynamite.
(816 posts)beveeheart
(1,462 posts)
R B Garr
(17,539 posts)He doesn't deserve this.
Bobbie Jo
(14,344 posts)I had no idea he had been sidelined. The petty stalking needs to STOP.
We know who has been doing this all along, and thankfully most of them are now squatting on another site. Unfortunately some of them are still trolling here too.
If you're seeing this, Skinner, please lift his FFR ASAP. We need his voice here.
(22,165 posts).... and intelligent.
He challenges you to think ... that may be the "issue"
(45,728 posts)Hoped that shit would be a thing of the once new rules were put in place. Obviously some folks must still feel threatened when they hear uncomfortable truths.
May the review be speedy and his return be quick.
(58,785 posts)decent and thoughtful. It makes him a powerful force on DU. Hoping to see you soon, 1SBM.
R B Garr
(17,539 posts)stalking was behind us.
(27,835 posts)
(90,503 posts)One of the reasons they hate him. Lol~ 492 replies!
(308,658 posts)

(3,977 posts)DemocratSinceBirth
(100,712 posts)
George II
(67,782 posts)ismnotwasm
(42,612 posts)Whether it be simple food for thought, or a brand new dish, exactly the kind of poster that encourages dialogue.
(34,648 posts)SusanCalvin
(6,592 posts)wildeyed
(11,243 posts)Dammit.
What happened to this group and many of the regular posters in this group under the old jury system was not ok. I hope they find a way to stop more abuse. Discussing systemic racism IS uncomfortable, but it is also incredibly important.
(177,391 posts)
(98,117 posts)well said
(162,559 posts)yes indeed
(12,820 posts)
(51,666 posts)giftedgirl77
(4,713 posts)kestrel91316
(51,666 posts)I do know what PPR is and even its predecessor, tombstoning.
(4,713 posts)The trolls have figured out quick fixes to silence us when we point out their ignorance.
(6,592 posts)Oh, ripe for abuse.
(90,503 posts)Alert stalking 101.
(48,958 posts)MH1
(18,455 posts)I like 1SBM and generally don't consider his posts problematic.
I didn't realize the alert stalkers had figured out the new system yet but perhaps they have.
(48,958 posts)While I have been reading for more than a decade, haven't been active in recent years - and thus miss things like this. Appreciate the question (which I was about to ask, but scrolled through first), and those who answered/explained.
(4,713 posts)Every one I've appealed has been turned over. There are some closet racists & bigots here that really don't like being addressed by anyone that would fall into the category of minority.
Be strong 1SBM
Omaha Steve
(104,820 posts)
(12,820 posts)
(6,592 posts)NBachers
(18,383 posts)I'm sticking up for 1StrongBlackMan because I know he's become the focus of some awful people here.
Free 1StrongBlackMan!
(12,820 posts)

(30,058 posts)pnwmom
(109,771 posts)still_one
(98,117 posts)sheshe2
(90,503 posts)This is getting ridiculous. It is stalking!
(9,148 posts)Free 1strongblackman.
JPR doesn't exist here any longer.
(6,592 posts)steve2470
(37,468 posts)As I said last year, alert stalking STILL exists and under-the-radar discrimination still exists at DU amongst some.
We all need to strongly support 1SBM and the AA community!
(48,739 posts)
(54,768 posts)even in real life. perhaps ironically in real life that's a topic that rarely comes up. maybe that's on me....
in any event, 1sbm tells it like it is, and does so with passion.
i understand how that can be off-putting to some, but i've always found the passion to be genuine and appropriate to the topic at hand, not personal. and i think it's an important part of communicating the intensity of the feelings behind the topic at hand.
in short, that's exactly what white people like me need to be willing to hear.
(119,434 posts)Looking forward to 1SBM returning after a quick review.
(6,592 posts)
(119,434 posts)I've been busier than usual the last week or so since one of the cats went missing, my brother was away house-sitting and I was taking care of some health related issues. I'm hoping to get back to posting more frequently since those events are out of the way.
(3,826 posts)
(535 posts)Those qualities piss off racists every time.
Bring back 1SBM.
True Dough
(22,262 posts)I'm too new to the site to appreciate 1SBM, but I will make a point of looking up some of his old posts. I hope he is allowed to return because it sure sounds like he's a valuable member of this forum.
(6,592 posts)
True Dough
(22,262 posts)SusanCalvin
(6,592 posts)arithia
(455 posts)There is sh*t that goes down on this site that shouldn't and it's sickening.
Thoughtful, powerful contributors like 1SBM and Bravenak have been doxed, harassed and otherwise been hounded by a small contingent of sexist, racist malcontents... and it's been allowed to happen repeatedly.
It is up to administrators to make a stand against abuse on this site. You run it. You choose the rules. You enforce them. I hoped that this electoral cycle would teach everyone to be cognizant of who they chose to associate themselves with. By allowing this to go on, admins give the appearance of siding with the trolls.
It's well past time to take a frakin stand against hate.
(43,633 posts)I don't throw around the word "love" lightly but inasfar as we can believe our lives are made better by having contact with certain people and you're glad to have their experience to help you hone your thoughts and ideas, I truly am glad 1SBM is here.
(54,673 posts)the best posters here?
He's too smart for them, and it makes them mad.
(90,503 posts)It is pretty noticeable. They do a tag team game.
(54,673 posts)
(7,615 posts)So whose doing it?
(54,673 posts)niyad
(122,729 posts)NurseJackie
(42,862 posts)SusanCalvin
(6,592 posts)Thank you, 1SBM. Out.
(3,902 posts)Bring him back plz.
(3 posts)I was an active member of DU early during its inception. I posted sporadically in the mid-20-aughts, but let my account expire after grad school, and have not posted for years. However, I am a VORACIOUS lurker. Hourly.
1StrongBlackMan is among the best. His insight, passion, and eloquence form an outstanding contribution to this site. Seeing him TS'd (I'm old school) again breaks my heart, and I felt that I needed to reactivate to say this. Disagree, if you must, but I argue that his voice is often at the core of what true progressiveness requires- an unflinching, squirmily uncomfortable expression of the _struggle_ that is yet unsecured. While it is altogether satisfying to pat one another's back, to congratulate ourselves and fellow progressives on our 'post-racial' society, 1SBM remained a pea under the mattress AND cookie crumbs between the sheet. As uncomfortable as that may be, the alternative of a delusional belief in which we ignore the real, palpable threats plaguing black members of our society, simply to advance a convenient narrative of progressive solidarity, is unacceptable.
OTOH, it warms my heart to see voices that I have come to (silently, lurkingly) see and respect over many years rally for him. I can scroll up and read a literal who's who of the posters that I will automatically read, because I know that even disagreeing with them will make me a more informed and enlightened lurker.
Finally, it pains me to see that this thread isn't longer. DU has unfortunately lost some brilliant voices, due in large to the Bernie/Clinton split. While I understand, to a degree, the need to coalesce behind a 'unifying' candidate, it is a fearsome irony that 'too far' progressive voices have become muted testaments to the progress we have yet to achieve.
(48,958 posts)I have kept reading (often daily - often multiple times daily) in the intervening time.
I, too, have found 1StrongBlackMan to be insightful, passionate, and seeking to sow empathy with those of use whose life experience does not include the same realities (white privilege). I have grown as a person from reading his posts, and having exchanges, I would find the loss of his voice here as a tremendous loss.
(54,673 posts)
(55,175 posts)fleabiscuit
(4,542 posts)aikoaiko
(34,210 posts)raven mad
(4,940 posts)Never afraid to speak his mind and usually better than anyone else on the same issues. He set me straight on a lot of issues - I'm white - but never with rancor, blame, condescension or anger. I've learned a lot from him that I didn't learn earlier (no, not in a multi-racial neighborhood, which I love, and have for 40 years), he supplied a perspective I hadn't heard.
brer cat
(26,858 posts)He represents DU at its best, and we need him here fighting against racism and bigotry.
(31,443 posts)
(34,582 posts)Ridiculous. He may say things that some don't like, but they are things that need to be said.
(27,637 posts)JustAnotherGen
(34,590 posts)
(11,833 posts)Great points you make, that most of hides came at a time when this site had many jury panels comprised of a majority of right wing trolls.
I read all his posts and like them very much.
(15,544 posts)

(10,407 posts)Dear Skinner,
What many of us want from DU is to have a place for thought provoking political conversation as well as sharing of ideas and news regarding politics in America as well as internationally. Lately, I personally have been getting more of that here and have finally started to post more frequently. For the past year however, I have kept my head low and only posted occasionally and I've also self-censored much of what I would like to really say. To be blunt, I've been afraid to post much for fear of being attacked, stalked and silenced.
To log in here this morning and see that once again, one of the best discussion initiators has yet again been silenced is dis-heartening and discouraging. I had hoped that these sorts of incidences were on the wain here.
I am asking respectfully that you please reinstate my friend 1Strongblackman and let him re-join those of us that want nothing more than to journey together to see a Democrat sit in the White House in 2017 and to with perseverance watch the Democrats take back our government and continue the fight for Democratic values that we all believe in.
Maru Kitteh
(29,789 posts)wcast
(595 posts)His points were salient and spot on. Obama easily won reelection and 1 SBM's points were dead accurate. Since that time I have always read his posts, and while we have never interacted, he stepped in a few months ago to back up a comment I made that another poster was responding to without reading critically. His response, I am sure, quieted the comments. It also made me feel that DU still had those members that were looked up to and whose posts garnered respect.
While I am mostly a lurker here, I have noticed, and commented under the old site, how sometimes DU sounds like a non-progressive site on some hot button topics; namely race, unions, education, and gun control. While some of these commenters are mostly trolls, there are some long term DUers with tens of thousands of post that always seem to be coming from the other perspective.
DU needs posters like 1SBM, otherwise we are not a community but a group of faceless individuals shouting into the wind.
(20,450 posts)Love you, my friend!
Starry Messenger
(32,376 posts)Skinner, at a certain point, you need to recognize that a people of color getting silenced here by alerts over and over isn't simply a roll of the dice.
The Polack MSgt
(13,534 posts)Of course we support 1SBM. He's one of my favorite people on this site or any of the sites I read.
It is straight bullshit that this keeps happening to him.
As I said in a similar post 10 damn months ago it is because of posters to the AA group like 1SBM, and so many others that;
"I come to this group knowing that at the end of the day I may have been corrected but I had never been attacked"
Sooner or later 1SBM will just say fuck it, it's just not worth it anymore.
And when that happens, the people responsible will have "won" by making this site less than it was.
(54,673 posts)It's a wonderful place, this AA group.
(18,124 posts)it seems the nazi trump culture has infected the DU forum also and like those in the general culture who now feel it is okay to lets their racism, bigotry and ignorance show, we seem to have to fight it here also. May 1SBM return unscathed.
(91,698 posts)VulgarPoet
(2,872 posts)I have nothing but respect for the guy, even if we used to disagree-- I hope he comes back.
(160,029 posts)La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)gollygee
(22,336 posts)He should be back by now.
(27,637 posts)Heck, heck, heck, heck.
(42,612 posts)So irritating
(11,243 posts)
(27,637 posts)When my favorite members don't post I experience abandonment issues.
(160,029 posts)gollygee
(22,336 posts)I wonder why it's taking so long.
Are any other prominent group members also FFR?
(11,243 posts)