African American
Related: About this forumMy House Candidate had Swastikas painted on his house again
Email From Peter Jacob a few hours ago:
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Josh sent you an email this weekend to tell you about the horrific act that happened at my property on Friday.
I want to personally thank you for your kind words and your support.
Unfortunately, however, vandals struck again. Over night, these racists came back to my home, and spray painted large swastikas our walls.
My family and I are okay, and have installed a state of the art security system.
Let there be no mistake, the people who committed this crime did so because they feel comfortable and confident to commit hateful acts due to an ever increasing atmosphere of accepted racism.
We must work harder than ever to ensure that on November 8th, we do not let a man who has called for a ban on an entire religion, someone who has advocated for sexual assault, incest, and an attack on women's rights, in to office. But we cannot stop at the top of the ticket, his supporters, Leonard Lance-who has enthusiastically supported Trump since May, has created a vial atmosphere which fosters hate over love.
We need to end this attitude and show the rest of the world that we are better than that. We must create a government that works of, by, and for the people. We have to work hard to ensure we have a representative that represents all of the constituents in the 7th.
So I thank you for your continued support, and I look forward to seeing you at the NYC fundraiser tonight or out on the campaign trail.
I'm posting this here because as a Group Host missing in action I've been very busy in my district - but know you guys will "get it". It won't sink to the bottom.
We have a young man of Indian descent getting the KKK treatment for having the gall to stand up for the last and the least.
At a Town Hall a few weeks ago where I continued to hammer him on civil rights issues - he jutted out his chin and punched back with: you are right.
Inspired by Obama - he agrees with me . . . The civil rights movement is not in the past. We are just getting started here folks.
This IS America. The North East. New Jersey. This shit is everywhere.

(34,648 posts)Scary
(34,590 posts)He's a sweetheart.
(34,648 posts)brer cat
(26,858 posts)Too many racists have been emboldened by the top of the R ticket. Trump needs to go down "bigly" and Lance, among many others, with him.
(34,590 posts)The beauty of it is he will just double down.
He's not going to stop. He's a Community Organizer and Social Worker - they don't give up on helping people who need it.
(90,503 posts)Peter Jacob sounds like a good man, NJ is lucky to have him. So sorry for what happened to him and his family. I would like to say that I am shocked, yet with Trump fueling the hate it will sadly escalate.
(34,590 posts)Another link:
Township police told Jacob, who has never before run for public office, that patrols will be stepped up in the area and officers would keep an eye on the house. Police are asking anyone who has information about the incidents to call the department at 908-851-5000.
Jacob said he realizes that damaging lawn signs is part of politics, but painting swastikas is a "whole new thing."
Jacob is battling four-term GOP incumbent Leonard Lance to represent the 7th District, which stretches across New Jersey's "wealth belt" from Union to Phillipsburg.
(4,542 posts)lovemydog
(11,833 posts)Keep up the good fight. Thank you for working for Peter Jacob.
Yes, I get it. So sad.
We're stronger together. We will not be silenced. I hope this propels Jacobs toward victory November 8.
No question it's everywhere. My dream is that there are enough good people in New Jersey and throughout the country to defeat the incumbent republican Trump-loving bigots.
I've missed you JAG, and am so glad you're working on getting good candidates into office. My sister & dad are working for the democratic party, phone banking in Florida. I try and talk to everyone I know about the importance of voting, too.
Best of luck in the upcoming election.
For anyone who wants to learn more about Peter Jacob or contribute to his campaign:
The Polack MSgt
(13,534 posts)sheshe2
(90,503 posts)JustAnotherGen
(34,590 posts)
Thank you!
I've recruited a few other district residents to advocate for ourselves - not necessary Jacob himself. He's the target. However what you do to one you do to us all.
I wonder if the recent attention to the down ticket impact to the House and Senate races gave our reach outs weight?
(42,612 posts)Yup