African American
Related: About this forumWhat people don't like is black people protesting against racism
at some point people should be honest and admit what they don't like is black people protesting against oppression and racism, and quit pretending that what they are sincerely against are the tactics used. Kaepernick used the quietest protest ever and people are flipping out, and BLM uses loud protests and people flip out. It's not the tactics that people are against, it's the goddamn message.
People should quit lying to themselves and to others.
(obvi posted in AA group and not GD because I don't want to deal with the subtle or not so subtle racism that is ever prevalent on DU and in life)

Pacifist Patriot
(24,923 posts)La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)Raster
(21,000 posts)Unfortunately, Racism is alive and doing well in the United States. We've NEVER - as a country - come to terms with slavery, the Civil War, the Civil Rights Movement and "the Southern strategy."
Pacifist Patriot
(24,923 posts)Well, at least not with any integrity.
Coolest Ranger
(2,034 posts)its part of the reason I don't bother making OP any more on Democratic Underground. No one wants to hear my message, my frustrations and fears. That's why I'm writing novels
The Polack MSgt
(13,534 posts)But I believe you would just run into white folk defensiveness and rationalization.
It's reflexive.
So predictable.
I posted an OP asking why folks weren't mad about the NFL charging the military $780k for salute the troops if this was about respecting the troops.
1st response?
" Nice try, but it's not just white folks"
So... What can I say
(49,955 posts)That poster's reaction was uncalled for and served no purpose unless he/she was trying to start trouble.
(34,590 posts)And of course - the response on the one you linked is par for the course.
Then these same people turn around and get pissed when I tell them I'm just out for my own financial interests - not theirs.
See - it's not just white people who have accumulated wealth.
The Polack MSgt
(13,534 posts)Who have categorized POC into easy short hand stereotypes, so that they can sort out what their supposed to feel or say in a given situation quickly and painlessly.
Way too many DUers believe that their assumptions overrule your experience
It is explained away in their minds as "common sense" because they are convinced that they have POC's best interest in mind.
Pisses them off to no end when the logic short circuit is pointed out.
The belief that intentions matter more than actions is way way way too widespread among Dems.
My take is that "intentions" are like a 5 year old in the time out chair yelling "I didn't mean it THAT WAY"
Actually giving each person respect - consideration for their unique situation?
NAH too much effort involved...
After all it isn't like most of us have to live love or coexist in day to day life.
Sadly most people live segregated lives.
(91,558 posts)one poster who often denies institutional racism and complains about political correctness is just outraged over Robert Byrd's involvement in the KKK and how it just can't be forgiven . the NAACP and anyone else is wrong to commend him for changing.
there are many who think just because they aren't full out KKK , and say the N word they just can't be racist or bigoted in any way.
and the truth is the reason it's hard to fight bigotry is not because of full out openly bigoted types like the westboro church and the KKK but because of those who think they are good people and say things like "he is one of the good ones" "i don't hate anyone i disagree with their lifestyle". people who think they are such good considerate types but refuse to see or listen to what the actual people who are affected have to say.
(34,590 posts)I almost wonder if they are "down the street". Meaning - they only know what they know and it's due to having lived their entire lives in a small radius on the map?
Consider this - I think you will "get it".
I'm a military brat. I had to "come to America" at five. At around 7/8 I learned of the Holocaust. I read at a collegiate level at 8 years of age so I was able to consume vast amounts of writing on the subject.
My life experience as a small child around elderly Germans vs knowledge of how they once treated/viewed another group of children forced me at a young age to look at the story outside of myself.
If the only story you know is "you" - and you are in your 40's - there's no help for you. Nothing can be done.
(23,340 posts)This sums up most of DU in a nutshell.
I would also add: Way too many DUers believe that their assumptions overrule actual knowledge of a situation.
(2,608 posts)where they can be seen, eating in "their" restaurant, dating their son/daughter, driving a nice car, having an education, being gainfully employed, owning a successful business, having children, getting medical care, sitting on a porch (having a porch), being in line ahead of them, appearing to be happy, appearing to be angry, appearing...., participating in the political process, running for office, voting, clogging the prisons, not being in prison, running from police, being on the evening news for being shot in the back, contributing to society, helping their neighbors, enlisting in the armed services, reciting the pledge of allegiance, refusing to recite the pledge of allegiance, flying the flag, not flying the flag, celebrating Christmas, going to church, not going to church, having a pet, dressing nicely, being out during the night, being out during the day, walking, running, playing sports (unless it's on tv and in a uniform). Well I m sure that is just the beginning but hey, ya gotta start somewhere with yer hate. So if you have not found your brand of racism here, fear free to add to the list. Haters gotta hate and, well, Obama, Benghazi, emails...
(25,381 posts)
(1,917 posts)good points. This deserves much more discussion.
I hope we can all discuss w/o prejudice.
AAs in this country are going through something, right now,
that no other group has any idea. It's criminal.
(1,717 posts)to stand or recite the pledge of allegiance to a
country in which people cheer wildly at the prospect of torture,
and the government fails utterly to prosecute it.
I'm a Vietnam vet, and a member of Veterans For Peace
(3,328 posts)Thank you, and thank you. My thoughts as well.
(36,594 posts)on this topic.
(3,868 posts)said he picked the wrong forum for his protest and I thought to myself "what other forum does he have". I'm sure he could have picked another one, like holding a sign in the street or something, but it wouldn't have had this much impact. Good for him!
(24,682 posts)Drumpf says America is horrible, and there are few hissy fits. Kapernick says it quietly and the whole country goes beserk.
(48,079 posts)At first I was disappointed by his actions, thought it was disrespectful. But he actually exposed the hypocrisy in the outraged people because it was a simply sit down and be quiet protest.
Just like Rosa Parks on the bus and many civil rights activists at lunch counters and schools had to endure abuse.
Just like many suffragettes who simply stood patiently and quietly outside the government offices while people abused them.
Doesn't matter if its the militancy of the black panthers or nation of Islam, or the peaceful civil disobedience and marches of MLK's affiliated groups. The white power structure in this country will beat them up or shoot them dead.
more recent pic from a very liberal northern city
(34,582 posts)is going on in that last picture?
(48,079 posts)The iconic photo looks misleading. The story in the link is a bit better.
(34,582 posts)They have the woman in a chair and looks like they are forcing something into her
(48,079 posts)they are force feeding her to keep her alive. And that is the official US policy for prisoners and it happens at Gitmo. You don't get to die without permission while in custody.
(34,582 posts)BumRushDaShow
(149,045 posts)Quayblue
(1,045 posts)brer cat
(26,858 posts)JustinL
(722 posts)From pp. 404-405 of Chief Justice Taney's opinion:
The mentality seems to be: "They're only here in our country because we allow them to remain here, and they have the audacity to complain about they way they're being treated? If we wanted to, we could re-enslave them or send them back to Africa, so they should be happy with whatever rights and opportunities we allow them to enjoy."
Denis 11
(281 posts)Llp you have captured what I feel and couldn't find the words.Thanks.
(34,582 posts)during lunch, and the fact that he is getting out with a slap on the wrist. I commented "well, you know why he get slapped on the wrist?", and all of a sudden on of my co-workers started ranting about how it had nothing to do with race, and he tired of hearing about race. I started to counter argue about the fact that justice in this country was doled out differently to different people, but he was already leaving the room. It was really shocking to me, especially since our newest teammate, who is African American was right there. People are really getting bold
(42,649 posts)Self-deception is indeed the key to understanding some of the responses. Deception and/or blatant racism.
(42,613 posts)niyad
(122,729 posts)MadDAsHell
(2,067 posts)I (unfortunately for my ears and brain) heard an AM radio discussion on this last night, and the caller was actually brushing aside any discussion of the tactics (e.g. not standing for the National Anthem) or Kaepernick's right to protest and focusing only on his genuine belief that there's nothing legitimate to protest.
So for these folks (whoever they are), it isn't about how someone protests (a flag, a hoodie, a fist), or who is protesting (Joe Blow or Colin Kaepernick), but about whether there is even something that legitimately needs TO be protested.
And unbelievably, in their eyes, we're making the racism/oppression up in our heads.
(10,749 posts)Your post title could have been shortened. True, it would be less specific, but it would certainly be accurate:
What people don't like is black people.
What's breathtaking about this campaign is that a) it didn't take much more than scratching the surface for the hatred, bigotry, misogyny, and racism to show itself and b) for those sentiments to be given a legitimate space in the campaign for for seemingly rational discussion in the MSM.