African American
Related: About this forumSome blacks agree with Trump on Democrats — but can’t stand the rest of his message found this interesting, but hey, I'm a white dude. What do you think ?
Go Hillary, crush Trump the-too-close-to-Hitler-wannabe-for-me in November!

(25,111 posts)especially poor whites who out number poor blacks (proportionally) and who out number poor blacks in government assistant programs, ie welfare and food stamps.
I let my father-in-law and grandpa read this article and they shook their head. The Democratic Party has a lot of faults but shit they have for 40 years at least tried to help not just blacks out of poverty.
(37,468 posts)DonCoquixote
(13,797 posts)If the GOP was running someone else, let's say a Connie rice or Herman Cain, they would have had a real opportunity. AA's stood behind Obama, and were the literal "firewall" for Clinton, but non Trump scenario would allow them to turn to Hillary and say "what have you done for me lately?"
That being said, Trump is that rare candidate that truly is in everyone's worst interest. Even many GOP types are runnign for the lifeboats, because the Titanic just hit the Iceberg.
(4,542 posts)I'm not the sharpest crayon in the box, but one of those two would be leverage?
(13,797 posts)Look, we have two sets of candidates that realize they want black votes.
(91,558 posts)With black voters and they went for Clinton.
Kind of Blue
(8,709 posts)O'Malley's record as mayor of Baltimore and governor of Maryland to understand why he couldn't even win his own state during the primaries. As an ex-Marylander, if I was there, I would not have voted for him and was pleased to see him out of the race.
(68,868 posts)They would still want to do away with Obamacare and Planned Parenthood. They still would have vetoed any jobs bill proposed in the last eight years, and would still be firmly against affirmative action actively fighting against voting rights!
I don't know who the black folks are being interviewed for these stories about how terrible Democrats are
Because I haven't began to skim the surface of how horrible all Republicans have been to AAs for years! Even if one goes back 20 years to the crime Bill, it was Republicans that stripped the majority of the good out of the bill
And if I remember correctly, Bill Clinton vetoed the first two of those bills, exactly because of what has been stripped out of them. as well, the welfare back to work bill was tinkered with by the majority Republican Senate and House back then, and was made to be a totally different bill than what it originally had started out as!
They are also the ones that got rid of a porn
Specifically drop Bar they are also the ones that got rid of a porn
Specifically the publication ran by Trump's new CEO of his campaign!
Coolest Ranger
(2,034 posts)is a sellout as far as I am concerned. I can't support anyone who started the whole birther movement. I can't support anyone who wanted five innocent black kids who got accused of rape to die. I can't support anyone who thinks of people like me to be his african American. I'm sorry. I just can't.
Response to Coolest Ranger (Reply #8)
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Chitown Kev
(2,197 posts)I am sick and tired every election year of of people that reach out to the black community solely through the black church...I understand the iconic status that the church has in the community (esp. since I was raised in the church) but can white media find some way to reach out to any who are not black pastors at least sometimes...I get really nauseated with this, as many (and I am not saying most!) of these preachers are lapping this shit up).
Having said, there is some truth to what Trump is saying there.
Coolest Ranger
(2,034 posts)all talk and no action. Sorry but I got to be real
Chitown Kev
(2,197 posts)that doesn't mean that he isn't right in some respects on that specific thing...Dems DO take black voters for granted (just as the GOP used to prior to FDR...well, really Woodrow Wilson...
Coolest Ranger
(2,034 posts)then how come poor white voters always vote Republican. We are so quick to talk about us voting democrat but we never talk about poor white voters voting Republican though. Not trying to start an argument just bringing up issues I've noticed
Chitown Kev
(2,197 posts)It's part of the reason I hate these discussions of poor white voters "voting against their best interests"...because they ARE voting in what they think are their best interests.
That's also part of the reason that dems can't make as much headway as they can on some issues related to people are well aware of this...
(6,281 posts)I would like to see Hillary reach out more to the Black Lives Matter movement.
Is that too controversial?
(92,553 posts)... of all the votes by both parties.
Its not like blacks situations are so much different than whites situations in rural counties for the GOP... they're as much taken for granted as black folk.
Like sayin something about black on black crime without stating the context of ever race on race crime
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)that being said, i dont think that translates into support for the GOP.
it just means that the dems need to push harder.
(293 posts)WestCoastLib
(442 posts)They can, because the republicans have obvious, openly hostile positions to minorities.
It's unfortunate, but it's meaningless coming from republicans. The only realistic way to change this, in a two party system, would be for the republicans to start supporting programs that help minorities. That would force the democrats to "work" for the minority vote. Right now, they don't have to, because for all intents and purposes, there is no other option for minorities.
There might as well be a 'Whites Only' sign on the door to the republican bar, and since there are only two bars in town, of course you will find all the minorities at the other one.
It's not complicated.