African American
Related: About this forumWhy aren't people who use the phrase "Black on Black crime" called out
As racist apologists and defenders?
There is plenty of White on White crime going on in America.
The overall crime rate is pretty close to identical after all.
So, just ask these dipshits if they support cops killing our relatives without consequence until we fix the "White on White Crime" issue.
So sick of this

The Velveteen Ocelot
(123,674 posts)I pointed out that when people commit crimes it's most often against a family member, an acquaintance or someone in their neighborhood. For those same reasons most crimes against white people are committed by other white people; something like +80% of all crimes are same-race (can't remember where I saw that statistic but it was somewhere reputable). I asked my relative why he wasn't just as worried about white-on white crime, since he's white, has white relatives and lives in a mostly white neighborhood. He didn't have an answer.
(59,254 posts)Criminals commit crime on those closest to them.
Those who bring up black on black crime when police murders of black men are being discussed an ulterior motive to divert the discussion away from racist cop killers, most likely because they are racists themselves.
Response to The Polack MSgt (Original post)
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The Polack MSgt
(13,534 posts)Warpy
(113,131 posts)too many crime shows on TV that all the black criminals are coming to kick the door in and rip off the TV (which would do most of them a very great service). Maybe it's used to show that most crime doesn't cross the color line, that white predators prey on white folks and black predators prey on black folks. Of course the latter isn't taken seriously by LE. One of the worst forms of discrimination is that POC are simply not listened to.
I've never really understood the term, myself.
(453 posts)I know whenever I have a relative that goes to that they get shut down by the stats of white on white crime.
The subtle implication that they try to point out is that black people should be more worried about other black people and or black people are inherently violent.
People don't want to take responsibility or have the uncomfortable conversations that need to be had. But we don't discuss our prejudices how do we move forward.
I'm also always burning inside when someone says I have a black friend and they think black lives matter is stupid.
One black person doesn't represent the community any more than I can speak for all white people. People in general are way to simple
Coolest Ranger
(2,034 posts)when I run into it on facebook, and twitter as well and here when I see someone trying to do that
(42,612 posts)Also, My SIL, who works in corrections as an investigator is currently having more problems with the White Supremacists in prison. You NEVER hardly hear about those assholes--and they are a fucked up bunch of strange brew
(11,243 posts)They trot that one out when they already lost the debate you were actually having with them.
Response to The Polack MSgt (Original post)
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(11,833 posts)mentioned 'black on black crime.' It was hilarious, 'cause they cut to the actress playing Hillary. She was standing there with her mouth open & eyes wide with a face like 'please proceed racist jerk.'