African American
Related: About this forumthe "black men for Bernie" founder is supporting Donald Trump now
this refers to a specific group, not black men in general that supported Sanders.
even black people who supported Sanders were turned off by this group.
but i'm posting this because articles and videos of this group were constantly being posted by mostly white posters as an example of black people seeing the light or black people who knew better and how other black people needed to follow them. especially in this forum or even in random threads as a response to black posters .
i don't think they seriously supported sanders either but were more anti clinton. he is also supporting republicans in other offices.

(135,425 posts)JI7
(91,558 posts)he has a history also which i just recently read of phony organizations to help people but it's just about getting money. looks like he only found out about sanders about a month before he started supporting him. i think the whole thing was just to raise money.
his group was regularly posted on DU and other sites by mostly white people trying to get black people to support sanders.
there is more at this link
(135,425 posts)His tactics are right up Trump's alley....
(1,048 posts)This is just ridiculous. I don't typically like to lump "ALL OF" any group into a category but all Black people who support Trump are fucking idiots. There, I said it. I'll be more sympathetic for the few who will vote third party because I truly understand that there are some Black folks, particularly millenials who are NOT here for Hillary Clinton. They won't vote Trump but know they can't sit it out and disrespect those who fought for us to have the right to vote. So they will vote third party. Again, will be few and far between. Most of the third party vote will come from Whites.
". . . all Black people who support Trump are fucking idiots."
And some of them a paid (also played) idiots.
(15,544 posts)I believe that this is true of at least some other BOBers.

Response to JI7 (Original post)
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(2,872 posts)Hell, even I got suckered by these motherfuckers.
Coolest Ranger
(2,034 posts)I hear people calling into Reverend Al's show trying to pitch Trump to us all the time but still won't tell me what he will do for our community
(24,544 posts)HAHAHAHAHHAAA!!!!
so nice to see your post . i have been missing so many the the regulars from here.
(32,886 posts)Just knowing that the KKK and Neo Nazis support him is enough.
(5,714 posts)nt