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The Polack MSgt
(13,534 posts)Or exaggerating a perfectly appropriate police action?
If only there was an old white male around to explain these situations in a way that will keep me from thinking about injustice and unearned privilege...
(34,590 posts)
(113,131 posts)Otherwise, they're just those "other" cops in that "other" city, nothing to look at, move along, "our" cops would never do a thing like that.
Cops get away with this shit because they can, bullying black people because they're bored and the shift isn't over yet. Making more white folks in any given area aware of what's happening in their own towns will open some eyes, take some blinders off.
The one person coming out to a parking lot with grocery bags has to be worth some sort of prize. I know they don't hire these guys for their intelligence, but I have to hope that's a rare kind of stupid.

(1,325 posts)You just can't make this stuff up. If it weren't so tragic, this would be funny in a ridiculous way.
Just for the record, I look like I'm about to start speeding damned near every time I get behind the wheel, especially on weekdays. Sometimes I look like I'm about to swear, which is usually followed by me cussing. America has no clue when it comes to the lives lived by people of different color. As a Caucasian male, if a cop told me I was getting pulled over because I looked like I was about to start speeding, my first response would be - What the Fuck? That isn't a thing! If I had my wits about me, I might ask - Did you think I was black? Just to push some buttons. Obviously, I wouldn't ever be thinking that I was about to go to jail, or worse - get shot. I live in a privileged world. I'd be pissed and wouldn't have any fear of lashing out - something that many in our country can only do at risk for their very lives.
How truly sad . . .
(11,841 posts)came to a complete stop, and pulled off. Cop pulled me over and said "You werent gonna stop back there, were you?" I said "I did stop" He said, "Yeah because you saw ME".
What a bunch of crap.
(48,079 posts)he can read your thoughts. and you totally thought about it.
(34,582 posts)IronLionZion
(48,079 posts)Neighbor who is a white cop tells me there is no reason for anyone to be out and about at 2AM on a week day unless they are selling or buying drugs or sex. He's a cop who works shifts. There are cops on duty 24 hours. He is often out at 2AM.
Also hospital workers and some factory workers and command centers where people are monitoring something like IT systems or call centers(I've done that in the deep south before and surprised I didn't get shot yet). 24 hour drug stores and grocery stores have workers. Bars/restaurants close late and have workers. Many of which are minorities.
He also claims that the fact that people don't have drugs on them doesn't prove they're not dealing. They probably have their stash hidden nearby just in case they get caught.
Dude blatantly speeds when off duty and gets away with it by showing his badge if pulled over.
He's kind of d-bag but he knows the best bars and restaurants and seems to have been to all of them. Dude's wife is black.
(73,759 posts)uponit7771
(92,553 posts)... that everything is perfect in DFW but I'm glad I don't live no where'S near those places