African American
Related: About this forumI posted something on DU the other night and frankly I am shocked by some of the responses to me.
I posted something on DU the other night and frankly I am shocked by some of the responses to me. I had to leave the thread on its own, I was unable to respond.
I posted without comment an opinion piece by a black man. Yes, black men have opinions, funny that. Yet what I saw from the comments was first, they never read the link. Second they had no clue who the author was or what the excerpt I posted meant. Some thought I was the author. Third, they totally disrespected this mans voice.
I was also told all Presidents are disrespected, not just Obama who happens to be our First African American President. Really?
All WHITE Presidents had a Joe Wilson in their lives that yelled out "YOU LIE!" at SOTU.
All WHITE Presidents have had their Birth Certificate questioned?
All WHITE Presidents had this claim made:
The former Mayor of New York City saying of Obama, “I do not believe, and I know this is a horrible thing to say, but I do not believe that the president loves America…He doesn’t love you. And he doesn’t love me. He wasn’t brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up through love of this country.”
Why I'm Ready for President Obama to Leave the White House
He must be the most disrespected President in American history.
His last quote breaks my heart.
I’m tired of seeing President Obama blatantly disrespected, and my soul is weary from having to see him grin and bear it. I’m ready for President Obama to be free from the burden of having to perform for white supremacy—and I’m ready to be free from the burden of having to watch him do it.
Guess some do not know me here. I was an Obama supporter long before I joined DU. Everything I have ever posted here was pro Obama, that lead me here to this group. I love AA for its diversity and acceptance of us others.
I posted without comment because I believe their life's experiences should be told far louder than any outsider, it is about them after all and we should listen with all our hearts. Me too. I want him to go as much as I want him to stay.
***************************POSTED IN THE AFRICAN AMERICN GROUP*************************************

(54,589 posts)article and I agree that the disrespect of President Obama has been awful. I almost wish he could relax and spend the rest of his life on the US Supreme Court.
(90,552 posts)He loves them and they are our future.
(37,468 posts)I'm sure you've seen the thread about Ellen and Usain Bolt also. Yes, all Presidents get disrespected but Obama's disrespect has been at a much higher level.
The BOG, AA, and I have your back!
(90,552 posts)So many good people were on that OP and I just couldn't answer them at the time.
(34,582 posts)I know I will regret it, but do you have a link?
(37,468 posts)The Polack MSgt
(13,534 posts)That was a depressing read.
Glad I missed it live.
It was like watching people arguing with a drunk - same refusal to see the other viewpoint and repeating the same statement over and over in response to every rebuttal
(49,960 posts)I have found that the prevalent belief at DU is that President Obama has been disrespected in unprecedented ways. I've heard it mentioned on TV quite often as well.
I have noticed this past year or so, a lot more "trolls on the loose" which could account for the reaction to the post.
(23,374 posts)Your posts are thoughtful, articulate and reasonably expressed. I am confident that the majority of DUers support the free expression and progressive views that you espouse.
It disturbs me that the anonymity of the internet somehow allows some people to suspend the rules of polite behavior that our parents taught us. One's argument is more forceful when there isn't any vulgarity or personal attack. When someone spits out a cheap shot or nasty piece of snark, I'm usually disappointed that the writer couldn't state their views without the garbage.
Be like a duck: let it roll of your back.
(90,552 posts)This post allows me to say what I could not the other day, PJMcK.
This allows me to let it go.
(54,748 posts)sheshe2
(90,552 posts)Frankly I was in shock.
Love ya Squinch.
And don't let the usual suspects get you down.
(3,913 posts)But I will now. You are absolutely correct that President Obama has been disrespected and had to deal with so many racist things during his two terms. He has endured it with such dignity and grace that he deserves to have his likeness carved on Mount Rushmore! I think that history will harshly judge those who have treated our president with such disrespect. For 8 years I have watched President Obama with great pride and also watched the bigots with sadness and shame. I read a OP a couple of years ago titled "The Slow Motion Lynching of President Obama". It made very clear what has been going on since our country elected our first black President. The fact that President Obama has served so honorably and effectively...rising above all the crap thrown at him... is testament to his greatness.I could go on and on about this, but I will just leave it at that.
(90,552 posts)This from my link.
This is true for black people and equally true to the woman that follows. We never seem to measure up to a white man. I say fuck that!
(49,960 posts)consider Obama an Affirmative Action President and believe all his accomplishments were only because he is black. How sad, he really deserves better.
On the upside, however, President Obama will have a prominent place in the history books and many of his critics won't even be a footnote.
(20,219 posts)
I missed the post you're talking about.
Guess I'm glad...I don't want to read ignorant sludge about the greatest president in my life.
I will miss him very much.
(20,219 posts)Yes.
brer cat
(26,862 posts)much less comprehending. We know you, sheshe, and you would never post anything disrespectful of our President.
How horribly sad it is for us to say "I want him to go as much as I want him to stay." The haters made that true.
Take care and don't let them get to you!!
(90,552 posts)Love the man and especially the family. They are a unit and they are one. That is how they have survived.
I am okay now. I had to let it out.
Xipe Totec
(44,263 posts)Hekate
(96,799 posts)calimary
(85,464 posts)For Pete's sake, some things really get nutsy, fast.
Sometimes, perhaps it could be that one cannot "get" the true tone of a post because it's harder to do that when you're reading words and not hearing the vocal inflections et al, which adds meaning.
I'm glad that weight is going to be lifted off his shoulders soon. I bet, deep down, he's counting the days. I bet Michelle is, too. I still can't figure out why anybody'd really want the job, in the first place! Shit, for the hours you have to put in, the stress you're under, the fishbowl life you have to live in, and the grief you take - from all sides, not only from your opposition but too often from your OWN side too, it oughta pay more than 400-thousand bucks a year.
(90,552 posts)
He has been the most awesome President.
Hell. I will cry that day.
(85,464 posts)Historians will likely place him in the top five on the list of great ones.
(1,862 posts)Is that fully 35% of the populace are total assholes. And they can be loud and ugly.
Please don't take it personal as these people are out to attack anyone they can. It's a sorry state for humanity to see such ugliness.
But the good news is that 65% are normal and 20% are really good people. Ignore that 35% and embrace the 65%.
(29,503 posts)DFW
(57,527 posts)But it seemed to me that you got plagued by several responses from people who jumped to conclusions before studying where your post was from or what it was about. Then there were a few, as I recall, that seemed to be from people who deliberately misinterpreted your post in order to make trouble or simply to harass you. This happened to me once during the early primary season, got me my first ever hide by like-minded jurors, and I left DU for nearly half a year. That once was once too many. I had hoped things would have settled down in the meantime. Not entirely, it would appear. I hold out hope, though. It's not as evil as it was six months ago.
(9,983 posts)that the primary season is over. Some I thought reasonable and kind turned their backs on me for daring to ask questions - of either side.
I think politics is tricky. And this place horrific at times. Feelings get hurt. And some leave for good.
We all have to deal with it. Especially President Obama.
(21,000 posts)...was not allowed to be a GREAT PRESIDENT, simply because of his skin color.
That said, the Obama Family has been the epitome of "grace under pressure," and without a doubt has been one of the finest First Families to ever grace the White House. Michelle Obama will go down in history as this generation's Jackie Kennedy. Her style, her poise, her intelligence... I could go on and on. I am a fan.
Every American should feel a sense of pride AND GRATITUDE that the Obama Family has represented our country so well. I will be very, very sorry to see them go.
The saddest part about the Obama Presidency is that a very good President...
...was not allowed to be a GREAT PRESIDENT, simply because of his skin color.
Because of his skin color. Yes.
(85,464 posts)Just think how much greater and more productive his two terms would have been if he hadn't had a bunch of assholes and human anvils in his way. It almost hurts to think of what might have been if the fucking poor-sport sore-loser republi-CONS were willing to put country over party and adulthood before spoiled brat-ism.
He will be considered a great President.
(20,219 posts)Not allowed to be great, because of his skin color.
I hate that Congress is full of the worst human beings around. I hate that those scum who make laws over the rest of us have such power through dirty connections and dirty filthy sewage spewing media.
(109,779 posts)even among progressives.
Of course, African Americans already knew this and many women already knew this (and African American women knew it better than anyone) -- but for some of us, it was a hard lesson to learn. President Obama being elected didn't mean there had been a sea change. There is still a lot of racist hate in this country, and I'm ashamed and saddened by it.
(98,146 posts)kevink077
(479 posts)Obama is respected on the world stage but the far right in this country has such a vicious hatred towards this president that is unprecedented in history. It is because he is a black liberal. (And I am of belief he is actually pretty centrist). His policies have generally HELPED the people who are spewing the ugliness.
(15,179 posts)Most disrespected by the country in general?
Obama would certainly rank very high on the list.
(14,396 posts)They are so wrong.
(22,043 posts)AWFUL. the teevee gnewz IGNORED EVERYTHING.
Response to sheshe2 (Original post)
MichiganVote This message was self-deleted by its author.
Response to sheshe2 (Original post)
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(27,650 posts)I would've been angry. The post was called divisive, set up for a flame war, whining, defeatist, dark, portraying Obama as weak and in need of protection, victim mentality. People go on and on that they have a right to their opinion and that criticism is the oxygen of democracy or whatever, but airily dismiss others' nuanced opinions (or don't even read them) as not worthy of respect.
That every president gets disrespected and the GOP are equal opportunity haters? No fucking way. "Oh, shut up," "the President is very popular"? How has anyone forgotten that the press harped and harped on Obama's "low favorability ratings" for years, even when his ratings weren't particularly bad?
The idea that Bill Clinton took more abuse? Ridiculous. I remember it being reported that Newt Gingrich instructed his staff to make sure he didn't run into Bill and have to talk to him because Newt found Bill so charming and friendly that it was difficult to do his job demonizing and hating the President. Bill wasn't disrespected as a man. Obama was. Bill was seen as a formidable enemy. Obama was dismissed, that's why no endless investigations like the Clintons, they didn't even put much effort into it.
After all the years of snark from Republicans that Obama couldn't speak without a teleprompter, now Trump is congratulated for having the reading skills to use a teleprompter (not to mention their hero Reagan could only read lines fed to him) -- all of this burns my bacon.
I don't think Hillary Clinton will get it worse.
(85,464 posts)If there's anybody these shitheads hate more than President Obama, it's a Clinton.
(27,650 posts)spent on investigating the Clintons. Already obscenely high, the number will immediately begin increasing after the swearing in. When Hillary wins in November, we'll be able to hear the popping of champagne corks from law offices in D.C., probably.
(90,552 posts)
(15,544 posts)in force. There are too many STILL here.
Pacifist Patriot
(24,924 posts)continues to frustrate me when it comes to internet discourse.
This April Fool's prank drove that point home in spectacular fashion.
I'm sorry you experienced the comments of people who can't be bothered to figure out what they are supposed to have read before commenting. And really sorry the piece didn't get the respect and attention it deserved.
(90,552 posts)I also appreciate npr for their wit in driving the point home.
(96,799 posts)
(90,552 posts)
(552 posts)They are being replaced by more tolerant people.
It's nice to hear the death rattle of these bigots.
Every dog has their day.
Fla Dem
(26,370 posts)They have been emboldened. The whole Tea Party was created to be a united front to pillory, insult and work against anything President Obama tried to do. Trumpisms have only thrown more logs on their bonfire of hate. They no longer hide their hate, bigotry, misogyny, homophobia and sexism behind a pretty white picket fence. It's now out in the open for all to see and they're proud of it.
Hopefully what you say is true. But I've heard many of the younger generations express disgusting bigoted comments that would make my hair curl. There is still a culture and it is familial. Some, once they break away from their families' influence and get out in the real world, become enlightened. Many do not.
(24,544 posts)The "racists are dying off" and yet, they have no explanation for the rise of the Tea Party, Trump, Rush Limbaugh etc.
How long will it take for these folks to "die off?" It's already been 400 damn years.
Response to SheriffBob (Reply #51)
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(18,124 posts)EVERY generation of racists has and is training the next generation of racists. Period. The crowds at the trumpenfuhrer rallies show me that. They are young, white, mostly male and as vicious as hitlers brownshirts.
(7,690 posts)Is what Hekate posted. I had to google it.
So sorry about all this.
I am utterly grateful to that man. He's set the standard for civil servants Forever. It's pathetic that this nation could not just accept his incredibly competent service; he was required to be the rock upon which the Ship Of Stupids cracked itself open. My resentment for his treatment will not end in my lifetime.
There is no similar narrative in American History. I look on him as the Founding Father of everything good that will come to this nation after this. He didn't just survive, or bear up -- he transformed us all forever.
Grateful. I am so grateful for Barack Obama.
Many of the commenters were engaging in standard internet thoughtlessness, elevating themselves through critical snark by saying things they would never say in your physical presence. Just trash-talking without thinking at all.
Thanks for your presence, and for this thread.
(90,552 posts)I agree, byronious, he has touched us in a way that has transformed us forever. He has a lot of miles left on him, a lot more goodness to share. He has a generous soul.
Thank you so much.
(1,383 posts)I love the guy and he is by FAR my favorite President. Funny, the reasons why the author wants him to leave are the VERY same reasons I want him to stay. I love imagining their (white supremacists) jowls shimmer and shake with fury when the President addresses the nation. F*** the haters. Cheers!
44 year old white guy
(7,277 posts)that Joe Wilson shouting "you lie" without consequence was tacit permission from the Republicans to say anything they want. And they did.
They are without character or any common decency and I consider everyone of them to be bigots.
(1,950 posts)n my prsence and i find that word troublesume and discusting.
(2,872 posts)This is basically what I tell myself to get from day to day. "Don't let the man get you down." I'm right there with ya. (PS-- absolutely LOVING the new and improved, Savage Obama. It's like every time he gets up to talk about someone, he throws enough shade to cause an eclipse, but he does it with class. Love it.)
(90,552 posts)I plan to enjoy every minute of his last months in office. After he rests up, I look forward to what he will be doing next.
(2,872 posts)I'll have to wait another eight years to watch someone perform the verbal equivalent of dropping their nuts on the podium and then walking off.
Here's hoping for SCOTUS appointment though. If memory serves, guy did teach Constitutional Law
(47,209 posts)And instead of understanding how difficult it's been for the writer to witness what Obama has endured, they think it's an accusation that Obama is a weakling or something? It's kind of bizarre! I see some otherwise cool people misreading it.
Sorry we here can be self involved jerks!
Coolest Ranger
(2,034 posts)Today, there was a white conservative who created multiple accounts just to come and harass and stalk me. He actually had the nerve to say that I needed to go back to the cotton fields. He had the nerve to call me a crack baby and that insult hurt me more than anything because both my parents were addicted to drugs. I lost relatives to drugs and gun violence.
I just recently had a cousin die two week ago at her job due to some idiot who had a gun on him. Then this person had the nerve to tell me that I was lazy and I needed to get off the unemployment line. When does this end
(90,552 posts)My heart goes out to you for all the good people that you have lost in your lifetime, to drugs and gun violence. Sadly I have no answers for you on when this will end.
Please don't let them hurt you like that, Coolest Ranger.
(18,124 posts)by the bigoted and racist minority that makesc so much noise. They are here, there and everywhere. The trumpenfuhrer rallies prove it. My wake up call as to the truth of your post was wilson's "YOU LIE". I knew after there was no real blowback on the POS congresscritter by his party, our party and the MSM, that my POTUS was in for a long haul that has revealed the true racist nature of amerikkkan culture. Keep telling the truth, you are respected by many here as is our great man/leader POTUS Barack Hussein Obama and his First Lady and First Daughters. Truly one of the few high points in AA history while residing in this country.
(90,552 posts)President Barack Hussein Obama and his family have my utmost respect. Such grace and dignity. He is loved and respect by many. I can't wait to see what the future holds for them, they will do some great things after leaving office.
I thank you my friend.