African American
Related: About this forumIt's really puzzling to see white wingers obsess over their perceived problems with black people
They insist on addressing non-existent issues like "black on black crime" and the destruction of American cities by Democratic politicans, and whenever their rationales are proven to be false they simply ignore all facts and double down on their own bullshit.
And that's just part of it.
In general, they really get apoplectic when you hold your ground against them with facts. The real world, which rarely comports to the RWNJ bubble in which THEY live, seems to anger them to no end. Just look at all of the vile and ugly beliefs in which they adopt, the racism, homophobia, misogyny, proto-fascism and hatred of outsiders that consumes their own world. Opposing all of it represents an existential threat to them.
When that's all they choose to promote, it's not that hard to see just how horrible right wingers truly are. They're the epitome of the tyranny of white supremacy, sexism and homophobic beliefs. It's a curse on all of us.

(293 posts)I do however, disagree that "black on black crime" is a non-existent issue.
The Velveteen Ocelot
(123,674 posts)Most crimes are committed against people the criminals either know or are in their neighborhood, so it stands to reason that black people are more likely to be victims of crimes committed by other black people. Most crimes committed by white people are against white people, but nobody talks about "white-on-white" crime. It's basically another racist meme intended to portray black people and their neighborhoods as lawless and violent. Please don't go there.
(7,024 posts)Looking at FBI "violent crime" statistics for the years 2010-2015, 13% crossed racial boundaries...87% of violent crimes were "same-on-same".
Black on black was slightly higher at 92% while white on white was slightly lower at 84%.
Interestingly, when you consider the differential crime levels between urban and rural areas (lower per capita in rural) and the racial population distributions urban vs. rural (urban higher black nationwide except in Mississippi, Alabama, and one other southern state I can't remember)...the difference between black on black vs. white on white is virtually nonexistent.
It can always be argued that the urban vs. rural difference is an effect of the racial distribution (i.e more crime in the cities because higher AA population) and there's nothing in the data that proves/disproves to that point . Most believe that population density is the independent variable and the crime rate is dependent on the density meaning that crime rates in urban areas are driven by people just being more packed in vs. rural areas. And, since those people packed in skew slightly higher AA, that where you get the higher black-on-black average numbers.
Add to that the fact that most violent crimes occur within families or acquaintance groups and they tend to be single race and you get the high same-on-same rate.
Personally, I'd argue that there's not a lot of difference between 84 and 92 percent given all the other noise that is part of this.
I'm sure there's other data that debunks this "black-on-black" chit but this was what I found in my reading.
Chitown Kev
(2,197 posts)add that to the fact that the bigger media organizations are in the big cities and well...there you have it...
(293 posts)The Velveteen Ocelot
(123,674 posts)Most violent crimes are committed by and against members of the the same racial/ethnic group because they are either related to each other or live in the same areas. That's a fact. White people commit crimes mostly against other white people; why aren't you worried about white-on-white crime?
(293 posts)you're entitled to skew your perception in anyway that makes you comfortable with your own ideas of ............
(92,553 posts)Travis_0004
(5,417 posts)Here is a chart.
Coolest Ranger
(2,034 posts)Whenever a tragedy like the non-indictment of 12-year-old Tamir Rices killers happens, the racists inevitably come out to do battle with activists posting indignant Facebook statuses, eager to deflect attention to police officers killing black children to the specter of black-on-black crime.
However, black-on-black crime is a loaded term meant to enable racists, cementing the idea in peoples heads that the real problem isnt the judicial system and law enforcement disproportionately targeting black people for arrest/incarceration/lethal force, but black people killing each other. It affirms the erroneous viewpoint that everyone has equal opportunity in society, and that the only reason black people are so disenfranchised is due to their own behavior.
Here are 5 facts that prove white-on-white crime is actually the real problem, and that anyone trying to make black-on-black crime a major issue is just a racist looking for positive reinforcement of their prejudiced worldview.
1. 84 percent of white murder victims were white
The FBIs homicide statistics, rallying murders for the 28 years between 1980 and 2008, dont lie. An overwhelming majority of homicides were carried out by white people, against other white people. Even though the ratio of black homicides against black victims is greater, the number of white murderers far exceeds the number of black murderers. The fact that no media outlet will say the words white-on-white murder despite this statistic shows a desire to bend words to confirm racist viewpoints.
More at the link
(18,124 posts)versus those 'usual suspects' that always show up to try and put ALL AA in the same bad light and on the same boat,.......ALWAYS.
(30,481 posts)It is a non issue in the manner it is used by wingers.
(15,478 posts)Do you perchance know the white on white murder rate? Is that a major concern for you? When a white guy shoots up a movie theater do people ever label the entire white community as nothing but thugs and have a tendency for violent behavior? Has there ever been a demand for white religious and political leaders to apologize when a white person commits a horrible crime?
Would you be shocked to know that the majority of gang murders are committed by whites? A study from 1980 to 2008 found that about 53.3% of gang murders were committed by whites? The remaining 47% are from all other races combined.
(535 posts)Now, Black on Black crime? It's tearing our country apart and worth bringing up whenever Black people are talking about racial injustice.
Coolest Ranger
(2,034 posts)brings up black on black crime in the African American group and I happen to be black, I will bring up white on white crime as a counter. I don't care how mad that makes them
(535 posts)I wish I would carry myself into the Asian American or Latino group on this site and tout 'what about Latino on Latino crime' and not expect to get chewed out for overt prejudice.
Coolest Ranger
(2,034 posts)they doing the same thing to you guys? Seriously? Okay that's it, today is the day i start drinking
(535 posts)Don't start drinking today!
I was just joking. The groups I mentioned are nothing but respectful on DU. Plus I can lurk and learn a lot.
(22,165 posts)People tend to commit crimes in areas in which the live.
Coolest Ranger
(2,034 posts)white on white crime is a non-existent issue, right
(92,553 posts)... extrapolate black on black and leave out the fact that white on white crime has similar numbers
(22,336 posts)Is when they're trying to minimize the significance of specific other crimes, often crimes against black people by white police officers. As in, "If they care so much about crime, they need to worry more about black-on-black crime."
Criminals usually commit crimes within their own communities, and within their own families. Most crime is within racial groups.
(30,481 posts)I know you are aware of that and are just speaking to one aspect that is currently glaring. The concept of Rugged American Individualism is based in division and pitting people against people. I wish this simplistic concept only worked on wingers.
Lint Head
(15,064 posts)
Coolest Ranger
(2,034 posts)I love the white wingers